Report: 28 states didn’t have enough money to cover their bills in fiscal 2022

By contrast, 22 states reported surpluses, the majority of which are led by Republican governors.

I'm thrilled that Nebraska has a surplus. It kinda sucks about all the area Nursing homes having to close down to get there. Go Big Red!
This is quite the rap sheet. Pretty sick that every last Iowa R rep voted for this guy:

"Johnson worked as an attorney and spokesperson for the evangelical Christian legal group Alliance Defense Fund, now known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. For decades, ADF — designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a designation the Arizona-based group disputes — spearheaded legal efforts to criminalize same-sex sexual activity, block efforts to legalize same-sex marriage, allow for businesses to deny service to LGBTQ people, and ban transgender people from using restrooms that correspond with their gender identities."
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Why are so many of you hell bent on raising your own taxes?

Or is it just the other guy's taxes?

Given my career in defense, it's my taxes going up.

Because I believe in a strong military, a social safety net, good roads, etc etc etc that shit isn't free.

Americans love to bitch about taxes and spending but the simple fact is the majority of spending is on things most of America doesn't want touched. You want things America? Well guess what, things cost money. Deal with it.
Given my career in defense, it's my taxes going up.

Because I believe in a strong military, a social safety net, good roads, etc etc etc that shit isn't free.

Americans love to bitch about taxes and spending but the simple fact is the majority of spending is on things most of America doesn't want touched. You want things America? Well guess what, things cost money. Deal with it.

Key word: America

Let's start keeping that money here.
I'm wondering why Northern thinks investors choosing bonds like those mentioned isn't people choosing what to do with their money.

But then Northern is the one who wants to spend more $$ renovating, operating and maintaining old facilities rather than investing in less costly new ones.
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