Republicans pitch tax cuts for corporations, the wealthy in 2025

Do rich people pay too much or too little in taxes?

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Why not. Getting a share of the pork pie should be their objective once crap like that passes.
They were taking credit for stuff that was already being designated for projects X Y or Z…that they had nothing to do with directing the money towards their district, and in fact voted against despite knowing they’d see some of that money come their way.
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Nice try.
The tax cuts took place in 2018.
Inflation hit when vegetable joe started spending.
Trump increased spending by $8.18 Trillion
Joe increased spending by $4.7 Trillion much of which was much needed pandemic and infrastructure related.

They both have spent quite a bit and I agree that the spending needs to be lowered. Something needs to be done with all the farm subsidies, military spending and hopefully we don't see another student loan forgiveness unless they find a way to cover free education to all (which they won't).
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And yet they are all out stumping in their districts touting the infrastructure and benefits that those bills have provided to their constituents....
If they want to cut spending, they ought to have a clause in those spending bills that if any representative votes against the bill, then their district won't get a dime out of the bill. That should save $Millions, or even $Billions.
If they want to cut spending, they ought to have a clause in those spending bills that if any representative votes against the bill, then their district won't get a dime out of the bill. That should save $Millions, or even $Billions.
the real drivers of the debt are not the discretionary spending that's always the target of political rhetoric...

it's SS and Medicare/Medicaid

but entitlement reform is hard and requires real work from our legislators to solve an existing problem...not just change the number behind a line item in a bill to slash funding

any discussion of debt reduction that doesn't include addressing the entitlement programs is not a serious discussion

we aren't $34T in debt in 2024 because of the $0.78T inflation reduction act 2 years earlier...anyone who brings that up but doesn't bring up all the non-discretionary spending is not a serious person...just regurgitating talking points they heard or saw somewhere else
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the real drivers of the debt are not the discretionary spending that's always the target of political rhetoric...

it's SS and Medicare/Medicaid
Republicans have demonstrated no interest in addressing SS problems.

Only Democrats have put forth proposals on that - many of which do not solve the problem entirely, but do address and improve the issue.

Biden got drug price negotiations on Medicare, which are also a step in the right direction.
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the real drivers of the debt are not the discretionary spending that's always the target of political rhetoric...

it's SS and Medicare/Medicaid

but entitlement reform is hard and requires real work from our legislators to solve an existing problem...not just change the number behind a line item in a bill to slash funding

any discussion of debt reduction that doesn't include addressing the entitlement programs is not a serious discussion

we aren't $34T in debt in 2024 because of the $0.78T inflation reduction act 2 years earlier...anyone who brings that up but doesn't bring up all the non-discretionary spending is not a serious person...just regurgitating talking points they heard or saw somewhere else
We aren’t in debt because of Medicare and Social Security either. We do have significant future liability but the programs aren’t yet in the red long term. Medicaid is of course a driver of debt currently. That 34t has nothing to do with Medicare or social security. Other social programs yes.
Look everyone! A midget clown! 🤡
Can we safely assume now that you must be on Trump's VP short list?

She's "not a MAGA", but she "had no choice" but to vote for Trump.

And it's imperative that we curb-stomp them gays and trannies down, because they are the ones destroying 'Merica, yo!!!!
Joe’s here everyone! Who wants to argue with Joe today?
Gotta do it before 4PM…sundowners starts early for Joe.
The GOP should leave taxes alone. It's not the time to raise or cut taxes. It is time to cut government spending, particularly at the federal level.
No tax increases until spending is under control. It's at every level of the government from fed, state to even local counties. Counties revenues double the assessed values with no levy rate reductions. Talk about leaches. They definitely go the memo that if we don't spend it we won't get it in next year's budget. Need to clean house from all these governments.
Was reported today that Trump said the government is wasting too much money and he will cut spending while giving the rich more tax breaks. Trump complains a lot about the state of our economy without stating any solutions. Says he will solve the Ukraine war with Russia in 24 hours again without any details.