Revealed: ExxonMobil’s lobbying war on climate change legislation

Dec 31, 2014
“They are! Who we thought they were!”

“During the covert recordings, which have been passed to Channel 4 News, Mr McCoy claims:

  • the company secretly fought against legislative action on climate change using third-party organisations
  • he lobbied key senators to remove and/or diminish climate change measures from President Biden’s US $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs bill as it proceeds through the legislative process
  • he regards trade bodies like the American Petroleum Institute as “whipping boys” in order to avoid public scrutiny on Capitol Hill
During the virtual meeting held on 7 May, the investigators asked Mr McCoy questions about ExxonMobil’s current and historical lobbying on environmental issues.

In the excerpts from the footage to be broadcast on Channel 4 News tonight, Mr McCoy claims that ExxonMobil has aggressively fought science to deny climate change in order to maximise profit and shareholder return. He alleges that ExxonMobil joined “shadow groups” to pursue climate change denial.”
I don't think there was anything secret about their efforts. But, they have some people on their board who understand climate science now, and people who understand that a society that moved on from whale oil lamps, can move on from oil.
I don't think there was anything secret about their efforts. But, they have some people on their board who understand climate science now, and people who understand that a society that moved on from whale oil lamps, can move on from oil.

Well, I am shocked to hear this. Imagine the oil companies arguing against science. Didn't I read that they hired the same lobby firms that represented the tobacco interests! In fact, I read that court records show that some of the attorneys that argues for the tobacco suits are now in court for the oil companies.

Gambling with losers or can't find attorneys willing to represent them.