Nice try sweety. Just talking in circles again. You lied, and still have not provided any evidence otherwise. Stick to roll playing in your medieval FANTASY realm (like your avatar) and leave the 'truth' and football to us. I'll have Paul Rudd check on you. We'll leave the boo thing alone right now, since you won't address your lie there and just talk about your lies about Matt Millen comments.
You originally said, and I quote, "the announcer said, that's just bad coaching". When called out on it, you said, "I know he said it, I'll have to find it". After called out again, you come back with (and again I quote), "that is on the coaches" and said it was in reference to a poopy play call. The announcer never said a WORD about it being a bad play call, he referred to a linemen blowing his responsibility. You are a freakin liar. Plain and simple.
You're a COMPLETE idiot. That's a compliment as I think most on here are incomplete idiots. And your anonymous site name is really lame, so from now on, you are just Augie to me (after the main character from 'Role Models'). That's a great unisex name for you, since you pretend you're a man, but you behave like a female, are a liar, and know absolutely NOTHING about football outside of a video game and fantasy football. Be a man for once in your life and take responsibility for your ignorant statements and flat out lies. You'll feel so much better about yourself and maybe, just maybe, someone on here will respect you.