RFK is Going to Run Independent


HB Heisman
Mar 18, 2021

This is going to have a massive impact on both the Democrat and Republican candidates assuming biden and trump are the respective nominees. I'm honestly not sure which side he might pull more votes from at present tbh. Thoughts in general? This had been hinted at before but given the DNC's behavior it seems like this is almost a foregone conclusion now.
He won't stand a chance bc big pharma and corporate America hates him, but minus some of the fringy vax stuff he's by far the best leader in the field. He could unite 80% of the country if given the opportunity. Instead we're going to get an 80 year old dementia patient puppet and a moron.
Unite 80% of the country? Around lousy half baked camelot nostalgia? lol
I think it comes down to three things:

1) The debates. If he polls well enough to make it to the televised debates, then picks up credibility by that inclusion. I know television isn't what it used to be, but an independent or third-party candidate really has no legitimacy without a place on the debate stage alongside the R and the D nominee.

2) Whether Trump stays in. So long as he is in the race, Trump sucks up all of the anti-establishment "oxygen in the room". If Trump drops out or is forced out, and a traditional R becomes the nominee (say Haley or DeSantis), then Kennedy picks up most of the anti-establishment vote from Trump.

3) The Bernie Bros. This group hates the D establishment and they're still sore about 2016. Kennedy will need this group to come out strong for him in order to build a decent sized coalition of supporters.
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I think it comes down to three things:

1) The debates. If he polls well enough to make it to the televised debates, then picks up credibility by that inclusion. I know television isn't what it used to be, but an independent or third-party candidate really has no legitimacy without a place on the debate stage alongside the R and the D nominee.

2) Whether Trump stays in. So long as he is in the race, Trump sucks up all of the anti-establishment "oxygen in the room". If Trump drops out or is forced out, and a traditional R becomes the nominee (say Haley or DeSantis), then Kennedy picks up most of the anti-establishment vote from Trump.

3) The Bernie Bros. This group hates the D establishment and they're still sore about 2016. Kennedy will need this group to come out strong for him in order to build a decent sized coalition of supporters.

He's campaigning to the right of the Biden administration on most issues. I don't see Bernie supporters getting behind him meaningfully
He won't stand a chance bc big pharma and corporate America hates him, but minus some of the fringy vax stuff he's by far the best leader in the field. He could unite 80% of the country if given the opportunity. Instead we're going to get an 80 year old dementia patient puppet and a moron.
Unite 80% of the country?

You are completely clueless as to how warped your viewpoint is and of the opinions of the average American. Your assumption that you are mainstream in your beliefs is soooo off base.

80% of the country thinks this guy is an effing whackjob.
I think it comes down to three things:

1) The debates. If he polls well enough to make it to the televised debates, then picks up credibility by that inclusion. I know television isn't what it used to be, but an independent or third-party candidate really has no legitimacy without a place on the debate stage alongside the R and the D nominee.

2) Whether Trump stays in. So long as he is in the race, Trump sucks up all of the anti-establishment "oxygen in the room". If Trump drops out or is forced out, and a traditional R becomes the nominee (say Haley or DeSantis), then Kennedy picks up most of the anti-establishment vote from Trump.

3) The Bernie Bros. This group hates the D establishment and they're still sore about 2016. Kennedy will need this group to come out strong for him in order to build a decent sized coalition of supporters.

Mostly agree with all your points. Debates will be an interesting thing in general. If biden is the dnc candidate I could easily see him refusing to debate trump or Kennedy at any point. Long form content like Joe Rogan and even political commentators willing to do extended conversations (Ben Shapiro, bill Marr, etc) is going to have a bigger impact than ever as well I think.

One other group that I think will poll heavily to Kennedy as an independent are white suburban women. I don't think enough people have thought about which way this demo would lean. Biden is also bleeding the black and Hispanic vote who now favor Trump more positively. It would be interesting to see how those growing percentages actually vote if there is a third choice.
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I think it comes down to three things:

1) The debates. If he polls well enough to make it to the televised debates, then picks up credibility by that inclusion. I know television isn't what it used to be, but an independent or third-party candidate really has no legitimacy without a place on the debate stage alongside the R and the D nominee.

2) Whether Trump stays in. So long as he is in the race, Trump sucks up all of the anti-establishment "oxygen in the room". If Trump drops out or is forced out, and a traditional R becomes the nominee (say Haley or DeSantis), then Kennedy picks up most of the anti-establishment vote from Trump.

3) The Bernie Bros. This group hates the D establishment and they're still sore about 2016. Kennedy will need this group to come out strong for him in order to build a decent sized coalition of supporters.

Lol at point 3. Hillary due hards are the only ones who still care about 2016. Bernie wasn't treated well in the 2020 Primary either and all of those "Bernie Bros" came out to support Sleepy Joe in the General.

RFK Jr is being backed by Steve Bannon of all people. He won't siphon off much Biden support (<3%) and that won't be coming from the "far left" side of the Democrat party.
Hurts Trump more than the Delaware Dimwit.
IF Dems are smart - big if - they’ll push Joe and Kamala out and put up someone who could crush it for the next 8 years. Squash the Uber left progs and restore sanity.
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He's campaigning to the right of the Biden administration on most issues. I don't see Bernie supporters getting behind him meaningfully
You're certainly not the only one who says this. Is it all because of Ukraine and the Vax?

To me, Kennedy is a pro-peace, pro-environment Democrat, in the mold of a George Mcgovern; whereas Biden is a pro-military strength, pro-business Democrat, in mold of a Bill Clinton. Thus, I assume most people would consider Biden more of a centrist and Kennedy the one who is more left of the two.

It's odd to me what many people consider a left vs right viewpoint anymore. A friend of mine likes to joke, "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back."
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Unite 80% of the country? Around lousy half baked camelot nostalgia? lol
We know... you know of him what the dem party wants you to know, nothing more. If your brain wasn't already the property of the dnc, you'd be capable of actually studying his policy positions and find what I said is accurate.
Not to mention you're not in the 80% anyway so idgaf.
Mostly agree with all your points. Debates will be an interesting thing in general. If biden is the dnc candidate I could easily see him refusing to debate trump or Kennedy at any point. Long form content like Joe Rogan and even political commentators willing to do extended conversations (Ben Shapiro, bill Marr, etc) is going to have a bigger impact than ever as well I think.

One other group that I think will poll heavily to Kennedy as an independent are white suburban women. I don't think enough people have thought about which way this demo would lean. Biden is also bleeding the black and Hispanic vote who now favor Trump more positively. It would be interesting to see how those growing percentages actually vote if there is a third choice.
This is the coveted demographic, indeed.

Not sure what issue RFK Jr has pushed to capture them though.
You're certainly not the only one who says this. Is it all because of Ukraine and the Vax?

To me, Kennedy is a pro-peace, pro-environment Democrat, in the mold of a George Mcgovern; whereas Biden is a pro-military strength, pro-business Democrat, in mold of a Bill Clinton. Thus, I assume most people would consider Biden more of a centrist and Kennedy the one who is more left of the two.

It's odd to me what many people consider a left vs right viewpoint anymore. A friend of mine likes to joke, "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back."

I suspect it's all the conspiracy theories that makes people think he's running to the right. Of course, Republicans/conservatives/right aren't the only one that push conspiracy theories, but they are far more dominant with the right compared to the left.

RFJK ticks too many boxes in terms of conspiracy theories:

- anti-vax, general vaccine misinformation and even comparing vaccine passports to life in Germany during the Holocaust (shared with the right wingers)

- Baseless theory about chemicals in water causing gender dysphoria (another right wing hot culture war topic)

- Baseless theory about anti-depressants and school shootings (also popular with Tucker Carlson and MTG)

- Believes in the theory that the CIA was involved in assassinating JFK

- Believes that the 2004 presidential election was stolen (stolen elections, another right wing fantasy belief that is faithfully held)

Of course, most people probably aren't all that familiar with all of these, most people probably aren't familiar with him at all beyond just his last name and maybe aware that he's running a campaign. LOL at the idea he would unite 80% of the country.
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Hurts Trump more than the Delaware Dimwit.
IF Dems are smart - big if - they’ll push Joe and Kamala out and put up someone who could crush it for the next 8 years. Squash the Uber left progs and restore sanity.
Problem with this is the Uber left is running the country with Joe as the moderate figure head right now. Joe was never remotely this far left as a senator.
Rfk Jr is a freaking lunatic. Even the Kennedy clan has disowned him and had some legit murderers in their family they supported.
Rfk Jr is a freaking lunatic. Even the Kennedy clan has disowned him and they had some legit murderers in their family they supported.
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He won't stand a chance bc big pharma and corporate America hates him, but minus some of the fringy vax stuff he's by far the best leader in the field. He could unite 80% of the country if given the opportunity. Instead we're going to get an 80 year old dementia patient puppet and a moron.
Of course he won't stand a chance, his purpose for running isn't to win. It's to siphon off about 10-15k votes that would otherwise vote for Biden and then put Trump in position to win some swing states. That's been the purpose of his entire candidacy which is why he is being funded by a bunch of far right wing billionaires.
Of course he won't stand a chance, his purpose for running isn't to win. It's to siphon off about 10-15k votes that would otherwise vote for Biden and then put Trump in position to win some swing states. That's been the purpose of his entire candidacy which is why he is being funded by a bunch of far right wing billionaires.
Nader redux.
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He won't stand a chance bc big pharma and corporate America hates him, but minus some of the fringy vax stuff he's by far the best leader in the field. He could unite 80% of the country if given the opportunity. Instead we're going to get an 80 year old dementia patient puppet and a moron.
He's the only candidate I would even consider voting for unless the Libertarians decide to nominate a non-weirdo, which they do every so often.

Trump and Biden should be wearing ankle monitors and forced to share a suite at the Shady Oaks Old Folks Home.
You serious? He's more disliked than Sinema. Dude is cooked.
Actually Cornell West is more of a danger for D’s.

If Kennedy would get back to focusing on environmental stuff he’d be a problem as well….probably won’t though.
Actually Cornell West is more of a danger for D’s.

If Kennedy would get back to focusing on environmental stuff he’d be a problem as well….probably won’t though.
Both are nowhere candidates. I get it. You want the Dems to fail to get some GOP prick back in. But both RFK and West are going nowhere. Only fringebags on both sides want them.
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Both are nowhere candidates. I get it. You want the Dems to fail to get some GOP prick back in. But both RFK and West are going nowhere. Only fringebags on both sides want them.
Just talking politics Huey. West is going nowhere but if he pulls 2-3% of folks would otherwise vote Biden….

Folks blame a couple other “nowhere” for previous D losses…Ralph Nader and Jill Stein.
Just talking politics Huey. West is going nowhere but if he pulls 2-3% of folks would otherwise vote Biden….

Folks blame a couple other “nowhere” for previous D losses…Ralph Nader and Jill Stein.
I feel like candidates like West are already baked into the cake. Every election has them. They will pick up their percentage point, or two, and fizzle out.