Rick Wiles Warns Of 'Fireball From Space' If Supreme Court Strikes Down Gay Marriage Bans

Nov 28, 2010

Religious Right craziness is simply awesome. You can't make this stuff up and it just keeps coming.

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles spoke with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel on his "Trunews" program yesterday about what will happen to the United States if the Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage. Unsurprisingly, neither was optimistic.

"Now the communists rule this nation," Wiles said in a monologue before his interview with Staver, "and everywhere communism takes control, they go after the churches and they kill the pastors and they demolish the church buildings and they reeducate the church children. That's what's coming to America. It's already started."

"We are at the end of the road as a nation," he warned. "If the Supreme Court dares to defy Almighty God one more time, I'm telling you it will be the last time."

"I believe I am speaking under the unction of the Holy Spirit," he continued. "I'm telling you there will be swift, sudden and devastating consequences for the United States of America. America will be brought to its knees, there will be pain and suffering at a level we've never seen in this country. The word that I hear in my spirit is 'fire.' I do not know if it refers to riots or looting or war on American soil or a fireball from space. I simply know that a sweeping, consuming fire will come across the United States of America and this country will be charred and burned."

He told his listeners to "prepare for the fire that will sweep across America if the United States Supreme Court dares to defy God one more time and rule that homosexual marriage is a constitutional right."
And here's what he was saying last month. Gotta love the reference to the Luciferian Illuminatus. Could Pastor Rick be OiT?


End Times radio host Rick Wiles warned his listeners last week that they have a year to "get out" and "flee America" before Obama destroys the country.

Saying that he also predicted that "Obama would destroy" Syria, Wiles warned that the president is "a man of destruction, darkness and evil" and will "destroy this nation too."

"There may be a year remaining in which you can get out and save your family," he said. "I'm convinced the Luciferian Illuminatus that control this country will dismantle it over the next two years and the Phoenix will ascend to replace the old constitutional republic."
You are spending a lot of time searching out the crazies today, aren't you? Do you feel better now? Some of this stuff isn't much crazier then what you've written the past couple days, so I'd beware of throwing stones in a glass house.
I worry about your mental health you are obsessed with this topic.

It's the most fun topic we have. The people on one side are stupendously deranged. They and their views deserve all the attention we can give them. We could probably raise the average American IQ by 10 points if we can shame these bigoted lunatics into the swamps where they and their ideas belong.

Who knows, maybe next we could get people to put evolution back in the Texas curriculum.
You haven't spent much time watching the race issues I take it. Holy hell, many of these people, and the black "leaders" going on the network airways, are expressing views goofier than the worst drunk you've encountered. Of course, those are your boys so you don't want to expose their stupidity. No problem, keep protecting your team members.
You haven't spent much time watching the race issues I take it. Holy hell, many of these people, and the black "leaders" going on the network airways, are expressing views goofier than the worst drunk you've encountered. Of course, those are your boys so you don't want to expose their stupidity. No problem, keep protecting your team members.
Of course they are mostly Reverends.
That seems thoughtfully formulated. 60 percent of Iowa's population west of Dallas County believes this.
Of course they are mostly Reverends.
In name only.

Actually the ones I'm talking about are sadly college professors or lawyers. Goodness, I weep for our children when I see these professors and think how the kids are wasting a lot of time and money in college.

Religious Right craziness is simply awesome. You can't make this stuff up and it just keeps coming.

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles spoke with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel on his "Trunews" program yesterday about what will happen to the United States if the Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage. Unsurprisingly, neither was optimistic.

"Now the communists rule this nation," Wiles said in a monologue before his interview with Staver, "and everywhere communism takes control, they go after the churches and they kill the pastors and they demolish the church buildings and they reeducate the church children. That's what's coming to America. It's already started."

"We are at the end of the road as a nation," he warned. "If the Supreme Court dares to defy Almighty God one more time, I'm telling you it will be the last time."

"I believe I am speaking under the unction of the Holy Spirit," he continued. "I'm telling you there will be swift, sudden and devastating consequences for the United States of America. America will be brought to its knees, there will be pain and suffering at a level we've never seen in this country. The word that I hear in my spirit is 'fire.' I do not know if it refers to riots or looting or war on American soil or a fireball from space. I simply know that a sweeping, consuming fire will come across the United States of America and this country will be charred and burned."

He told his listeners to "prepare for the fire that will sweep across America if the United States Supreme Court dares to defy God one more time and rule that homosexual marriage is a constitutional right."
You predict the end of the world if we do not fix GW. Whose crazier? I am really not sure
What amazes me is that their are people who SERIOUSLY believe that God Almighty will "strike down" mankind due to a certain behavior that person may oppose. How friggin' ignorant can "educated" people be? What saddens me is that these ignoramuses have "followers" who would believe them, buy into their stupidity and finance this stupidity.
The older I get, the more my fellow man ceases to surprise me. Call me cynical, I guess.
It was Rev. Billy Graham who once said, "If God does not
get angry with the United States of America, then He will
have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."
It was Rev. Billy Graham who once said, "If God does not
get angry with the United States of America, then He will
have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."
Well he's certainly correct that God should apologize.
You haven't spent much time watching the race issues I take it. Holy hell, many of these people, and the black "leaders" going on the network airways, are expressing views goofier than the worst drunk you've encountered. Of course, those are your boys so you don't want to expose their stupidity. No problem, keep protecting your team members.

Hard to be more blatantly racist than that.
It was Rev. Billy Graham who once said, "If God does not
get angry with the United States of America, then He will
have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."
a lot of sources on the web say that hagee of san antionio said this