U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is endorsing a Convention of States to amend the U.S. Constitution, saying it’s the only way to impose term limits on Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court and to require a balanced federal budget.
The Florida Republican began a two-day presidential campaign trip to Iowa on Tuesday. He was joined by U.S. Rep. Trent Gowdy, R-S.C., who praised Rubio as a principled conservative who can be trusted to protect national security and public safety. Gowdy has chaired a House investigation into a 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Rubio was repeatedly applauded as he criticized President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in his remarks during a town hall meeting attended by about 175 people at Rastrelli’s restaurant and events center here.
He contended that Democratic leaders on the left see America as a flawed country in need of reform and believe government is needed to make decisions because individuals can’t be trusted to think for themselves. Those same people, he added, view the U.S. as “an arrogant global power” and believe that people who support traditional marriage are bigots, while favoring more money for government programs that often help people who refuse to work.
“This is a systematic effort to redefine America,” Rubio said.
Sam Lau, communications director with the Iowa Democratic Party, responded: "Like the rest of the GOP field, Rubio believes the very rich deserve huge tax breaks, that LGBT Iowans deserve fewer rights, and that our foreign policy should be based on fear-mongering and outdated ideas."
The senator vowed that if he’s elected president, he will immediately take a series of steps to reverse the direction of the federal government under Obama, including cancelling Obama’s executive orders, opposing Common Core educational standards, and supporting a constitutional Convention of States.
Rubio told reporters later he has been studying “very carefully” the Convention of States concept to amend the U.S. Constitution and that his former Senate colleague, Republican Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, is an advocate for the initiative.
“It is something we feel very positive about. I think it is the only way that you are ever going to get term limits, and the only way that you are ever going to get a balanced budget amendment,” Rubio added.
Asked if he had concerns about opening up the Constitution to a convention, Rubio remarked, “I think you would have to limit the convention, and that is what they are proposing: a very limited convention on specific delineated issues that they would talk about — like term limits and a balanced budget amendment.”
Approval from 34 states is required for a Convention of States to proceed, and any amendments would need to be ratified by 38 states to become part of the Constitution.
Rubio got high marks after his appearance from several people in the audience.
“I was very impressed. I liked his message of economic liberty and improved freedoms and limiting regulations by the executive branch,” said Dustin Johnson, 33, a Clinton area farmer.
Karli Murrens, 21, of Davenport, a senior nursing student at St. Ambrose University, said she liked Rubio’s ideas about education and college, such as giving students academic credit for experience in the military and other fields.
“He is a great public speaker,” she said.