ruh roh, OiT psychic predictions are making a come back

how this works is from Friday to Monday, something is probably going to happen, Friday is gone now, and no, never been to Tacoma Washington or Seattle- no, I'm not SP, oh, also seeing a bridge or two. we shall see what this means. TW and east west, a bridge, north sea tac, and NY

dang it, really, I don't like to mess with it, I heard a guy on coast to coast AM say you really should not mess with it as an amateur, he's right, I dislike it
There will be a flight from Seattle to NY delayed and at the same time an accident on a bridge somewhere in between and Oit will claim that he predicted it.
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If we ask politely, could you refresh our memories OIT?


Oit predicted that the Bangles would die in a pyrotechnics accident during their Houston concert. Then when people started walking like Egyptians and burning shit, and Whitney drowned, he claimed to predict both of these events.
Oit predicted that the Bangles would die in a pyrotechnics accident during their Houston concert. Then when people started walking like Egyptians and burning shit, and Whitney drowned, he claimed to predict both of these events.

I'm convinced. Can OiT review my stock portfolio?
Oit predicted that the Bangles would die in a pyrotechnics accident during their Houston concert. Then when people started walking like Egyptians and burning shit, and Whitney drowned, he claimed to predict both of these events.

Thanks for the update. Maybe he needs additional inspiration. :eek:

No it was mot Romney it was Perry if you're Gonna name names at least get the right guy whom i said was right whom was wrong instead of the wrong guy whom i said was right whom was wrong whom you named incorrectly
No it was mot Romney it was Perry if you're Gonna name names at least get the right guy whom i said was right whom was wrong instead of the wrong guy whom i said was right whom was wrong whom you named incorrectly

Trying way too hard.
Hey i had to pull over into parking lot of a once bustling mall which is now a community propaganda indoctrination center to type that. Now to type this i had to pull over into a culvers with a carwash behind it and usually there are hotties at said carwash.
Hey i had to pull over into parking lot of a once bustling mall which is now a community propaganda indoctrination center to type that. Now to type this i had to pull over into a culvers with a carwash behind it and usually there are hotties at said carwash.
Was this whole thing some clever troll so that you could brag about being a responsible mobile texter? If so, that's some damn smart marketing.
Man what a nice day in austin sunny 65 degrees texted wifey time for tennismy goodness october and November and march and april are great here
No it was mot Romney it was Perry if you're Gonna name names at least get the right guy whom i said was right whom was wrong instead of the wrong guy whom i said was right whom was wrong whom you named incorrectly

I stand corrected, but doesn't your Perry theory make you look more foolish?