Rural Voters Are More Progressive Than the Democratic Party Thinks

And you're spending the short amount of life you have left detached from reality and in support of Donald Trump. In an ideal world, someone of your age and experience would be able to pass down wisdom, instead you're basically an example of what people who still have their wits, don't want to age into.
He's what was discussed earlier in this thread. Rural folk that somehow think Donald Trump cares about them.
Just telling you what I know.

You guys keep supporting that smiling, lying baked potato that is in the White House. He is going to come after the wealth you have accumulated in your life.
That damn baked potato started the inflation cycle by stating he was going after big oil. And you guys deny it.

Well, none of that is true, of course, but at least his isn't a life long conman criminal who has advocated for sedition and would destroy our democracy if people who are as foolish as you and have advocated seditious acts to nullify free and fair elections continue to vote for the POS traitor.
Just telling you what I know.

You guys keep supporting that smiling, lying baked potato that is in the White House. He is going to come after the wealth you have accumulated in your life.
That damn baked potato started the inflation cycle by stating he was going after big oil. And you guys deny it.
You need to turn off the imaginary radio in head 😂
Baby Boomers Boomer GIF by MOODMAN

When the last of these self-absorbed POS shuffles off this mortal coil the entire society should celebrate.
Greedy sonsabitches with an insane sense of entitlement.

It's kinda funny that the guy he's defending posts videos multiple times a week asking for his supporters to send him their money because he owes millions of dollars and still has an extraordinary amount of legal fees coming his way yet he's trying to make it sound like Biden is gonna take everyone's money.

That goddamn baked potato Biden is responsible for all of this.

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