Russian Soldiers Looting - Probably Just ANTIFA

I would dare to say that no one and I mean no one that I know, or meet casually anywhere around here is pro Russian. (Other than a guy from Gaza City who I met and who was visiting Las Vegas with his wife ... and even the wife was more interested in their Las Vegas vacation than in Russia.)

I am at a loss to figure out where these stories or rather these vague references are coming from. They appear as nonsensical stories out of nowhere. It is quite clear that the originators have only the most shallow understanding of the history in that part of the world, making it easy to recognize that this stuff is simply made up or imagined.

They have to be coming from Fusion GPS or some other Democratic Party aligned outfit. Nothing else explains it.

Come to Pensacola....I was picking up a script at Walmart and overheard 3 people, whom I dont think knew each other, agreeing over that very thing.

Edit:. Just realized that might not have been clear, they were in agreement that "Ukraine provoked Russia into invading"....insert slowheadshake.gif
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