Safe Act DemoKlans Biden Against


Apr 28, 2024
Why? Name one thing you can do/apply/get without proof of ID. You must carry proof of ID at all times per the law. What’s the issue here?

Make it make any sense except you want to steal an election by letting illegals vote for an obvious side so they can keep coming here illegally.

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Why? Name one thing you can do/apply/get without proof of ID. You must carry proof of ID at all times per the law. What’s the issue here?

Make it make any sense except you want to steal an election by letting illegals vote for an obvious side so they can keep coming here illegally.

Does the fact that it is already required to have US citizenship and an ID indicating such really not register here?
Why is this being opposed by every DemoKlan? You support no ID?
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You actually you have a point with this? Hmmm. What could possibly be different in the history of Black Americans and native Africans?
Both enslaved and sold by other Africans? Still happening today. I don’t think Blacks in Africa started a civil war to keep enslaved like DemoKlans but I could be wrong.
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Why? Name one thing you can do/apply/get without proof of ID. You must carry proof of ID at all times per the law. What’s the issue here?

Make it make any sense except you want to steal an election by letting illegals vote for an obvious side so they can keep coming here illegally.

The biggest issue is your inability to write in English comrade. If you want to pass as an American I suggest you keep taking those English language correspondence courses. All of the below would be acceptable headlines:

Biden Admin Comes Out Against the SAVE Act
Biden and the Demoklans Against the SAVE Act
SAVE Act Derailed by Biden and the Demoklans

Personally I would go with the first one. It is more active and takes away the silly Demoklans dumbassery.

Hopefully this advice helps you get a few more rubles an hour at the ol’ bot farm. But if not, keep trying! Eventually you will get the hang of it…or get thrown out a window. Either way I hope we will soon be rid of your poor excuse for grammar.
The biggest issue is your inability to write in English comrade. If you want to pass as an American I suggest you keep taking those English language correspondence courses. All of the below would be acceptable headlines:

Biden Admin Comes Out Against the SAVE Act
Biden and the Demoklans Against the SAVE Act
SAVE Act Derailed by Biden and the Demoklans

Personally I would go with the first one. It is more active and takes away the silly Demoklans dumbassery.

Hopefully this advice helps you get a few more rubles an hour at the ol’ bot farm. But if not, keep trying! Eventually you will get the hang of it…or get thrown out a window. Either way I hope wwill soon be rid of your poor excuse for grammar.
Yawn. Elite and good schooling or hands on and self sufficient. I don’t care to appease some dude who had the privilege of higher education. Peak WHite Privilege ^^^ Gated community I don’t ever see it type. Comrade
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Yawn. Elite and good schooling or hands on and self sufficient. I don’t care to appease some dude who had the privilege of higher education. Peak WHite Privilege ^^^ Gated community I don’t ever see it type. Comrade
I learned grammar at Fort Dodge Senior High while living on a farm.

If you want people to take you seriously you have to be able to communicate effectively. Unfortunately all you have communicated to me is that you are literally a moron. Seriously, take some time with your words, sound them out if you need to. When you come across as a dumbass, the only thing you will attract is more dumbasses…and they are mostly voting for Trump already.
I don’t care to appease some dude who had the privilege of higher education. Peak WHite Privilege ^^^ Gated community I don’t ever see it type. Comrade

Maybe someone should have just paid a little more attention in elementary school when we were taught to write in complete sentences with proper punctuation.

I can see why you did not have the "privilege" of higher education.
I learned grammar at Fort Dodge Senior High while living on a farm.

If you want people to take you seriously you have to be able to communicate effectively. Unfortunately all you have communicated to me is that you are literally a moron. Seriously, take some time with your words, sound them out if you need to. When you come across as a dumbass, the only thing you will attract is more dumbasses…and they are mostly voting for Trump already.
Don’t care I share what I share if it’s below you move along to something more intellectual. TDS is a sure sign of over educated or white guilt. I’m neither and better off because of it. I won’t miss you
Maybe someone should have just paid a little more attention in elementary school when we were taught to write in complete sentences with proper punctuation.

I can see why you did not have the "privilege" of higher education.
Yawn. Thanks but no thanks
Charlie Kirk, Joe Rogan, Ken Paxton....those are some big hitters in the conspiracy world. Can't imagine people actually take OP seriously when these are his sources of information.
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Charlie Kirk, Joe Rogan, Ken Paxton....those are some big hitters in the conspiracy world. Can't imagine people actually take OP seriously when these are his sources of information.
Here some Info for you to run with it’s safe now stay with the group

All The conspiracy talk by Maga before a week ago was this but now it’s mainstream so get it together would hate for you to not be with the in crowd
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Charlie Kirk, Joe Rogan, Ken Paxton....those are some big hitters in the conspiracy world. Can't imagine people actually take OP seriously when these are his sources of information.
Here’s another one I’m sure you were apert of smarty

Here some Info for you to run with it’s safe now stay with the group

All The conspiracy talk by Maga before a week ago was this but now it’s mainstream so get it together would hate for you to not be with the in crowd
I don't really care. I'll wait to see what happens and worry about it when it is time to vote in November. A half-wit, demented Biden is still a more logical pick that TFG.

Also, I don't get MAGA's obsession that every left leaning individual watches CNN for their news. Most people don't sit around watching talking heads on TV speak over each other and argue about heresy and whataboutisms, unlike the Fox News obsessed right leaning.
How about we come up with an online voting system where it is extremely easy to vote and to be accurately verified. I'm sure everyone is all for easily accessible voting for all.
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Both enslaved and sold by other Africans? Still happening today. I don’t think Blacks in Africa started a civil war to keep enslaved like DemoKlans but I could be wrong.

Are we back to the "dems were the confederates" nonsense? Why do republicans love the democrat (rebel) flag so much?

Look up the party values back then vs now. Can we have the republicans from that era back please?
Another thread projecting about voter fraud? BAU. I bet this one really uncovers some groundbreaking evidence!! They're only batting 0 for the Century on these topics.
Is your position that we're only allowed to complain about voter fraud after it happens and not push for laws to prevent it in the first place?
How about we come up with an online voting system where it is extremely easy to vote and to be accurately verified. I'm sure everyone is all for easily accessible voting for all.
Why not just make election day a federal holiday that is in person unless you absolutely can't do it? We'd have the results counted same day like every other civilized country on the planet.
Make it make any sense.

Voter fraud is a rare occurrence in most democratic countries, including the United States. Numerous studies and investigations have consistently found that instances of voter fraud are extremely infrequent and do not impact the outcomes of elections in any significant way.
For example:
  • A comprehensive study by the Brennan Center for Justice in 2017 found that the incidence of voter fraud in the United States was between 0.00004% and 0.0009%.
  • The Heritage Foundation, which tracks instances of voter fraud, has documented a relatively small number of cases over several decades, further illustrating its rarity.
  • An analysis of voter fraud cases in the 2016 U.S. presidential election by the Washington Post found only four documented cases of voter fraud out of about 135 million votes cast.
These findings are echoed in other studies and reports from various reputable sources, including academic research and government investigations. While maintaining the integrity of the voting process is essential, the data suggests that voter fraud is not a widespread problem.
Matt Manipulate GIF by Gogglebox Australia
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Angry Breaking Bad GIF

*noun \ ˈhē-fô-dē *

  1. Informal: A term used to describe someone who avoids confrontation or is perceived as lacking courage.
    Example: "He didn't show up to the fight; what a H4aD."
Etymology: Originates from the events of July 5th, 2024, where an individual known as H4aD failed to appear for a scheduled confrontation at fight bar, leading to widespread use of the term to denote cowardice.
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