San Francisco is spending $5M to give alcohol to the homeless

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
The Homeless Industrial Complex is thriving.

side of the road. Photo credit Getty Images

By Joe Hiti, Audacy
The program that gives alcohol to homeless alcoholics in San Francisco received criticism this week from a tech CEO in the city who questioned why it was spending money to feed addictions.

The “managed alcohol program,” which provides homeless people who are alcoholics booze, costs the city around $5 million a year and has been in place for four years, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Adam Nathan, the founder and CEO of Blaze, a small business marketing tool, and the chair of the Salvation Army San Francisco Metro Advisory Board, said last week that the program “just doesn’t feel right.”

“[San Francisco] provides free Alcohol to people struggling with chronic alcoholism who are mostly homeless,” Nathan wrote on X.
The Chronicle reports that the program has nurses dispense “controlled doses” of vodka and beer to homeless people at specific times of the day and is intended to keep them off the streets, out of jail, and out of the emergency room.
Currently, the program is run out of a former hotel and has 20 beds available. The Chronicle says that 65 people have been served over the four years the program has existed.

Nathan shared on social media that he went to look into the program, asking, “Where’s the recovery in all of this?”
“Inside the lobby, they had a kegs set up to taps where they were basically giving out free beer to the homeless who’ve been identified with [alcohol use disorder],” he wrote. “It’s set up so people in the program just walk in and grab a beer, and then another one. All day.”
He went on to say, “Providing free drugs to drug addicts doesn’t solve their problems. It just stretches them out.”
Nathan went on to say that while’s not an expert in the areas of recovery, he is concerned with how his tax dollars are being used in his city.

“I’m no doctor or ‘expert’ on issues of drug policy,” he continued. “But I am a taxpayer. When did this Managed Alcohol Program get approved? Where were the public hearings? Why is it hidden away in an old hotel?”
I would pay good money to be a financial auditor and write a report questioning why they selected any alcohol other than ripple.
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How much public welfare dollars have “tech ceos” and their companies received from various levels of government? No doubt it massively dwarfs Bud Light for Bums by a magnitude of multiples.
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That is $5M PER year. Not over 4 years. That comes out to $76,923 per alcoholic. What in the actual ****?? If I were a San Fran resident I would be livid. But I am not, so...
That's a lot of Hawkeye Vodka. I would like to see how much of it is overhead and how much of it is the booze. Assuming that is just booze, non-wholesale pricing for a handle of Hawkeye is $13.73 at Walmart, per google. Assuming no tax is paid on the purchase by the government, that is 5,602 handles of Hawkeye, or 9,804 liters of Hawkeye per person per year. Or, stated another way, 26.9 liters of Hawkeye per person per day.
  • Wow
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That's a lot of Hawkeye Vodka. I would like to see how much of it is overhead and how much of it is the booze. Assuming that is just booze, non-wholesale pricing for a handle of Hawkeye is $13.73 at Walmart, per google. Assuming no tax is paid on the purchase by the government, that is 5,602 handles of Hawkeye, or 9,804 liters of Hawkeye per person per year. Or, stated another way, 26.9 liters of Hawkeye per person per day.
i've heard that distribution sorta takes care of itself in that customer base...
How much public welfare dollars have “tech ceos” and their companies received from various levels of government? No doubt it massively dwarfs Bud Light for Bums by a magnitude of multiples.
Guessing the city/state came out ok on that. Employee payroll taxes, property taxes, money spent in downtown area, jobs created outside the company via money spent.

Giving a homeless addict more of what caused the problem isn’t helping anything. Might as well burn the money. At least burning the money wouldn’t fuel their dependency. But I forget, California has it all figured out.
How much public welfare dollars have “tech ceos” and their companies received from various levels of government? No doubt it massively dwarfs Bud Light for Bums by a magnitude of multiples.

Really? You think these things are similar?
Guessing the city/state came out ok on that. Employee payroll taxes, property taxes, money spent in downtown area, jobs created outside the company via money spent.

Giving a homeless addict more of what caused the problem isn’t helping anything. Might as well burn the money. At least burning the money wouldn’t fuel their dependency. But I forget, California has it all figured out.
A cynic might wonder if the plan is to flood them with so much free booze that they die before needing costly medical care.
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A cynic might wonder if the plan is to flood them with so much free booze that they die before needing costly medical care.
Handing out opioids would be better if that was strategy.

I am sure some free booze will inspire them to get sober and get a job.

San Fran is basically farming homelessness to create government jobs.
That is $5M PER year. Not over 4 years. That comes out to $76,923 per alcoholic. What in the actual ****?? If I were a San Fran resident I would be livid. But I am not, so...

Guessing the city/state came out ok on that. Employee payroll taxes, property taxes, money spent in downtown area, jobs created outside the company via money spent.

Giving a homeless addict more of what caused the problem isn’t helping anything. Might as well burn the money. At least burning the money wouldn’t fuel their dependency. But I forget, California has it all figured out.
I believe the fire has to be tested for carbon output before getting approval to burn money in CA.
  • Haha
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You read “SF paying millions to give alcoholics free booze” and think it has to be FOX News exaggerating. Then you read and find out SF is actually paying millions to give alcoholics free booze.

Unrelated… I read earlier about a USPS carrier who they discovered was going through mail and stealing gift cards and cash for years. Investigated, charged, pled guilty…two years probation.

It’s bizarro world out there.
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Unrelated… I read earlier about a USPS carrier who they discovered was going through mail and stealing gift cards and cash for years. Investigated, charged, pled guilty…two years probation.
You should never send money or a gift card via the USPS, especially in a greeting card envelope. The odds of it getting stolen are pretty good. The USPS must be one of the most corrupt organizations there is. I'm not saying at the management level, but their employee base steals American citizens blind.
You should never send money or a gift card via the USPS, especially in a greeting card envelope. The odds of it getting stolen are pretty good. The USPS must be one of the most corrupt organizations there is. I'm not saying at the management level, but their employee base steals American citizens blind.
My wife had to order her new I phone 3 times. FedEx lost the first two