San Francisco Making It Illegal For Stores To Close


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Surely this could only happen in the Bizarro World?

San Francisco Making It Illegal For Stores To Close
In a groundbreaking move that’s sending shockwaves through the business community, San Francisco is considering a law that would make it illegal for grocery stores to close without six months’ notice. This unprecedented step, if enacted, would fundamentally change the dynamics of business ownership and operation in the city.

A Closer Look
The proposed law mandates that grocery stores will be required to give a six month notice before they close their doors permanently.
In addition they need to be proactive in finding a replacement store so as to not disrupt access to essentials for residents. This initiative aims to protect the city's economic well being and access to essential services.

Locals Respond
This proposal comes at a time when President Biden has criticized grocery store pricing, accusing corporations of burdening American families with the increased prices.
While the Biden administration is trying to pressure food retailers to reduce prices, San Francisco’s response is to implement regulations aimed at preserving the accessibility of essential goods for its residents.


Critics Argue
Critics contend that the decision to do this represents a dangerous erosion of business autonomy, with the government imposing on business operations and exit strategies.
By forcing mandates that require businesses to give prolonged notice before closing could potentially discourage entrepreneurship and investment in San Francisco.

Consequences For Business Owners
For business owners, specifically those that are in the retail industry, the possible law represents a significant shift in the regulatory environment.
Additionally, it underscores the difficulties that could be faced by small businesses that are trying to navigate the challenges while still remaining competitive.

Economic Shifts
This legislation is situated with a broader context that includes concerns about rising crime rates, regulatory burdens, and a shift in economic dynamics, especially in urban centers like San Francisco.
The city’s grapple with crime, homelessness, and economic inequality have gotten much worse in the last few years, urging policymakers to seek out more unconventional solutions to address these matters.

Policy Trends
San Francisco’s proposed legislation reflects a much larger trend in policies attempting to reshape the business environment in the nation.
As governments struggle with socioeconomic challenges, individuals can expect to see more interventions aimed at balancing economic interests with social welfare concerns.

Changes In The Business Climate
During a time where the regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, owners of businesses need to adjust their strategies to navigate this turbulent terrain.
This also means evaluating what is doable in terms of operations in highly regulated environments, diversifying revenue streams, and seeking out unique business models that are focused on resilience and sustainability.

What does Newsome have to do with this?
Newsome is the governor of CA, and former mayor of San Fran. His people are the ones coming up with these ideas. He supported the 20$ min wage while giving his buddy and owner of Panera an exclusion from the min wage.

Newsome is all in on not punishing criminals who are stealing from these stores (which is why they are closing in the first place).

There are unintended consequences of allowing rampant theft and then increasing min wage to an insane amount. This leads to stores closing. Now they try another stupid law to prevent stores closing and that is going to fail as well. Newsome is the man behind all of this stupidity in ca.
While i think 6 months is excessive, idk that requiring they give employees at least a couple weeks notice of store closing is the worst thing.

For people who rely on that job to be left in the lurch with no warning can be very tough on people.

Thinking of Spaghetti Works in DSM that closed last year with no warning. By all accounts, employees showed up for work to discover the restaurant had closed.
You are going to force people to take six months of losses because you refuse to address crime...... California is the worst run state in the nation AINEC. They do less with more than anyone.

Also, congrats idiots, now anyone on the fence is going to start the 6 month clock
Gavin Newsom promised that homelessness would be solved under his watch a decade ago. Meanwhile, in reality, the homeless population has never been higher. Democrat policy in action.

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