Saturday morning conversation starter. Christian nationalism

I can’t remember the last time anyone beat me over the head with “christianity” in real life. And I live in the “Bible Belt”
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Mean, preachy, overly controlling racist a-holes who hate pretty much everyone else.

From another Christian Nationalism thread earlier this week

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Theses weirdos need to ditch their version of Christianity and embrace the first one true version; Eastern Orthodoxy.

Oh good slam dunk
That was a layup, but okay.
I know you are, but what am I?
I don’t go searching for things to be offended by on X.
Neither do I. Nor do I even have X. Your point is irrelevant.
My anecdotal post was simply stating I don’t see this stuff out in the wild.
Hence why I said CSB.
If you do, sucks for you I guess.
I’ve gotten quite adept at ignoring stupid shit. Regardless, this is another irrelevant point.
I’ve gotten quite adept at ignoring stupid shit.
Think Tim Robinson GIF by NETFLIX

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