I think this is something Americans need to be careful with. It is very easy to judge people of the past by today's standards.
The guy served as vp for 2 presidents. There have been many other presidents who have been criticized and "cancelled".
So what happens to America when we all hate the people that came before us? I don't think it makes us a stronger country to devalue former leaders of our country who represented the people and who was voted on by the people.
Some day our current politicians may be judged in the same way. I do believe a bunch of current democrats will go down in history as supporters of genital mutilation on children and practicing experimental medicine on children. They will also be judged on the fact that they have normalized men becoming women, so they can keep biological women down. (This is not meant to start a gender discussion, but rather, show that time is not always kind on some ideas, so be careful who you are going to throw under the bus. It may come back to hurt you)
You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house.