Say Goodbye to Delta 8 and the Push for Legal Weed... Thanks to this white nationalist


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007

GOP Rep’s Hemp Bill Could Imperil Legal Weed Push​

May 24, 2024 Politics, Republicans

The Hill reports:
A ban on intoxicating hemp products has made it into the House version of the farm bill. If the amendment makes it through a polarized House and divided Congress, it would end America’s brief experiment with nationally legal cannabis.
The language added to the House version of the farm bill by Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) in effect repeals a sweeping legal change passed by an all-Republican coalition in 2018’s farm bill.
Miller’s amendment, which was co-sponsored by Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.), who is from a state with legal marijuana, restricts the definition of legal hemp to “naturally, occurring, naturally derived and non-intoxicating cannabinoids.”

A proposed amendment also would hinder seed companies, breeders and cannabis flower producers from selling seeds and cannabis flower across state lines in the U.S. under what is considered a loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill.

Miller’s proposed definition of hemp would include only components of the Cannabis sativa L. plant and all derivatives and seeds that include less than 0.3% total THC (including THCA) on a dry-weight basis.

This would effectively make illegal products containing intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (e.g., delta-8 THC), shuttering what has become a multibillion-dollar market in the U.S.

Her white nationalist side:
I’m be been trying to put my finger on what the common thread all these dipshits have…and that’s it. They just have that je ne sais quoi that I look down on MLM people for having.
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Better than "MTG looking".

Ohhh, and btw, what is "MLM looking"?

If you have been around enough MLM (multilevel marketing) sales people or leadership just ponder on their looks and energy. There is a huge overlap with certain varieties of Christians, and trad wives types. It is interesting that MLMs are really popular on Utah, but it is theorized that has a lot to do with the conditioning from their religions in that state, and the door to door evangelizing type stuff make selling MLMs easy in the state.

Kim Mulkey might have one of the most caricatured versions of the look I can think of.
Biden needs to legalize it. It would be the boost he needs just before the election.
If you have been around enough MLM (multilevel marketing) sales people or leadership just ponder on their looks and energy. There is a huge overlap with certain varieties of Christians, and trad wives types. It is interesting that MLMs are really popular on Utah, but it is theorized that has a lot to do with the conditioning from their religions in that state, and the door to door evangelizing type stuff make selling MLMs easy in the state.

Kim Mulkey might have one of the most caricatured versions of the look I can think of.
Season 9 Thank You GIF by The Office
If you have been around enough MLM (multilevel marketing) sales people or leadership just ponder on their looks and energy. There is a huge overlap with certain varieties of Christians, and trad wives types. It is interesting that MLMs are really popular on Utah, but it is theorized that has a lot to do with the conditioning from their religions in that state, and the door to door evangelizing type stuff make selling MLMs easy in the state.

Kim Mulkey might have one of the most caricatured versions of the look I can think of.

This is a great insight. I think you are on to something here.
Plenty of Republicans love their hemp political contributions. I suspect this will help quell it. But if not, it will be a great self inflicted gunshot for them an election year Democrats can seize on for the ambivalent / undecided votes that will be pissed their Delta 8 and Delta 9 is gone.
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If you have been around enough MLM (multilevel marketing) sales people or leadership just ponder on their looks and energy. There is a huge overlap with certain varieties of Christians, and trad wives types. It is interesting that MLMs are really popular on Utah, but it is theorized that has a lot to do with the conditioning from their religions in that state, and the door to door evangelizing type stuff make selling MLMs easy in the state.

Kim Mulkey might have one of the most caricatured versions of the look I can think of.

Oh boy I could talk about this for a long time. I had direct family members who were big into MLM when I was younger. They were 100% completely all in. Went to all the meetings, travelled to the conferences, bought all the "documentation"

You couldn't go anywhere with them because they would strike up conversations with random people in public all with the angle to eventually tell them about how they "own their own business"

Besides the obvious pyramid scheme MLM's employ, the other dirty little secret are the barriers of entry. Almost all of them have some sort of up front cost in the form of "training" or some other horseshit. Then you'll have to buy their "amazing line of products" to sell down the pyramid. But every step of the way they make you buy some crap to work your way up to the next "tier." Then you're rewarded with like a cruise or some horse shit. Let's forget you're likely thousands of dollars in debt by this point, and you could have probably went on 5 cruises with that money.

Anywho, fast forward a number of years and I have a job which requires me to dig into people's public facing social media, and holy shit it became obvious that every single MLM operates this way. And every single person was posting these cult like videos like they had been programmed/brainwashed. There was also an obvious correlation with evangelicals and buying into this nonsense. Which, by the way, my direct family members that got duped by the MLM shit, also Evangelicals.

There's always some programmed language as well to try and control the outside noise. It's almost always along the lines of, "don't listen to the negative people, they're just losers and haters. You need to cut them out of your life or they'll just bring you down." That kind of horseshit.

Guess who else operates in the exact same way as the above? SCIENTOLOGY specifically but other cults as well.

Step 1 - Pretend you're just a nice person having a conversation, then pitch an amazing deal about owning your own business and having autonomy. Tell some nonsense story that you quit your job and now you can afford to buy the finest of Honda Civics.

Step 2 - Make them invest their money immediately so they have financial buy in out of the gate (sunk cost fallacy)

Step 3 - Convince people the only way to move up is to work some sort of program, which will continue to charge you for "literature" and "coaching"

Step 4 - Get people to spend more money to attend conferences to be around the rest of the brainwashed zombies. Also create stick and carrot reward tiers so people have something tangible to chase.

Step 5 - End game - Convince people to cut detractors out of their life, even if they are family. Say shit like, "they'll understand and come around once you're wealthy" (this is fortunately where my family members woke up and said absolutely not).

After step 5, the person is now isolated from anyone who can speak some sense into them and they're yours forever.

It's such a gross and disgusting ****ing industry. It's inherently flawed because there's only a % of people at the top of the pyramid who actually make substantial income. The only way to keep the pyramid up is to constantly churn through lower level people who don't have a chance because the market is already saturated. They throw their money away at training materials and conferences with literally no chance of success.

I can't tell you how many times in my social media searches I would come across folks on disability just trying to do something to make some money, and these ****ing vultures swoop in and swindle them. They give these people who are struggling false hope and then rob them blind.

My family members were thousands of dollars in credit card debt following the "playbook" and at the end of the day had absolutely nothing to show for it.

They all should be ****ing locked up.

TLDR - **** MLM's and **** the people who start them.
Oh boy I could talk about this for a long time. I had direct family members who were big into MLM when I was younger. They were 100% completely all in. Went to all the meetings, travelled to the conferences, bought all the "documentation"

You couldn't go anywhere with them because they would strike up conversations with random people in public all with the angle to eventually tell them about how they "own their own business"

Besides the obvious pyramid scheme MLM's employ, the other dirty little secret are the barriers of entry. Almost all of them have some sort of up front cost in the form of "training" or some other horseshit. Then you'll have to buy their "amazing line of products" to sell down the pyramid. But every step of the way they make you buy some crap to work your way up to the next "tier." Then you're rewarded with like a cruise or some horse shit. Let's forget you're likely thousands of dollars in debt by this point, and you could have probably went on 5 cruises with that money.

Anywho, fast forward a number of years and I have a job which requires me to dig into people's public facing social media, and holy shit it became obvious that every single MLM operates this way. And every single person was posting these cult like videos like they had been programmed/brainwashed. There was also an obvious correlation with evangelicals and buying into this nonsense. Which, by the way, my direct family members that got duped by the MLM shit, also Evangelicals.

There's always some programmed language as well to try and control the outside noise. It's almost always along the lines of, "don't listen to the negative people, they're just losers and haters. You need to cut them out of your life or they'll just bring you down." That kind of horseshit.

Guess who else operates in the exact same way as the above? SCIENTOLOGY specifically but other cults as well.

Step 1 - Pretend you're just a nice person having a conversation, then pitch an amazing deal about owning your own business and having autonomy. Tell some nonsense story that you quit your job and now you can afford to buy the finest of Honda Civics.

Step 2 - Make them invest their money immediately so they have financial buy in out of the gate (sunk cost fallacy)

Step 3 - Convince people the only way to move up is to work some sort of program, which will continue to charge you for "literature" and "coaching"

Step 4 - Get people to spend more money to attend conferences to be around the rest of the brainwashed zombies. Also create stick and carrot reward tiers so people have something tangible to chase.

Step 5 - End game - Convince people to cut detractors out of their life, even if they are family. Say shit like, "they'll understand and come around once you're wealthy" (this is fortunately where my family members woke up and said absolutely not).

After step 5, the person is now isolated from anyone who can speak some sense into them and they're yours forever.

It's such a gross and disgusting ****ing industry. It's inherently flawed because there's only a % of people at the top of the pyramid who actually make substantial income. The only way to keep the pyramid up is to constantly churn through lower level people who don't have a chance because the market is already saturated. They throw their money away at training materials and conferences with literally no chance of success.

I can't tell you how many times in my social media searches I would come across folks on disability just trying to do something to make some money, and these ****ing vultures swoop in and swindle them. They give these people who are struggling false hope and then rob them blind.

My family members were thousands of dollars in credit card debt following the "playbook" and at the end of the day had absolutely nothing to show for it.

They all should be ****ing locked up.

TLDR - **** MLM's and **** the people who start them.

They certainly figured out who to prey on and how to prey on them. If you like books/audiobooks then Cultish by Amanda Montell might be of interest to you. I found it to be a quick listen, of course free from the Hoopla app through my public library membership.
They certainly figured out who to prey on and how to prey on them. If you like books/audiobooks then Cultish by Amanda Montell might be of interest to you. I found it to be a quick listen, of course free from the Hoopla app through my public library membership.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I haven't gone down the audiobook road yet, more of a podcast junkie. I have a goal to become less fat so maybe audiobooks can distract me from how much I hate cardio.
Good. Drugs ruin people’s families and lives.
Speaking of the effect drugs has on one's brain....
I never get the excitement some of you all have about something that will never pass.
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This is why libertarians are cooler than Republicans.

I'm assuming this wasn't going to pass anyway, or maybe it was and this is their way of ensuring it doesn't...
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Always makes me smile at how many people need to medicate themselves to an alternate state just to make it through the day.
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Always makes me smile at how many people need to medicate themselves to an alternate state just to make it through the day.

Anyone else out there like me who just eyerolls when this gets said? This is just some inexperienced dork shit.

Buddy, believe it or not, you can go to work and have a productive day, and then in the evening enjoy a little THC to relax. It's not complicated, in fact, you should probably try it.

Yeah, there are flamers out there, the vast majority of folks aren't that.
Always makes me smile at how many people need to medicate themselves to an alternate state just to make it through the day.
Doesn’t make me smile, it actually makes me sad. It’s the world we live in. I see weed no different than those who binge on Jeebus, American Idol, or Mt Dew. They are all crutches and if you need a crutch to get along, so be it.
I don’t get to the QC area much, but did attend a wedding a few years ago, wife’s uncle’s daughter getting married in a mid tier hotel atrium. Both were 20 years old I think.

Geezuz it was an Amway / Quixstar or whatever it’s called, shitshow. All the Amway bros and their vibe, sick. One of them tried to strike up a MLM conversation with me after a decent introduction, and I told him to get out, go find a real job, and that I have friends who set themselves back many years following the MLM cult… damn that kid wanted to seriously fight me after that.

Seems MLM is big in the QC area. And I think the only reason these two married so early was a facade building exercise recommended by the books and conferences they all attend.

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I don’t get to the QC area much, but did attend a wedding a few years ago, wife’s uncle’s daughter getting married in a mid tier hotel atrium. Both were 20 years old I think.

Geezuz it was an Amway / Quixstar or whatever it’s called, shitshow. All the Amway bros and their vibe, sick. One of them tried to strike up a MLM conversation with me after a decent introduction, and I told him to get out, go find a real job, and that I have friends who set themselves back many years following the MLM cult… damn that kid wanted to seriously fight me after that.

Seems MLM is big in the QC area. And I think the only reason these two married so early was a facade building exercise recommended by the books and conferences they all attend.


Chiropractors, MLMs, and CrossFit all seem to just thrive here in the QC.
  • Haha
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If you have been around enough MLM (multilevel marketing) sales people or leadership just ponder on their looks and energy. There is a huge overlap with certain varieties of Christians, and trad wives types. It is interesting that MLMs are really popular on Utah, but it is theorized that has a lot to do with the conditioning from their religions in that state, and the door to door evangelizing type stuff make selling MLMs easy in the state.

Kim Mulkey might have one of the most caricatured versions of the look I can think of.
I have spent tons of time and not because I wanted to particularly. My best buddy was bigtime into mlm. he did have bucks. but he moved away. I used to go because he invited me, to meetings.

I've also been around legit sales organizations. the main difference is recruiting. one recruits only when needed to fill a void when someone retired or the organization grew, because sales growth....the other recruits only to recruit and not really sell, but to grow the organization from a standpoint of having living bodies around. it's strange.
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