Scientists: The Problem Here Is Flies Aren't Eating Enough Shit

Joes Place

HB King
Aug 28, 2003

A team of Australian scientists is genetically engineering a common fly species so that it can eat more of humanity’s organic waste while producing ingredients for making everything from lubricants and biofuels to high-grade animal feeds.

Black soldier flies are already being used commercially to consume organic waste, including food waste, but tweaking their genetics could widen the range of waste their larvae consume while, in the process, producing fatty compounds and enzymes.

In a scientific paper, the team based at Sydney’s Macquarie University outlined their hopes for the flies and how they could also cut the amount of planet-warming methane produced when organic waste breaks down.

“We are heading towards a climate disaster, and landfill waste releases methane. We need to get that to zero,” Dr Kate Tepper, a lead author of the paper, said.

Dr Maciej Maselko runs an animal synthetic biology lab at Macquarie University where Tepper has already started engineering the flies.
the fly bad idea GIF

jeff goldblum GIF by foxhorror

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