This is correct. Top 20 is not quality wins, it is gold or silver (which preallocate the bids). So MSU 158s quality opponent list is probably missing a few (e.g. Nolf win over Kamal Shakur), but it will take me too much work to figure it out to the letter. Suffice to say with coaches ranking at 15% and winning percentage at 10%, I'm leaning towards Martinez having the #1 seed. Yes, Gantt is undefeated, but they tweeked the rules this year and Martinez is going to have a clear advantage in the coaches ranking. The only advantage Gantt will have is winning percentage.
1. Martinez
2. Gantt
3. Nolf
Given a quick glance at the results I've come up with this:
Unique Quality Wins
Gantt has 10: Parsons, Cooper, Pack, Walsh, Boyle, Atkinson, Cottrell, Berger, Barnes, Brascetta
Imar has 7: Mascola, Jojo, Ryan, Cooper, Murphy, Berger, Nolf
Nolf has 9: Brascetta, Walsh, Shakur, Jojo, Berger, Imar, Murphy, Ryan, Cooper
Now my understanding is the quality win criteria isn't an all or nothing so just because Gantt has the most quality wins of the 3 doesn't mean he receives the full 20% of the criteria.
So the way I see it assuming the final coaches ranking is 1 Imar, 2 Nolf, 3 Gantt and RPI didn't drastically change (previous RPI had Gantt at 1, Nolf at 3, and Imar at 9)
The only 2 close to Gantt by criteria would obviously be Nolf and Imar.
Matched to the criteria against Nolf
Theres no head to head
Gantt has a slight advantage on quality wins
They have similar results against common opponents (although Nolf's are slightly more dominant-not sure if they figure that in)
Gantt would have an advantage in win% and conference placement and RPI (unless Nolf passed him)
Nolf would (likely) be higher in the coaches ranking
Matched to criteria against Imar
Again no head to head
Gantt with a larger advantage on quality wins
Similar results against common opponents (although Gantt has more dominant wins)
Gantt would have advantage in win% and RPI (doubtful Imar would have jumped him)
Imar would have the higher coaches ranking
Conference placement would be a push
So given that I'm not sure how Gantt won't be seeded 1. The only thing that could change it would be if RPI changed enough to put Nolf ahead of Gantt