Seeing a lot lot of reports that Trump is exhausted

He has access to the best healthcare in the world. One of his parents lived to just short of 90 and the other lived past 90. Orange Julius Caesar isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Don’t be surprised if he is still wreaking havoc on this country 10 years from now.
Counter point, his parents were also not addicted to McDonald’s hamberders and Adderall
Also remember, during all of this. Trump still refuses to release his medical records. If they were at all decent he would have them out there ASAP. But he's keeping them locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Those records must show a riddled mess of problems.
If Donald Trump was in good health he'd brag endlessly about it. He'd order Lara to have the RNC pay for $100 embossed health report from one of Don Jr and Eric's shell companies and have them delivered to every house in the country.
He's hiding his poor health, and the media is complicit at this point.
lol…that’s rich as Biden is known as the president who has taken the most days off during his presidency. 😉
I’m not a fan of Biden (although I’m a never Trumper independent and would have grudgingly voted for him over Trump). And definitely not a fan of Trump.

I want to go back to the days when both parties produce candidates worthy of my vote. As it stands Harris is marginally (by the slimmest of margins ) worthy of my vote. Trump is not.