
George is one of the best characters in sitcom history. Kramer was great in the first 4 or 5 seasons but became too over-the-top wacky as the series progressed. It was as if he felt like he had to keep topping what he did the previous week.

George is my favorite character AINEC.
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The idea that Kramer adopted a mile on the Parkway and treated like an actual adopted child is just funny.
I cannot stand that show.

I would rather do ANYTHING on this planet than watch an episode.

Literally, anything.

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Who in the hell does not love George's parents?!?!

Have been on a seinfeld kick lately. Watched summer of George last night.. so good.

Just swing them.. swing them!
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and mine are Seinfeld and It's Always Sunny

I liked Seinfeld from the beginning before it became popular. It's one of the great comedies of all time, but I've seen every episode so many times I hardly watch it anymore.

Contrast this with Always Sunny; I am a very latecomer to this series (just a year or so watching it), but my family and I think it's hilarious.
If there are two characters in tv I can't stand, it's George and Elaine. These two are horrible horrible people. I thought I would hate Kramer due to the whole racist rant, but he's actually pretty funny.
Even in 2016 this thread was hilarious dated.
Fun fact: This same night Seinfeld premiered on TV, a little known alternative band from Seattle named Nirvana played Gabe’s Oasis in Iowa City.

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