Shocking Gallup survey finds 60% of Dems are anti-Israel — first time ever for major US political party


HB Legend
Dec 23, 2007
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Kinda like how the polls will soon be coming out that Europe, Canada, and basically all free market capitalist democracies om the world will be 60+% anti-American, with a negative view of US foreign relations and trade policies. Book it.
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You really can’t think of ANYTHING else that might be driving those numbers?
I mean...I don't think 60% of Dems are Nazis but if you do then I guess that's your prerogative. ;-)

Reality is when you think EVERYTHING someone does is terrible, then your opinion is no longer considered on anything. So while Dems bring up valid concerns sometimes, those get discarded offhand because they disagree with all the good things too. Dems brought that on themselves. (When Ds are in power the right wing does the same thing).

As I've warned for years, this is a danger of placating the wings of the party, as it dilutes the center.