Impossible Dream Realized: Media Falls Below Congress in Trust Survey

Good grief. Link to ABC paying 5.7 billion?

Link to any settlement over 1 million on any of the other 3?
Sorry. BPI had claimed up to $1.9 billion (1.47 billion pounds) in damages, which could have been tripled to $5.7 billion had they gone and lost. Are you on board with all the others sliming a high school kid because he did nothing while some old dumbasss banged a drum in his ear for 10 minutes?

I've been wondering where to post this, and this seems like the right kind of thread.

This explains how a lot of fake news stories get their start in the US and where they originate from.

It's too large of a file to copy and paste it completely so I am going to provide a link below.

The Pipeline

How Russian propaganda reaches and influences the U.S.

The videos have reached enormous American audiences, top political influencers and even members of Congress.
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Gallup's annual confidence survey shows 69% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames​

The just-released results from Gallup’s Trust in Media Survey leave no doubt that members of my profession are officially America’s lowest life form. Gallup asked:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media — such as newspapers, T.V. and radio — when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly — a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?

  • A great deal 8
  • Fair amount 23
  • Not very much 33
  • None at all 36
The Great Deal/Fair Amount number of 31% roughly ties* Gallup’s lowest-ever number, first recorded in 2016. The more shocking result is the combined Not much (33%) and None at all (36!) number of 69%. That is four points worse than the 65% figure posted by the usual standard-setter for mistrust: “The legislative branch, consisting of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.” It’s really not that close, as most distrust of Congress is of the softer, “Not very much” variety (46%), while the press laps elected counterparts by 17 points (36%-19%) in the far more hardcore None at all category.

It’s impossible to overstate this embarrassment. There are necrophiliacs who wouldn’t touch a congressional corpse. You may not hesitate to sacrifice a congressman in a lifeboat, but you think twice about eating him, even starving. Record fines for misconduct, and more informational access to behaviors like legal insider trading mean the elected officials Twain called America’s only “distinctly native criminal class” are hated more than ever. Yet expectations for journalists are now lower than those for Congress. Asked about trust in a politician, “None at all” is what people say when they expect nothing to get done. With media, it’s what you say if you don’t even trust a reporter to tell the time. It’s an extraordinary indictment.

The new horror show figures are driven by a 16% drop among Democrats over the last two years. That’s important because press watchdogs for years blew off low survey results, saying they were artificially weighted because “being ‘anti-media’ is part of [Republicans’] political identity,” as FiveThirtyEight once put it. That was back when most corporate media companies were proudly in the doling-shit-out business. Now they’re eating it.

Just like Putin, the Saudis and other oligarch investors in Elno's website have planned it.

They knew what they were getting for backing a $40B turd...

Gallup's annual confidence survey shows 69% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames​

The just-released results from Gallup’s Trust in Media Survey leave no doubt that members of my profession are officially America’s lowest life form. Gallup asked:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media — such as newspapers, T.V. and radio — when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly — a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?

  • A great deal 8
  • Fair amount 23
  • Not very much 33
  • None at all 36
The Great Deal/Fair Amount number of 31% roughly ties* Gallup’s lowest-ever number, first recorded in 2016. The more shocking result is the combined Not much (33%) and None at all (36!) number of 69%. That is four points worse than the 65% figure posted by the usual standard-setter for mistrust: “The legislative branch, consisting of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.” It’s really not that close, as most distrust of Congress is of the softer, “Not very much” variety (46%), while the press laps elected counterparts by 17 points (36%-19%) in the far more hardcore None at all category.

It’s impossible to overstate this embarrassment. There are necrophiliacs who wouldn’t touch a congressional corpse. You may not hesitate to sacrifice a congressman in a lifeboat, but you think twice about eating him, even starving. Record fines for misconduct, and more informational access to behaviors like legal insider trading mean the elected officials Twain called America’s only “distinctly native criminal class” are hated more than ever. Yet expectations for journalists are now lower than those for Congress. Asked about trust in a politician, “None at all” is what people say when they expect nothing to get done. With media, it’s what you say if you don’t even trust a reporter to tell the time. It’s an extraordinary indictment.

The new horror show figures are driven by a 16% drop among Democrats over the last two years. That’s important because press watchdogs for years blew off low survey results, saying they were artificially weighted because “being ‘anti-media’ is part of [Republicans’] political identity,” as FiveThirtyEight once put it. That was back when most corporate media companies were proudly in the doling-shit-out business. Now they’re eating it.

How many editorial departments of a major American news channels or publications do you trust to "follow the news" and not omit or slant stories based on a political or social agendas of said publications?

Another way Reagan made this country shittier.
I bet we can link 787 million settlement, though!


MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is defending herself in court by claiming her statements on air should not be taken as fact.

Maddow’s lawyer referred to her “rhetorical hyperbole” in a $10 million defamation lawsuit brought by One America News Network, which the host of “The Rachel Maddow Show” claimed, “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda.”

“No reasonable viewer could conclude that Maddow implied an assertion of objective fact,” the opinion penned by Judge Milan D. Smith added (read it here)

I'm sure you're reasonable, and don't take what she says as fact, right?

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is defending herself in court by claiming her statements on air should not be taken as fact.

Maddow’s lawyer referred to her “rhetorical hyperbole” in a $10 million defamation lawsuit brought by One America News Network, which the host of “The Rachel Maddow Show” claimed, “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda.”

“No reasonable viewer could conclude that Maddow implied an assertion of objective fact,” the opinion penned by Judge Milan D. Smith added (read it here)

I'm sure you're reasonable, and don't take what she says as fact, right?

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is defending herself in court by claiming her statements on air should not be taken as fact.

Maddow’s lawyer referred to her “rhetorical hyperbole” in a $10 million defamation lawsuit brought by One America News Network, which the host of “The Rachel Maddow Show” claimed, “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda.”

“No reasonable viewer could conclude that Maddow implied an assertion of objective fact,” the opinion penned by Judge Milan D. Smith added (read it here)

I'm sure you're reasonable, and don't take what she says as fact, right?
Oh hell. LOL. Maybe you should investigate this a little further. The very first sentence is VERY MISLEADING...something someone who watches FOX News would do.
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