Should be required reading for Democrats..

Explain to me how the Dixie Chicks was not cancel culture just without social media??? It's not that they got boycotted, the radio stations all got together and agreed to stop playing them they did this within days of their comments (which btw are now widely agreed upon by Republicans) so it wasn't like the radio stations stopped playing them in response to declining sales. They were blacklisted first.

You don't need social media to have cancel culture. Social media just makes it easier by amplifying certain voices. But it can be done and has been done without it. And it was generally done by conservatives.

Conservatives just got mad because liberals took a page from their playbook.
"cancel culture" is only when it happens to someone i agree with
Read 2 paragraphs, felt over the top to me. What's clear is that the last election was a rejection of the direction the Biden admin had us going.

It's sort of like this, fairly simple:
Previous Trump admin left something to be desired, so the people brought Biden in...
Biden admin was bad enough that the people chose to go back to Trump rather than continue down that road.

It's pretty clear, as the article implies, that the majority of Americans are tired of the culture war/identity politics that seemed to infiltrate every aspect of life.
Saying you don't like Biden so you chose Trump is like saying you're tired of having the flu so you chose cancer.
It is absolutely his economy. He promised to have everything fixed by now. Instead, we don't even have concepts yet for inflation. If he wants to make all these wild promises, he deserves criticism when those promises fail.
Fail? It has been 48 hours. LOL
This article points out, what is patently obvious to most Americans, the left will not win another Presidential election until they look inward, a real hard look that is, at the reasons their policies were rejected.
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Fail? It has been 48 hours. LOL
You’re wasting your time. Huey is in a dark room somewhere with several empty and assorted lube products and he’s almost out of Kleenex.
His comprehension abilities are shot.
While I certainly loathe anyone that claims they are a Nazi, I don't think you get to just beat the shit out of them without consequence.

Ignore them, tell them they are not welcome etc. Way better way to handle this.

The fact people think this is funny only perpetuates the idea that we are all enemies and anything goes. Obviously if this Nazi dickhead did something violent then this is justified. But there is no suggestion of that here and I dont think memes like this are helpful.

People are allowed to have fvcked up harmful ideologies. I mean, just look at the last 4 years as an example.
The Chicks (mainly Natalie) got into deep doo doo because they went over to Europe for a concert tour and out of the blue Natalie decided to start talking 💩💩about President Bush in between songs. She supremely pissed off her core audience of Texans who then decided to dump the group and boycott them.
I was living in TX at the time and believe me it was a HUGE deal. People said hey it’s one thing to talk 💩 about him at a concert in Austin but if you do it overseas you take your chances at the reaction back home. This was right before social media was a huge thing,
The other two were taken by surprise and the group broke up not all that long after. It’s a shame because they were talented as hell.
Just shut up and sing!

The group never broke up they are still touring and I really doubt that the reaction would have been any different no matter where they talked shit about the president that the current cult leader of Republicans talks shit about.

They were canceled because they didn't support the war and the president that now everyone agrees were bad.

Weird how you can be right about something but be hated for it because you were right too soon.
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The group never broke up they are still touring and I really doubt that the reaction would have been any different no matter where they talked shit about the president that the current cult leader of Republicans talks shit about.

They were canceled because they didn't support the war and the president that now everyone agrees were bad.

Weird how you can be right about something but be hated for it because you were right too soon.
Natalie attacked President Bush directly and the other two weren’t forewarned. That went over like a lead balloon in Texas, I assure you.
The Chicks have never regained their former popularity.
Trump has been President for less than 48 hours. You can hardly call this his economy. Inflation was at 1.4% when Trump left office in 2020. In May of last year, CPI was up over 19% since the beginning of Biden's term.
The 2024 election was a clear rejection of "Bidenomics." Hell, even the Biden Administration stopped using the term because they knew it didn't work.

trump is not responsible yet. The avg CPI in 21, 22 ,23 ,24 was 4.7, 8.0, 4.1, 2.9 for a 4 year avg of 4.9. I have no idea where you got the 19% since the beginning of Niden's term.
While I certainly loathe anyone that claims they are a Nazi, I don't think you get to just beat the shit out of them without consequence.

Ignore them, tell them they are not welcome etc. Way better way to handle this.

The fact people think this is funny only perpetuates the idea that we are all enemies and anything goes. Obviously if this Nazi dickhead did something violent then this is justified. But there is no suggestion of that here and I dont think memes like this are helpful.

People are allowed to have fvcked up harmful ideologies. I mean, just look at the last 4 years as an example.
It’s funny reading your posts. You really think you’re making such astute points. Do you eat your own feces by chance?
The Dixie chicks thing happened in 2003. Cancel culture didn't happen for real until the 2010s. Social media didn't exist in 2003. Boycotts have been around for decades, and prior to social media, that's all it was.

Facebook wasnt even founded until 2004, and wasn't really a thing until a couple years later. Let alone Twitter and all the others that really accelerated cancel culture. In the 00's, people could still just disagree without disowning each other. Fortunately I think we're headed back that way... eventually.
Let's just point to the Dixie Chicks being cancelled. That's just cancel culture before social media. And, this fuel for this fire was the same as it is now... Fox News and talk radio. Add social media to that cocktail and it just happens much faster and it's a lot more vocal and more easily found in your phone or tablet you carry around.
Let's just point to the Dixie Chicks being cancelled. That's just cancel culture before social media. And, this fuel for this fire was the same as it is now... Fox News and talk radio. Add social media to that cocktail and it just happens much faster and it's a lot more vocal and more easily found in your phone or tablet you carry around.
Fox was still pretty much a newcomer back then.
I think Rush Limbaugh was really huge then and he sort of ruled the roost with conservatives though.
Fox was still pretty much a newcomer back then.
I think Rush Limbaugh was really huge then and he sort of ruled the roost with conservatives though.
Fox News has been around since the mid-90s. Rush was definitely a big cancel culture proponent.
Fox News has been around since the mid-90s. Rush was definitely a big cancel culture proponent.
Yes but it really wasn’t a “big dog” until the 2000 election and then the heavy coverage of 9/11.
Rush was The King of the Hill and Neal Boortz was way up there too.
Yes but it really wasn’t a “big dog” until the 2000 election and then the heavy coverage of 9/11.
Rush was The King of the Hill and Neal Boortz was way up there too.
Boortz was a useless tool. I remember one year at the New Hampshire primaries when he got the actor who played the President on the West Wing with him on his show. That guy ate Boortz' lunch, but applying "Facts and Logic". It was so bad, they cut the program off until they got the actor out of there and Boortz back on air. Neal Boortz was really good at snarky insults, and not much else. I got to meet him once, and he was a perfect douche...the kind of guy who would greet you with, "You know who I am?".
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Fail? It has been 48 hours. LOL
It's adorable you think 48 hours or 48 months will make a difference.

Sarcastic My Heart GIF by Max
Grocery prices will increase over the next 4 years but no one will look at Trump and blame him. It's just fricken amazing how he is never held accountable for anything. I mean, what, you think 25% tariffs aren't going to impact winter crops?
What's even more amazing is that there 3 Covid stimulus packages that were passed. 2 of the 3 were passed by the Trump administration. Yet somehow people keep acting like only Biden did that.

FTR, I believe that wasn't even the main culprit of inflation. It was supply and demand imbalance.
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Those grocery prices should be coming down any day now. Haven't you heard Trump talking all about how he's going to do it?
I did yes. Id suggest you watch and wait. If they do I am sure you'll be the first to admit you were mistaken about Trump right?
Fox News has been around since the mid-90s. Rush was definitely a big cancel culture proponent.
People have short memories Jerry Farrell and the Moral Majority. Dude pushed a ton of homophobic bigotry. Ralph Reed. Operation Rescue the original cancel culture crusaders. Bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion clinic employees.
All of those folks were welcomed in the GOP during the 80/90’s.
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People have short memories Jerry Farrell and the Moral Majority. Dude pushed a ton of homophobic bigotry. Ralph Reed. Operation Rescue the original cancel culture crusaders. Bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion clinic employees.
All of those folks were welcomed in the GOP during the 80/90’s.
Reagan’s biggest political mistake ever! There is NO place for religion in politics…as there is no place for politics in religion. Reagan gave America a heavy dose of both.
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I did yes. Id suggest you watch and wait. If they do I am sure you'll be the first to admit you were mistaken about Trump right?

If grocery prices drop to pre-covid levels and we don't have a recession in the next four years I will give him credit for both. I'm sure you expected that, right? lol
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Reagan’s biggest political mistake ever! There is NO place for religion in politics…as there is no place for politics in religion. Reagan gave America a heavy dose of both.
AIDS is GOD’s punishment to homosexual's. Anyone calling themselves a man of faith and wishing GOD’s harm on to others has some screws loose. Even if you are strictly against homosexuality that’s some hateful rhetoric that goes against Jesus’s teachings.
Boortz was a useless tool. I remember one year at the New Hampshire primaries when he got the actor who played the President on the West Wing with him on his show. That guy ate Boortz' lunch, but applying "Facts and Logic". It was so bad, they cut the program off until they got the actor out of there and Boortz back on air. Neal Boortz was really good at snarky insults, and not much else. I got to meet him once, and he was a perfect douche...the kind of guy who would greet you with, "You know who I am?".
I never liked him either and was not a regular listener. I think his audience shrunk down to nothing and he “retired” to save face.
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