Should Romney be the 2020 Democratic Nominee?

Should Romney be the Dem 2020 POTUS nominee?

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  • No

  • You don't have tobe a dick unIowa, we get it, you were right all along

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HB Legend
Gold Member
Dec 30, 2008
It appears democrats were super wrong about this guy and in the spirit of fairness I think they should probably nominate him as their 2020 POTUS candidate to run against Trump.

You guys at least owe it to the guy for all of the misguided slander arrows you slung his way. He also probably has the best chance of beating Trump and that is what you guys want...right?
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It appears democrats were super wrong about this guy and in the spirit of fairness I think they should probably nominate him as their 2020 POTUS candidate to run against Trump.

You guys at least owe it to the guy for all of the misguided slander arrows you slung his way. He also probably has the best chance of beating Trump and that is what you guys want...right?

Too racist and mysoginistic from what I hear
No. He's still a conservative and would promote a conservative legislative agenda if elected, but he (and nearly anyone else in the world) would be light years better than the Liar in Chief currently polluting the Oval Office.

Mayor Pete could win an election. Maybe Biden could win an election.

Sanders and Warren are simply too far left. Learn from what just happened in the UK. People reject that kind of progressive nonsense. So, if the plan is to nominate either of these two wackos, I'd suggest Romney myself.
No. He's still a conservative and would promote a conservative legislative agenda if elected, but he (and nearly anyone else in the world) would be light years better than the Liar in Chief currently polluting the Oval Office.

Yet he probably has the best chance to beat Trump. He will peel off at least 25% of the republican vote and then if all dems vote for him BOOM Trump is gone and America is saved. Why do you want to put that at risk by bringing forth a vulnerable democrat?
Yet he probably has the best chance to beat Trump. He will peel off at least 25% of the republican vote and then if all dems vote for him BOOM Trump is gone and America is saved. Why do you want to put that at risk by bringing forth a vulnerable democrat?
They don't have a Democrat that can beat him.
Yet he probably has the best chance to beat Trump. He will peel off at least 25% of the republican vote and then if all dems vote for him BOOM Trump is gone and America is saved. Why do you want to put that at risk by bringing forth a vulnerable democrat?

I like your thinking, but dems would probably not vote for him. They can't even bring themselves to support another dem if it isn't their guy/gal.

And this is coming from a democrat.
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Mayor Pete could win an election. Maybe Biden could win an election.

Sanders and Warren are simply too far left. Learn from what just happened in the UK. People reject that kind of progressive nonsense. So, if the plan is to nominate either of these two wackos, I'd suggest Romney myself.
There’s still no justification voting for Trump, no matter his opponent.
31% saying Romney should be the Dem nominee, that is likely 30% of republicans, come on guys lets do this for the good of the country. We can't let Trump win!
If he truly wants to "get" Trump and see him out of the White House, he should run as an independent.

Maybe that is his plan, I think he could actually beat both the dems and the repubs. We know he isn't a criminal like Biden and Trump.
Romney could not handle Obama one on one in a debate.

He would be completely emasculated by Trump.

... But, he would be a better candidate than anyone else in the Democratic Party.

There would be a lot pride swallowed by a lot of Democrats before he could even get the nomination ... so I see him simply going home to Utah and gradually sliding into the obscurity that comes with being a back-bench Senator. That is all his destiny ever was in any case.

Romney's problem the first time around was that while he had a real shot at winning, it required him to step up a little; he had to grow into being a formidable candidate and then into a formidable president. All he ever had to do was to explain his healthcare program a couple of times in the debates and a few more times on the talk-show/campaign circuit ... in short, a minor step to the plate that should have been easy since his healthcare program as presented both on his website and in the WSJ was a winner.

It was a far better program than Obamacare, and yet he ceded that entire issue to Obama. I had read about his program proposals in the WSJ and I seemed to understand them better than he did in any of the debates.

His candidacy was a true head scratcher and I see no reason to believe that he is now ready for the front lines of American leadership in either party. He simply does not have the toughness required.
Biden/Romney 2020?

I think he probably goes back to this guy:

There’s still no justification voting for Trump, no matter his opponent.

Ah, but there is the no vote at all option. Keep Bernie or Warren out of there or this crap goes on for four more years.
Ah, but there is the no vote at all option. Keep Bernie or Warren out of there or this crap goes on for four more years.
Bernie will win if nominated.

The American electorate has shown it is just fine with electing a Boomer generation radical populist with completely bonkers ideas and plans. That's what they just did in 2016.
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Bernie will win if nominated.

The American electorate has shown it is just fine with electing a Boomer generation radical populist with completely bonkers ideas and plans. That's what they just did in 2016.

Except Bernie is actually a radical populist, while Trump has pretty much enacted a conservative elitist agenda despite what the deplorables continue to believe about him.
31% saying Romney should be the Dem nominee, that is likely 30% of republicans, come on guys lets do this for the good of the country. We can't let Trump win!
Sure. Throw in Hils as his running mate; Mitt gets elected in Nov.; Inaugurated in Jan. 2021, and the victim of a tragic fatal accident in Feb. 2021. Hils then exacts brutal revenge on all her adversaries.

George Soros loves it when Plan B comes together.
Sure. Throw in Hils as his running mate; Mitt gets elected in Nov.; Inaugurated in Jan. 2021, and the victim of a tragic fatal accident in Feb. 2021. Hils then exacts brutal revenge on all her adversaries.

George Soros loves it when Plan B comes together.

He would probably have a heart attack via the Clinton heart-attack gun.
Holy crap, that is possibly the dumbest non-OIT post of all time. Trump is the dumbest most ineloquent Presidential candidate in history, AINEC. The idea that he would beat anyone in a debate is incomprehensible.

I think what he meant is he would beat him in a slander match.
Let's see, do I want the imbecile POS who backs terrible policies but cannot get much done. Or do I want the smart politician who also backs terrible policies and wears magic underwear?

It's gonna be a no from me, dawg.
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