Should we start deleting (some) political posts?


HB Legend
Feb 20, 2022
Saint Louis, Mo
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
I have an anti-ignore policy, but I broke it for Arbor. He just spams the board with wing wing outrage and never returns to the thread that he created. I prefer watching MAGA twist and turn to shoehorn their outrageous takes, I just can't stand the baseless spam.

Should we start deleting (some) political posts?​

Kill It With Fire GIF
I have an anti-ignore policy, but I broke it for Arbor. He just spams the board with wing wing outrage and never returns to the thread that he created. I prefer watching MAGA twist and turn to shoehorn their outrageous takes, I just can't stand the baseless spam.
I want the effort, at least. Defend your idea -- present an idea -- offer up sources, etc. Things that foster actual discussion.

It's more the process than the idea. They suck ass on process.
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
But can we at least keep all of the retweets from Minneapolis crime watch?
I'd love to just delete posts that just drop an inflammatory tweet, with no commentary. People already have twitter/x, doesn't seem like we just need to repost it, especially if there is no associated post or discussion. That just feels like spamming the board.
But, trying to be fair to everyone and delete as little as possible.
We should start be enforcing a NO FAKE POLITICAL NEWS policy. If you want that just go follow Elon musks Twitter account
But then (MAGAts especially) will start screaming “Censorship! Ands Freedom of the Press”……I seriously doubt the FF had intentional lying and spreading bullshit as important ingredients to “freedom of speech” idea……
Board rule #2 is: "2. Cluttering up the board with like or similar threads. If there are several with the same premise, a lesser one will be locked or removed."

Seems like it would be simple to go through and merge/delete all similar threads so there's 1 trump thread, 1 biden thread, 1 kamala thread, 1 abortion thread, 1 immigration thread, 1 supreme court thread, 1"those crazy Rs" thread, 1 "those crazy Ds" thread, etc. That way the whole board isn't spammed with multiple variations of the same topic all the time.
I would like it if there was an entire separate board for politics....

...then we would just have the true off-topic board remaining for all things poop/bewbs/funny gifs/Friday night music threads/things TBW does that pisses you off/etc.

You know the important things in life we can all find common ground on.

A man can dream can't he?
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
The bigger problem in my view is threads that literally have no point other than to dump on other posters
If you tire of the same people cluttering up the board with senseless drivel use the ignore feature, Engaging with the same people over and over who post pure bullshit gives them exactly what they want, Attention.

I never liked using the ignore feature but I have used it quite a bit in the last 6 months and it has done a solid job of cleaning up the board.
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.

Calling out the mods?

Get Him Out GIF
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.

💯 agree
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While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
Axe em all. More than anything else political threads turn people into complete a$$holes.
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Board rule #2 is: "2. Cluttering up the board with like or similar threads. If there are several with the same premise, a lesser one will be locked or removed."

Seems like it would be simple to go through and merge/delete all similar threads so there's 1 trump thread, 1 biden thread, 1 kamala thread, 1 abortion thread, 1 immigration thread, 1 supreme court thread, 1"those crazy Rs" thread, 1 "those crazy Ds" thread, etc. That way the whole board isn't spammed with multiple variations of the same topic all the time.
then how will some of these guys validate their self worth? s/

I agree with you.
But then (MAGAts especially) will start screaming “Censorship! Ands Freedom of the Press”……I seriously doubt the FF had intentional lying and spreading bullshit as important ingredients to “freedom of speech” idea……

The FF literally created fictional newspapers to slander their political opponents under pseudonyms you ignorant wanker.
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While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
I got a better idea!

Why don't you just ignore them.

“Far Right Misinformation” Washington Post???

But anonymous publication has been an essential feature of American democracy since its beginning. It has long allowed vulnerable voices to participate in public politics and speak truth to power. Indeed, anonymous debate was at the center of the revolutionary politics that led to American independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which enshrined the press freedoms that continue to protect anonymous speech today.

In the late 18th century, pseudonyms and anonymous sources filled the pages of newspapers. In fact, some of the most prominent Founding Fathers regularly used the shield of pseudonyms in political essays during the era of the American Revolution: Thomas Paine, John Dickinson, Alexander Hamilton, Arthur Lee, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Influential texts such as “Common Sense,” the Federalist essays and the “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania” essays were all published without an author's byline.”
Censorship makes a lot of sense in certain contexts, and we use it all the time.

A message board is an example.

You sure ain’t talkin’ bout HROT.

Only the porn bandit and russian bots get the boot round here.

You seem more comfortable in Brazil. I’m more of an America guy.
You sure ain’t talkin’ bout HROT.

Only the porn bandit and russian bots get the boot round here.

You seem more comfortable in Brazil. I’m more of an America guy.
Yeah, it would be a problem on HORT if we allowed it to be filled up with spammy type shit posting. You'd want to censor that, right?

Again, we care about maintaining a HORT that is good for actual discussion -- the purpose of a message board. Discussion.
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Yeah, it would be a problem on HORT if we allowed it to be filled up with spammy type shit posting. You'd want to censor that, right?

Again, we care about maintaining a HORT that is good for actual discussion -- the purpose of a message board. Discussion.

And boob threads.

Serious bizness.
Board rule #2 is: "2. Cluttering up the board with like or similar threads. If there are several with the same premise, a lesser one will be locked or removed."

Seems like it would be simple to go through and merge/delete all similar threads so there's 1 trump thread, 1 biden thread, 1 kamala thread, 1 abortion thread, 1 immigration thread, 1 supreme court thread, 1"those crazy Rs" thread, 1 "those crazy Ds" thread, etc. That way the whole board isn't spammed with multiple variations of the same topic all the time.
This was and still is the goal. The problem is each side thinks they’re being picked on, and the war in here turns to blaming moderators.

Nobody likes to admit that maybe they overstepped a boundary - it’s always the other sides fault.
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.
Let free market principles rule. I'd clean them up on the back end. Maybe start killing threads that make it to page 3-4 with under 50 responses. Also, if there's a way to reach out to posters individually sending them a message that a thread doesn't meet the high level of standards needed for viability and give them the option to delete the thread so the mods don't have to?