Should we start deleting (some) political posts?

What would actually make the board better is explaining things to people using facts and logic and they simply say, "Oh. Ok. That makes sense.", and then we never have to have the argument ever again. Trump is the perfect example. People fight against clear facts about this guy. For me, education is another. Some of us have been trying to explain the same stuff to people over and over for decades. I wish more would just accept facts for what they are, learn, and move on to the next topic.

There's a lot of guys on here I wouldn't argue with about law, research, medicine, military strategy...because I KNOW THEY KNOW more than I do on those topics. We need more, again, accepting of facts. JMHO.
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What would actually make the board better is explaining things to people using facts and logic and they simply say, "Oh. Ok. That makes sense.", and then we never have to have the argument ever again. Trump is the perfect example. People fight against clear facts about this guy. For me, education is another. Some of us have been trying to explain the same stuff to people over and over for decades. I wish more would just accept facts for what they are, learn, and move on to the next topic.

There's a lot of guys on here I wouldn't argue with about law, research, medicine, military strategy...because I KNOW THEY KNOW more than I do on those topics. We need more, again, accepting of facts. JMHO.
The problem here is "the facts" are typically in dispute. People want "proof" but don't want to accept the proof they receive if it doesn't come from one of their approved narrative sources, and even when it does, it's just dismissed because it doesn't align with their world view.

I am guilty of this at times, but far from the most guilty on here, but guilty nonetheless.
Don’t censor. Just combine. For example, just put all of the offenders into their own mega thread. Call it:

*****phenomenally mega thread*****

Create mega threads for rico, chis, stolen_valor_4_a_day, phenomenally, and all the serial twitter / shit posters. No one can claim “CenSorSHiP!” and people have the ability to go engage crazy if they want. They’ll inevitably leak their shit into valid threads but at least the board isn’t cluttered.

Edit to add: @kwik44 per your earlier post I've solved your problem.
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Don’t censor. Just combine. For example, just put all of the offenders into their own mega thread. Call it:

*****phenomenally mega thread*****

Create mega threads for rico, chis, stolen_valor_4_a_day, phenomenally, and all the serial twitter / shit posters. No one can claim “CenSorSHiP!” and people have the ability to go engage crazy if they want. They’ll inevitably leak their shit into valid threads but at least the board isn’t cluttered.
No no no. @Phenomenally Frantastic has to meet his quota of starting 17 twitter threads a day. It gets his rocks off, almost as much as it does to @Franisdaman.
Why are you pretending they're the only habitual offenders? Looking at you chishawk
I can always count on you to whine BUT BUT BUT on something. Usually it’s BUT TRANS! Now it’s chis. I make fun of chis often but I don’t expect you to see it since it mostly happens in sports threads.
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I can always count on you to whine BUT BUT BUT on something. Usually it’s BUT TRANS! Now it’s chis. I make fun of chis often but I don’t expect you to see it since it mostly happens in sports threads.
I didn't know Ron Filipowski tweets about sports ;)

And settle down Francis, I was only pointing out that you made a half-hearted point and I was just bringing attention to it. There's no whine there.

And I don't have to but trans anymore... it's out there everyone is waking up to the insanity.
I didn't know Ron Filipowski tweets about sports ;)

And settle down Francis, I was only pointing out that you made a half-hearted point and I was just bringing attention to it. There's no whine there.

And I don't have to but trans anymore... it's out there everyone is waking up to the insanity.
You're right, there are people on both sides that do it. Kind of feels like on the left it's mainly Chis and borderline Ciggy.

On the right though... well there's a whole 10 page thread called "Who could the new poster be?" of just screen names of the same people that keep coming back to spam the board.
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You're right, there are people on both sides that do it. Kind of feels like on the left it's mainly Chis and borderline Ciggy.

On the right though... well there's a whole 10 page thread called "Who could the new poster be?" of just screen names of the same people that keep coming back to spam the board.
You're right, there are people on both sides that do it. Kind of feels like on the left it's mainly Chis and borderline Ciggy.

On the right though... well there's a whole 10 page thread called "Who could the new poster be?" of just screen names of the same people that keep coming back to spam the board.

Deplorables gonna deplorable.
What would actually make the board better is explaining things to people using facts and logic and they simply say, "Oh. Ok. That makes sense.", and then we never have to have the argument ever again. Trump is the perfect example. People fight against clear facts about this guy. For me, education is another. Some of us have been trying to explain the same stuff to people over and over for decades. I wish more would just accept facts for what they are, learn, and move on to the next topic.

There's a lot of guys on here I wouldn't argue with about law, research, medicine, military strategy...because I KNOW THEY KNOW more than I do on those topics. We need more, again, accepting of facts. JMHO.

Paraphrased - just adopt my point of view and all is good? 😊 In reading your posts about education it is obvious that you have a very good understanding in that area. However, those are YOUR experiences. My experience with education and the educational process might be completely different from yours. It doesn’t mean I’m right and you’re wrong, it just means we are seeing things from a different perspective. I would guess we might disagree on some of the states policies on say private schools or vouchers, funding or being forced to say the pledge daily. But that’s all just opinion

Maybe I have missed some of the education threads/discussions (I’m sure I have). So what are some of the points that have been contested in the past. It might give me a better idea of where you are coming from.

Political posts. Again, lots of opinion type things out there, but also some irrefutable facts like you mentioned. Trump. He’s a convicted felon that has done a lot of bad things, but it’s easy to name democrats who have done bad things. To me both sides suck and are dishonest, but it’s how they get elected.

It is hard for most people to see both sides of an issue. I am not referring to Trump here, but about 50% of the population will vote for him and 50% won’t. Calling those people who do vote for him as deplorable, ignorant, MAGA won’t change their minds, just like them pointing out negative things about the Democrats won’t change the hard chargers on the left.
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Paraphrased - just adopt my point of view and all is good? 😊 In reading your posts about education it is obvious that you have a very good understanding in that area. However, those are YOUR experiences. My experience with education and the educational process might be completely different from yours. It doesn’t mean I’m right and you’re wrong, it just means we are seeing things from a different perspective. I would guess we might disagree on some of the states policies on say private schools or vouchers, funding or being forced to say the pledge daily. But that’s all just opinion

Maybe I have missed some of the education threads/discussions (I’m sure I have). So what are some of the points that have been contested in the past. It might give me a better idea of where you are coming from.

Political posts. Again, lots of opinion type things out there, but also some irrefutable facts like you mentioned. Trump. He’s a convicted felon that has done a lot of bad things, but it’s easy to name democrats who have done bad things. To me both sides suck and are dishonest, but it’s how they get elected.

It is hard for most people to see both sides of an issue. I am not referring to Trump here, but about 50% of the population will vote for him and 50% won’t. Calling those people who do vote for him as deplorable, ignorant, MAGA won’t change their minds, just like them pointing out negative things about the Democrats won’t change the hard chargers on the left.
Your paraphrase sucks. I’m talking about things that are factual. Not join my opinion. This reads like you weigh opinion, on education for example, with fact. The voucher system is going exactly as we in education said it would go, ahead of time. The guy who liked your post here is a perfect example. We give him facts and he blows them off and sticks to his private school narrative.

I won’t argue with a doctor on here about medicine. Or a lawyer on law. Or a plumber on how to best fix a sink. My opinion isn’t equal to what they KNOW.

Here’s another example…your paragraph trying to equate Democrats to Trump. This FACT has been explained a hundred times by multiple people to you guys trying to both sides things. So once again I will tell someone, Google arrests and indictments by presidential administrations and then come back here and explain how the bullshit opinion you just typed is equivalent to the actual facts. Just so you know ahead of time, the answer will be over 100 Republicans to about 2-3 Democrats. But both sides. Thank you for proving my exact point of my earlier post.
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The board would need a mod. I do agree, though.
We have mods, they seem to not be willing to mod consistently from my vantage point. Or have a clear expectation, for what is acceptable and unacceptable. Even if you have rules but they are unenforced, in reality there is no rules. I am only aware of 2 individuals that have banned recently, Chis being the most identifiable one a month or two ago - for what appeared to be spamming possibly from alt accounts. It was never made clear, yet you will have several others spamming right wing garbage all day long and nothing unless, never becomes public, but it appears as nothing because they continue to do it. Or do as the top post says and shove all those separate posts into a single thread, then you are allowing the ignorant to continue to post, but will not be as much spamming as confined to a single thread.
Your paraphrase sucks. I’m talking about things that are factual. Not join my opinion. This reads like you weigh opinion, on education for example, with fact. The voucher system is going exactly as we in education said it would go, ahead of time. The guy who liked your post here is a perfect example. We give him facts and he blows them off and sticks to his private school narrative.

I won’t argue with a doctor on here about medicine. Or a lawyer on law. Or a plumber on how to best fix a sink. My opinion isn’t equal to what they KNOW.

Here’s another example…your paragraph trying to equate Democrats to Trump. This FACT has been explained a hundred times by multiple people to you guys trying to both sides things. So once again I will tell someone, Google arrests and indictments by presidential administrations and then come back here and explain how the bullshit opinion you just typed is equivalent to the actual facts. Just so you know ahead of time, the answer will be over 100 Republicans to about 2-3 Democrats. But both sides. Thank you for proving my exact point of my earlier post.

Thanks for the response. As I mentioned I am sure I missed many discussions on education so if you have time give me a refresher on some of the main debates and the fact's.

I’m not equating anyone to Trump as he’s obviously a criminal. I was talking ALL politicians in general, from big city mayors, governors, and so on. I certainly could have phrased that better. By the way I have googled just “Federal politicians convicted of crimes” and it certainly isn’t 100-2. But I think we are talking 2 different things here

I’d love to discuss those type of things with you if you have time. Especially education.

Ironically I am in the process of reading an article entitled “The Facts about Facts” by Rod Taylor. I try to find an arbitrary article to read daily. This one just happened to pop up today. Quite the coincidence
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Thanks for the response. As I mentioned I am sure I missed many discussions on education so if you have time give me a refresher on some of the main debates and the fact's.

I’m not equating anyone to Trump as he’s obviously a criminal. I was talking ALL politicians in general, from big city mayors, governors, and so on. I certainly could have phrased that better. By the way I have googled just “Federal politicians convicted of crimes” and it certainly isn’t 100-2. But I think we are talking 2 different things here

I’d love to discuss those type of things with you if you have time. Especially education.

Ironically I am in the process of reading an article entitled “The Facts about Facts” by Rod Taylor. I try to find an arbitrary article to read daily. This one just happened to pop up today. Quite the coincidence

Sounds good - here's what I was referring to. Indictments it's 200+ to 3. Convictions is 113 to 2. This is far far more a Republican issue. Now, if you want to go back to Mayor Daley and Chicago back in the 20th Century I won't argue that one!
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Sounds good - here's what I was referring to. Indictments it's 200+ to 3. Convictions is 113 to 2. This is far far more a Republican issue. Now, if you want to go back to Mayor Daley and Chicago back in the 20th Century I won't argue that one!
This isn't exactly accurate... for Reagan I would guess you're talking about Oliver North and John Poindexter... both of their convictions were overturned. If this refers to something else then so be it.

Sounds good - here's what I was referring to. Indictments it's 200+ to 3. Convictions is 113 to 2. This is far far more a Republican issue. Now, if you want to go back to Mayor Daley and Chicago back in the 20th Century I won't argue that one!

Thanks for that table it has some interesting stats! Do you know why they started at/or stopped with Nixon? And yes, I was referring more to over time. I probably should have stated that in my original post.

This was the first thing that popped up today when I searched for federal politicians convicted of crimes:


I really would like to talk education when you have time, while not an expert I would say I have a working knowledge of the field
Thanks for that table it has some interesting stats! Do you know why they started at/or stopped with Nixon? And yes, I was referring more to over time. I probably should have stated that in my original post.

This was the first thing that popped up today when I searched for federal politicians convicted of crimes:


I really would like to talk education when you have time, while not an expert I would say I have a working knowledge of the field
I assume because 50+ years was a big enough sample size. Not to mention the southern Democrats previously are now closer to Republicans in their beliefs. The 2 parties kind of did a switch and now the Republican Party isn't recognizable from what it was 15-20 years ago.

Basically in modern history this is not a both sides thing. That's my main point. People refuse to learn that in 2024 we are not in a both sides era.
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I assume because 50+ years was a big enough sample size. Not to mention the southern Democrats previously are now closer to Republicans in their beliefs. The 2 parties kind of did a switch and now the Republican Party isn't recognizable from what it was 15-20 years ago.

Basically in modern history this is not a both sides thing. That's my main point. People refuse to learn that in 2024 we are not in a both sides era.

It will be interesting to see what the next 20-30 years bring, hopefully we will be here to see it.
While I like to keep speech rather free on a message board, I do think it needs to maintain a certain level of quality or the entire message board itself becomes compromised.

We have a problem with low quality (often unverified or later verified as false) political retweets from Twitter/X.

The big problem is that there are simply too many of them. It's a volume thing. Besides that, it's the quality of the discussion it leads to.

Re-posting some random jackass spouting off about whatever -- again, often completely unverified or quickly verified as false -- isn't quality discussion. It's borderline spam.

I say we start culling the heard. The board doesn't need to be filled with these. They need to be sporadic.

Wouldn't delete "political posts"

I'd eliminate the posters who keep pushing utter nonsense that they find from Twitter feeds which is easily "Community Noted".
Mods can give them 1-3 warnings to "fact check" themselves before posting and they get a 30 day Time-Out if continued spam is posted.

There are 5-6 or so idiots right now that just regurgitate the same shit, day after day. Board would be much cleaner if they were all put in the proverbial "corner" for 1 month.