If you are an OC for an opposing team, I think you may have a hard time explaining to the Head coach why you tried to throw toward Dez King's side of the field. Especially if he makes you pay for it. I suspect Greg Mabin will really be tested this year. I don't think Dez will be tested enough to put up the kind of stats he needs to be a Thorpe finalist this year ... unless he really kicks a$$ in the return game.
This goes against everything Phil Parker teaches, but I would really like to see DK up in the WRs grill this year, playing some "smash-mouth" CB with the WRs. Knock them off of their routes and their timing. Especially when we play spread "finesse" teams. I realize it won't happen, but if we ever had a CB that could execute that kind of play, it would be Dez.