Sounds like we need to greatly expand the OTC and get rid of High School wrestling all together. No reason to have the middle schoolers wasting time in the local room either. Would hate to have all the "can't miss" phenoms get bored after all.................
Especially since no one that has ever wrestled at their High School, then went straight to College and either redshirted or didn't, has had any success in College or afterwards. Too bored I suppose. If only they had chosen the OTC route, man, what could have been.
And I vividly remember OTC members Derek Garcia and Destin McCauley's epic NCAA Finals last year at 165, after McCauley stuck Alex Dieringer in the Semi's, and Garcia tech falled Isaac Jordan on the other side. That was some awesome wrestling....................
Yep, better hit the OTC or you'll fall by the wayside. LOL! Too late for Kemerer I suppose, who's gonna tell him not to bother showing up in Iowa City next year?