Originally posted by SSG T:
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by SSG T:
For once I'll agree with Blazin.
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If you really are a staff sergeant, I would hope you wouldn't.
Well, I'm actually a Master Sergeant. And yes, I do. Regardless of what you think of the politics that put him there, having the attitude that he was nothing but a killer and a piece of crap is about as wrong as you can be.
I highly suggest you go listen to the linked podcast. The interviewer is Rich Roll and he's talking to Jason Hall, the guy who wrote the screenplay for American Sniper. He gets into how Kyle had very little interest in telling his story and making a name for himself. His concern was trying to live his life and help guys that needed help. He did what he did to keep his fellow servicemen alive, not to be a hero. His big concern post-Navy career was helping guys that were suffering with PTSD, much as he did.
If you had any clue whatsoever why guys like him do what they do, your opinion would be far different. Unless, of course, you are as big of a piece of shit as you think he was.
Keep in mind, I agree very little with Blazin, in fact I don't recall ever agreeing with him. However, I get extremely touchy when people go out their way to make comments about servicemen when they have no clue what they are talking about. I know very few Soldiers (or Sailors, Airmen or Marines) who want to just blindly go into combat and go kill, just because. Most people get there and have one desire, to keep themselves and their buddies alive. Politics goes out the window.
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