So is Biden

He can order Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump and not have to worry, right?
He should charge the guy with felony orange and slap his ass in general population. Let the wheels of justice turn… slowly. Turn slowly just like drump appointee cannon has done while overseeing his stall tactics.
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Biden should jail Thomas trump and alito. Thomas alito tax invasion trump as a traitor. Biden needs to take this and stomp out anything to do with trump and these traitors to the constitution. Democrats better get serious about the courts. Why in the hell should we turn power over to trump. The plan for the dems ibetter be to crush these parasites from the face of earth and do not turn power over in jan 2025.
He can order Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump and not have to worry, right?
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Biden should jail Thomas trump and alito. Thomas alito tax invasion trump as a traitor. Biden needs to take this and stomp out anything to do with trump and these traitors to the constitution. Democrats better get serious about the courts. Why in the hell should we turn power over to trump. The plan for the dems ibetter be to crush these parasites from the face of earth and do not turn power over in jan 2025.
The fascists are supporting imprisonment on suspicion I see. Must be so infuriating that our justice system is based on innocence until proven guilt.

The leftists really are taking their masks off and showing the world how they really think right now. We all should pay attention and listen. Not noticing much tolerance or compassion in any of their messaging, only hate and violence. Almost like all that virtue they project is 100% fake and hollow..