So the Harris is Stupid, Slurs her words, Cackles, can't handle a solo interview or a Press Conference Hot Takes........

This is the exact same nonsense every Dem on this board was saying after Biden’s last SOTU. It was PROOF that he was as sharp as ever and all of the old age/ dementia stuff was gone forever! Worked out great.

Two hours of nodding her head and spitting out a few memorized quips does not change 8 years of weekly idiocy she has displayed like clockwork. Sorry. Nice try. Still a dopey, yammering, cackle machine.
Do you actually believe that is an accurate portrayal of her? Whether you agree with her policy positions or question her history of ultra liberalism that she is now trying to distance herself from is irrelevant. This woman is a former AG and has a wealth of experience with rhetoric.

Anyone can string together awkward moments and odd sound bites of any public figure. That doesn’t mean that fairly or accurately encapsulates that person.

Biden you are 100% accurate about.
I am fine with that assessment. That's pretty normal. It's the liars who act like she was their choice all along and they loved her just as much 2 years ago as they do now that I'm referring to.
She was my choice all along. Even beyond 2 years ago. We're all lucky, even you, to have her.
Kamala Harris' already poor approval rating fell further during 2023, with one prominent political scientist telling Newsweek her unpopularity "could end up being a difference-maker" in the 2024 presidential election.

President Joe Biden has already committed to retaining Vice President Harris as his running mate should he secure the 2024 Democratic nomination, which looks likely as only fringe Democrats have stepped forward to challenge the White House incumbent.

According to analysis by polling website 538 released on December 5, Harris' net disapproval rating has surged by 7.4 percent since the beginning of the year, from 10 points to 17.4. Her approval fell from 41.7 percent to 36.3 percent from January 1 to December 5, whilst her disapproval increased from 51.7 percent to 53.7 percent.
That was all before everyone saw the vegetative state of the President.
Do you actually believe that is an accurate portrayal of her? Whether you agree with her policy positions or question her history of ultra liberalism that she is now trying to distance herself from is irrelevant. This woman is a former AG and has a wealth of experience with rhetoric.

Anyone can string together awkward moments and odd sound bites of any public figure. That doesn’t mean that fairly or accurately encapsulates that person.

Biden you are 100% accurate about.
This is the person who went on national TV for a town hall and announced that she wanted to get rid of all insurance. Then hours after, when she realized how stupid everyone knew that was, she made a complete 180 and was all for insurance. That ended her first run there. Same with Fracking. Same with free gender transitions for detained illegals. Same for "the border is secure". And decriminalizing illegal crossings. Defunding the police. Mandatory gun buybacks. She has no idea what she stands for until the polling comes out on the guesses she makes. Then just simply changes her entire philosophy to match what she thinks is the popular stance. Quite the presidential material.

AND Trump sucks ass and shouldn't be elected because he does the same shit.

Feel free to hold your nose and vote for either of these people. I take no issue with anyone doing that. I've done it plenty of times. Just don't pretend that she was your choice all along and you've always thought she was great and smart and charming. No one thought she was any of those things up until June of this year suddenly.
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4 years ago? 4 years ago? Holy shit. You’re more dishonest than Trump. She was the WORST rated VP in history because both parties knew how terrible she was. There’s not a single person on this board or in the Dem party who would have put Harris in their top 3, this summer (not 4 years ago) if they were asked who they wanted to replace Biden on the ticket.
People keep tossing out the low VP ratings like that should carry a ton of weight, and it’s very exaggerated imo. What is she being graded on? VP essentially has two explicit responsibilities; be the heir apparent should anything happen to POTUS, and be the tiebreak in the senate…both of which could theoretically never happen. Otherwise, she has exactly as many responsibilities as POTUS hands out, the most frequent of which is to be a cheerleader for the administration. I’m going to guess that VPS of popular administrations tend to poll better than unpopular ones, so the fact that Biden has polled poorly overall has a corresponding impact on Harris.
I am fine with that assessment. That's pretty normal. It's the liars who act like she was their choice all along and they loved her just as much 2 years ago as they do now that I'm referring to.

She was like 4th or 5th on my list at best back in ‘20. Biggest part of why she was top of my list now was simply the the time crunch - if democrats felt they had a legit chance to beat Trump still, they had to rally quickly around a candidate and couldn’t afford the time and expense of even a mini-primary battle barely 3 months from Election Day. To her credit, Harris acted quickly and decisively to do so, which gives me hope that she learned from the mistakes she made campaigning 4 years ago.
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This is the person who went on national TV for a town hall and announced that she wanted to get rid of all insurance. Then hours after, when she realized how stupid everyone knew that was, she made a complete 180 and was all for insurance. That ended her first run there. Same with Fracking. Same with free gender transitions for detained illegals. Same for "the border is secure". And decriminalizing illegal crossings. Defunding the police. Mandatory gun buybacks. She has no idea what she stands for until the polling comes out on the guesses she makes. Then just simply changes her entire philosophy to match what she thinks is the popular stance. Quite the presidential material.

AND Trump sucks ass and shouldn't be elected because he does the same shit.

Feel free to hold your nose and vote for either of these people. I take no issue with anyone doing that. I've done it plenty of times. Just don't pretend that she was your choice all along and you've always thought she was great and smart and charming. No one thought she was any of those things up until June of this year suddenly.
Every word of this is true.
People keep tossing out the low VP ratings like that should carry a ton of weight, and it’s very exaggerated imo. What is she being graded on? VP essentially has two explicit responsibilities; be the heir apparent should anything happen to POTUS, and be the tiebreak in the senate…both of which could theoretically never happen. Otherwise, she has exactly as many responsibilities as POTUS hands out, the most frequent of which is to be a cheerleader for the administration. I’m going to guess that VPS of popular administrations tend to poll better than unpopular ones, so the fact that Biden has polled poorly overall has a corresponding impact on Harris.


She was like 4th or 5th on my list at best back in ‘20. Biggest part of why she was top of my list now was simply the the time crunch - if democrats felt they had a legit chance to beat Trump still, they had to rally quickly around a candidate and couldn’t afford the time and expense of even a mini-primary battle barely 3 months from Election Day. To her credit, Harris acted quickly and decisively to do so, which gives me hope that she learned from the mistakes she made campaigning 4 years ago.
Democrats put themselves in the position of falling back on Harris because they were stuck in the lie that Joe was a functional president and could continue to be for four more years. They brushed off the talk of Joe's decline as right wing conspiracy until it slapped them in the face and everyone had to do a 180 and pretend this was a shocking new development.
This is the exact same nonsense every Dem on this board was saying after Biden’s last SOTU. It was PROOF that he was as sharp as ever and all of the old age/ dementia stuff was gone forever! Worked out great.

Two hours of nodding her head and spitting out a few memorized quips does not change 8 years of weekly idiocy she has displayed like clockwork. Sorry. Nice try. Still a dopey, yammering, cackle machine.

I'm gonna need those 416 'like clockwork' links. Sorry.
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This is the person who went on national TV for a town hall and announced that she wanted to get rid of all insurance. Then hours after, when she realized how stupid everyone knew that was, she made a complete 180 and was all for insurance. That ended her first run there. Same with Fracking. Same with free gender transitions for detained illegals. Same for "the border is secure". And decriminalizing illegal crossings. Defunding the police. Mandatory gun buybacks. She has no idea what she stands for until the polling comes out on the guesses she makes. Then just simply changes her entire philosophy to match what she thinks is the popular stance. Quite the presidential material.

AND Trump sucks ass and shouldn't be elected because he does the same shit.

Feel free to hold your nose and vote for either of these people. I take no issue with anyone doing that. I've done it plenty of times. Just don't pretend that she was your choice all along and you've always thought she was great and smart and charming. No one thought she was any of those things up until June of this year suddenly.
Like I said, she has a history of extreme liberalism she is now trying to distance herself from. I agree.

I don’t feel the need to bring Trump into the conversation. I ruled out supporting him a long time ago.

Yes, that has always been the question: can I in a good conscience vote for Kamala? I believe I can.

My one and only point is Kamala is not the bumbling idiot she is often portrayed as.
Like I said, she has a history of extreme liberalism she is now trying to distance herself from. I agree.

I don’t feel the need to bring Trump into the conversation. I ruled out supporting him a long time ago.

Yes, that has always been the question: can I in a good conscience vote for Kamala? I believe I can.

My one and only point is Kamala is not the bumbling idiot she is often portrayed as.
She managed to get through 90 minutes of the debate without a cackle and coming off completely unlikeable. That was the bar she needed to clear in order to appear to be a better option than Trump. It wasn't a high bar, and she didn't clear it by much, but she did it.
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You are turning into one the more annoying posters here, from one of the more amusing.
Agreed. I put him on ignore it was too sad watching the slide. He used to give me a chuckle every now and then and now he's slipping off into MAGA land with the rest of them.
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She's not a great speaker. Stage presence is mediocre. But she's not that bad.
Mark McKinnon, campaign chief for George w. Bush said Harris's debate performance was the best he had seen since JFK in 1960.

That does not sound like someone who is not a great speaker or someone with mediocre stage presence.

You are enmeshed in a right wing echo chamber that refuses to acknowledge the reality that Harris is actually a talented, gifted communicator.

And for the record I posted after the Biden debate debacle that Harris is our best shot and I have posted many times over the last few years that she was unfairly portrayed by these out of context video snippets that the right wing media promoted.

Being VP is a job that rarely allows for shining moments on public stage.
She is like Tom Brady...unimpressive backup but once given the top job...becomes a true clutch gamer.
People keep tossing out the low VP ratings like that should carry a ton of weight, and it’s very exaggerated imo. What is she being graded on? VP essentially has two explicit responsibilities; be the heir apparent should anything happen to POTUS, and be the tiebreak in the senate…both of which could theoretically never happen. Otherwise, she has exactly as many responsibilities as POTUS hands out, the most frequent of which is to be a cheerleader for the administration. I’m going to guess that VPS of popular administrations tend to poll better than unpopular ones, so the fact that Biden has polled poorly overall has a corresponding impact on Harris.


She was like 4th or 5th on my list at best back in ‘20. Biggest part of why she was top of my list now was simply the the time crunch - if democrats felt they had a legit chance to beat Trump still, they had to rally quickly around a candidate and couldn’t afford the time and expense of even a mini-primary battle barely 3 months from Election Day. To her credit, Harris acted quickly and decisively to do so, which gives me hope that she learned from the mistakes she made campaigning 4 years ago.
How about favorability or likability? Look at how much that moved in her favor from just June to August. What the hell do you think it was at in 2023? I'll give you a hint- it was way lower. Are you saying she actually did something other than get nominated to deserve that whopping increase in popularity? Sure she did.

39% favorability back in 2021.
This is the exact same nonsense every Dem on this board was saying after Biden’s last SOTU. It was PROOF that he was as sharp as ever and all of the old age/ dementia stuff was gone forever! Worked out great.

Two hours of nodding her head and spitting out a few memorized quips does not change 8 years of weekly idiocy she has displayed like clockwork. Sorry. Nice try. Still a dopey, yammering, cackle machine.
Can't admit he's wrong, folks.
Kamala Harris' already poor approval rating fell further during 2023, with one prominent political scientist telling Newsweek her unpopularity "could end up being a difference-maker" in the 2024 presidential election.

President Joe Biden has already committed to retaining Vice President Harris as his running mate should he secure the 2024 Democratic nomination, which looks likely as only fringe Democrats have stepped forward to challenge the White House incumbent.

According to analysis by polling website 538 released on December 5, Harris' net disapproval rating has surged by 7.4 percent since the beginning of the year, from 10 points to 17.4. Her approval fell from 41.7 percent to 36.3 percent from January 1 to December 5, whilst her disapproval increased from 51.7 percent to 53.7 percent.

Doesn't counter anything I said.

Every word of this is true.
She's shifted to the center. That pretty much explains all of it.
How about favorability or likability? Look at how much that moved in her favor from just June to August. What the hell do you think it was at in 2023? I'll give you a hint- it was way lower. Are you saying she actually did something other than get nominated to deserve that whopping increase in popularity? Sure she did.

39% favorability back in 2021.
None of this counters what I said or what polling shows on the Dem side. She was up to 66 percent, and then months later up to 72 percent approval amongst Dems. She's steadily earned their trust and rose in their esteem, until she was easily the most popular choice to replace Biden BEFORE Biden ever hinted he'd step down. Now she's doing the same as the rest of the country gets to know her more and as she strengthens her skills as a candidate. You can't spin away from those facts.
She was my choice all along. Even beyond 2 years ago. We're all lucky, even you, to have her.
I liked her too especially after I watched her questioning Kavanaugh and Barr. I am very happy she is at the top of the ticket. Republicans and the media did a great job of making an intelligent competent person look like an idiot with their selective clips and reporting.
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Doesn't counter anything I said.

She's shifted to the center. That pretty much explains all of it.

None of this counters what I said or what polling shows on the Dem side. She was up to 66 percent, and then months later up to 72 percent approval amongst Dems. She's steadily earned their trust and rose in their esteem, until she was easily the most popular choice to replace Biden BEFORE Biden ever hinted he'd step down. Now she's doing the same as the rest of the country gets to know her more and as she strengthens her skills as a candidate. You can't spin away from those facts.
I'm not trying to counter those facts. You're arguing with the wind. You said "4 years ago most Dems didn’t want Harris to be the nominee", as if people began to like her soon after. It's such horse shit to pretend that even 2 years ago anyone liked her. Once the writing on the wall began that Biden was on the way out, people started to get behind her and accept the fact that it was Kamala or bust. And yes, she keeps getting more
Two idiots on stage spewing nonsense - pick your poison.

Great job, America! :rolleyes:
If Kamala was so dumb, how did she trounce Trump so badly? How did she bait him so easily? If Vice President Harris is of average intelligence, she's way above average in poise, discipline, and execution. Even Fox News' lawyers laid out what she did as masterful prosecution strategy.
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Agreed. I put him on ignore it was too sad watching the slide. He used to give me a chuckle every now and then and now he's slipping off into MAGA land with the rest of them.
Yes. The only MAGA who hates Trump, has ZERO posts ever complimenting Trump, has never and will never vote for Trump, and constantly makes fun of MAGAs. Totally MAGA. Good call.
Doesn't counter anything I said.

She's shifted to the center. That pretty much explains all of it.

None of this counters what I said or what polling shows on the Dem side. She was up to 66 percent, and then months later up to 72 percent approval amongst Dems. She's steadily earned their trust and rose in their esteem, until she was easily the most popular choice to replace Biden BEFORE Biden ever hinted he'd step down. Now she's doing the same as the rest of the country gets to know her more and as she strengthens her skills as a candidate. You can't spin away from those facts.
It has been a magical rise. Once the media put Biden to pasture, they turned their collective focus on propping up the next best option, which was Kamala. But there's threads on this board that showed she was maybe the third most preferred option behind Biden, Newsome, or Shapiro before the Biden debate night.
It has been a magical rise. Once the media put Biden to pasture, they turned their collective focus on propping up the next best option, which was Kamala. But there's threads on this board that showed she was maybe the third most preferred option behind Biden, Newsome, or Shapiro before the Biden debate night.
She was at best the third most preferred option on this board. But this board isn't exactly close to the demographics of the Democratic electorate.
Can't admit he's wrong, folks.

One would think that after the SOTU Biden would have proven this, not to mention multiple other speeches and appearances. Instead here we are with this same conversation. Biden has to prove over and over and over again that he’s competent…against a felon who shows every single day he’s not fit for the position. A guy who doesn’t have to prove anything to Republican voters. Never ending crazytown here!

Tom Paris. June 24, 2024
So the Harris is Drunk, Stupid, Cackles, can't handle a solo interview or a Press Conference Hot Takes seem to have mysteriously disappeared from the MAGA Troll post catalog.

Did something happen like in the last 24 hrs or so........???
She proves she can learn her lines and act. Yeah? She did not prove she could provide an answer to a question
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Was this a big secret at the time? I have to admit I was born in 81, so I wasn't exactly keeping up with the news during his years in office. Were people speculating that Ronald lost his fast ball, but everyone was denying it?
You probably don’t remember him saying mommy can you get me some jelly beans, to his wife
How about favorability or likability? Look at how much that moved in her favor from just June to August. What the hell do you think it was at in 2023? I'll give you a hint- it was way lower. Are you saying she actually did something other than get nominated to deserve that whopping increase in popularity? Sure she did.

39% favorability back in 2021.
My point stands. When you are asked if you have a good opinion of Harris, what exactly are you basing your opinion on? Job performance? As I already said, VP is not a job that has a ton of responsibilities tied to it. Her public persona? I think judging someone you’ve never met on how likeable they seem on tv is an imperfect science at best.

I’m not disputing that polls have long showed her being underwater with most Americans. What I’m saying is that they’ve never been something I put a ton of stock in given her position as VP. It’s a thankless job at best in American politics.
My point stands. When you are asked if you have a good opinion of Harris, what exactly are you basing your opinion on? Job performance? As I already said, VP is not a job that has a ton of responsibilities tied to it. Her public persona? I think judging someone you’ve never met on how likeable they seem on tv is an imperfect science at best.

I’m not disputing that polls have long showed her being underwater with most Americans. What I’m saying is that they’ve never been something I put a ton of stock in given her position as VP. It’s a thankless job at best in American politics.
You keep making points for why people wouldn't think she would make a good president.
You keep making points for why people wouldn't think she would make a good president.

Those polls, from long before she became the nominee, were regarding her favorability as VP. Completely different ballgame now.

Play this same game for trump. Outside his party, he has only rarely even come close to 50% approvals, and was even more unpopular than Clinton back in ‘16.
A bunch of revisionist nonsense. The Dems hated her every bit as much as the GOP. No one on the left wanted her as a candidate. No one. Now you all act as if she was the one you wanted this whole time. Her and her record low VP ratings. Such a joke.
Or perhaps we learned that our initial impressions may not have been entirely accurate. A smart person learns and adjusts their positions accordingly
So the Harris is Drunk, Stupid, Cackles, can't handle a solo interview or a Press Conference Hot Takes seem to have mysteriously disappeared from the MAGA Troll post catalog.

Did something happen like in the last 24 hrs or so........???
She's had a solo interview and press conference? Link?

Must have missed it.

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