So who's boycotting Primanti Bros?

Is Primanti Bros any good? Never been to one...or seen one for that matter.
They have a few other scattered locations but they’re mostly in and around the Pittsburgh area.

It’s pretty good, but like a lot of sandwiches/pizza/bbq places it’s largely a matter of provincial pride. The pastrami is good, but I would rather have the cole slaw and fries on the side. The vinegar tends to overwhelm the other flavors in the sandwich.
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I’ve never understood the idea of cancelling someone or something that you don’t agree with or if they don’t agree with you. People get way too butthurt over the dumbest of things.

And it sounds like Vance and staff were invited back but initially they weren’t allowed in due to not clearing it with the restaurant first. You’d think a campaign staffer would contact the place and ask to have a gathering and photo op with or without the owner of the place. Dumb. Just dumb people. I look forward to their Four Seasons press conference in the near future…..

Read that and tell me this wasn't handled as well as it absolutely could have been.......

Should he have called in, sure, but he and the restaurant handled that as well as they could have.

You guys are flailing.
Are you saying you believe anyone who owns or works at a Mexican restaurant is an illegal?
Just Mexicans? How about an Italian deli? An Irish Pub?
Good for you!!!

You figured out that it was the same-old, same-old for Italians and Irish back in the 1800s and 1900s!!!
And those people still immigrated here, and made America the 'melting pot' and we all turned out OK!!
it's right on par with blacks being unable to get a photo id because they don't know how, don't know what computers are etc. Every now and then their real thoughts on people come out.
No one on the left has claimed that blacks don't know how to get an ID. The right does know that making it a requirement will disenfranchise many who were able to vote legally, which is why they keep trying to solve voter impersonation. Which is nearly nonexistent.
No one on the left has claimed that blacks don't know how to get an ID.
That’s actually the core of the argument against voter ID. States have the authority to establish their own election laws so long as those laws do not discriminate by race.

So the entire legal argument against voter ID is predicated on the claim that it’s somehow more difficult for blacks to get an ID than it is for whites.
Is Primanti Bros any good? Never been to one...or seen one for that matter.

I have been several times. I don't like fries on my sandwich, so it kind of defeats their whole gimmick, but they have perfectly good sandwiches for the money. If you didn't know it was a "thing" and just stopped there, you would probably be satisfied, and also probably not think about it a whole lot for the rest of your life. And the ones I've been to have never been crowded, so it's not like one of those places that's a big deal and a hassle to experience.

So it's not like the Varsity in Atlanta, or Skyline Chili in Cincinnati, that is something you "have to do" but isn't actually any good. It's perfectly fine.
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That’s actually the core of the argument against voter ID. States have the authority to establish their own election laws so long as those laws do not discriminate by race.

So the entire legal argument against voter ID is predicated on the claim that it’s somehow more difficult for blacks to get an ID than it is for whites.

We also should not discriminate against poor people. Who also have more difficulties in obtaining "IDs", particularly when they may have moved since they last registered, and GOP controlled states try to "invalidate" anyone w/ an ID that may have an old address on it.

You should not be "OK" with disenfranchising any legal voters.
But you apparently are.

Even though multiple attempts to demonstrate "voter fraud" have come up completely empty. As in virtually none.
Small business boycotts are really pretty stupid. About the only one that probably 'worked' was the Red Hen here in town, but that's probably just because they were rude and that doesn't go down that well around here. And anyway, like most restaurant owners, they just started another one with a different name and concept.

That said, I'm always in favor of boycotting Pittsburgh restaurants that put french fries on sandwiches and salads.
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Why would they not have notified the place in advance that they were coming? It was clearly planned, the local party notified its' members (the article I read indicated that there were 100+ there awaiting his arrival). Seems like it would be common sense to let the restaurant know they were coming, so they could plan/be prepared for a much bigger crowd than they'd normally expect.
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They held a press conference in the parking lot? Feels like deja vu..

Why would they not have notified the place in advance that they were coming? It was clearly planned, the local party notified its' members (the article I read indicated that there were 100+ there awaiting his arrival). Seems like it would be common sense to let the restaurant know they were coming, so they could plan/be prepared for a much bigger crowd than they'd normally expect.
Well, they had concepts of notification, so there's that.
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We also should not discriminate against poor people. Who also have more difficulties in obtaining "IDs", particularly when they may have moved since they last registered, and GOP controlled states try to "invalidate" anyone w/ an ID that may have an old address on it.

You should not be "OK" with disenfranchising any legal voters.
But you apparently are.

Even though multiple attempts to demonstrate "voter fraud" have come up completely empty. As in virtually none.
Nope, now you are just making stuff up.

What is it that you feel was made up? I guess there's no certainty that the Harris/Walz campaign contacted the restaurant in advance, but I believe it's what is typically done, so the restaurant can prepare for a crowd that might be double or triple what they'd normally expect.

We certainly know that Vance & the local GOP group did not notify the restaurant, or the manager would've let them know on the phone that they shouldn't come. And we know it was a planned event by the campaign, because they sent out an email blast to the local party members.

I have no experience with a nationwide campaign; I do have some with local events for statewide candidates (governor, US Senate), through a good friend who's one of the more powerful statewide with the Florida GOP. During various campaigns over the last 15 to 20 years, he's frequently hosted meet & greets at a local "family sports pub." I know for certain that he pre-arranges it with the owner of the restaurant - he'd never think of just showing up with 100+ people at a place that barely seats that many.
Congrats to Primanti Brothers for entering the "political Identifier" Wars. Joining Bud Light, Chick Fil A, the OK sign, Taylor Swift and many other things that idiots will label you simply by associating with them! You made it!
I suppose I'm boycotting them by default, since they're in Pittsburgh. I ate there when I went to the Iowa-Pitt game in 2014, one of the best deli sandwiches you'll ever have. It's amazing, and "Pittsburgh style" is with fries on top (they even do pizza that way, it's freakin' weird). Now that I know they made Vance clutch his pearls, I kind of want to get on Goldbelly and give them some more of my money.
This might surprise some folks, but I don't let politics influence where I shop or what I buy. I do try to buy American made products when available, or support veteran owned businesses, and I try to buy local/small business when I can. But I don't go out of my way for a Chick Filet or avoid Bud Light.

This feels like a win-win for all parties involved here. PB gets a story and free advertisement... the Trump campaign gets to play the victim card and make waves and rile up their base.
What is it that you feel was made up? I guess there's no certainty that the Harris/Walz campaign contacted the restaurant in advance, but I believe it's what is typically done, so the restaurant can prepare for a crowd that might be double or triple what they'd normally expect.

We certainly know that Vance & the local GOP group did not notify the restaurant, or the manager would've let them know on the phone that they shouldn't come. And we know it was a planned event by the campaign, because they sent out an email blast to the local party members.

I have no experience with a nationwide campaign; I do have some with local events for statewide candidates (governor, US Senate), through a good friend who's one of the more powerful statewide with the Florida GOP. During various campaigns over the last 15 to 20 years, he's frequently hosted meet & greets at a local "family sports pub." I know for certain that he pre-arranges it with the owner of the restaurant - he'd never think of just showing up with 100+ people at a place that barely seats that many.

The Trump ground game this year is horrible. Warning flags are going up all over the country from Republican operatives that the on the ground operations are a disaster. Their get out the vote and voter outreach is basically non existent, and the idea of local GOP officials botching this by simply not making proper arrangements is 100% believable.

The tremendous ground operations of the GWB era have been totally dissipated at this point. And it's 100% Trump's fault, on three counts:

a. He doesn't give a shit or is too dumb to realize he should. His interest is in money directly to him, to his stupid NFTs or coins or trading cards, or donations he can directly use on his legal bills. I don't think you could even begin to impress upon him the need to make sure state operations are are well funded and staffed.

b. The Trump campaign and entire apparatus, at this point, is a grift. At every level. As much as I detest Trump, this wasn't the case in 2016. It was headed this way in 2020, and has fully arrived now. Everyone involved is a grifter...most of the money at the state level GOTV is apparently going to outsourced third party operations instead of tightly managed volunteer networks. I think it's pretty easy to assume those ground game subcontractors are just ways of stealing money.

c. The biggest reason is the "stop the steal" purges of state Republican parties after 2020. Pennsylvania and Arizona were/are some of the worst in fact. State parties blew their budgets on fruitless lawsuits and useless rallies and sham data science consultants etc, leaving them near bankrupt. Any effective, reasonable Republican official that didn't go along with the ceremonial hari kari for the great MAGA father was totally purged. If you follow the actual politics in republican circles, not just the vibes, you've been hearing this for two years...these state level operations are totally broke, decimated, and staffed by the least functional bootlickers. In Georgia, the exception with good Republican leadership, Trump was basically at war with that leadership for years, so it remains to be seen how much of the (impressive) Kemp operation he can even leverage.
We have 2 here in Morgantown and they are meh. They are a chain now and they are even in Florida. I did go to the original in the Pittsburgh strip district years ago and it was pretty awesome. Have been to a few of the chain stores and they just aren't the same.
Speaking of the burgh, today was the 1st day of voting at the court house, fill out the paperwork, register, show ID and vote. Don't forget your hotdog and, i voted sticker.