So...why do you folks hate Cruz?


HB Legend
Sep 17, 2002
First off....I don't have a favorite among the Republicans at this point. I just haven't done the research.

I've noticed most people on this board (not counting the lefties...they aren't voting R no matter what) seem to hate Cruz. Why? From what I gather from the comments I've seen, it is because he is a Christian and/or they don't like the way he looks/sounds. He certainly (on my cursory examination) seems to be the only true conservative running. Seems to be the one who has stuck to his principles the most. He is not "establishment". So why the hate?
I don't "hate" him, but I'm not a "true conservative," either.

He's too far to the right on social issues, and I don't see him as a unifying leader on fiscal and foreign policy issues. He's basically been nothing but a bomb-thrower in the Senate.
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First off....I don't have a favorite among the Republicans at this point. I just haven't done the research.

I've noticed most people on this board (not counting the lefties...they aren't voting R no matter what) seem to hate Cruz. Why? From what I gather from the comments I've seen, it is because he is a Christian and/or they don't like the way he looks/sounds. He certainly (on my cursory examination) seems to be the only true conservative running. Seems to be the one who has stuck to his principles the most. He is not "establishment". So why the hate?
Cruz has a personality that rubs many the wrong way. But there is no doubt he's the most intellectually gifted of the candidates left in the race.
He's a slimy, used car salesman type opportunist with no intention of responsibly governing who was more than willing to sacrifice the full faith and credit of the United States during his temper tantrum over raising the debt ceiling which would have been the responsible thing to do. He cares more about promoting Ted Cruz than he does about what's best for the United States of America. Throw in his loony religious views and willingness to abandon the US constitutional protections, and you have someone who's rightfully hated by anyone who knows him, including by his Republican colleagues in the Senate.
I don't "hate" him, but I'm not a "true conservative," either.

He's too far to the right on social issues, and I don't see him as a unifying leader on fiscal and foreign policy issues. He's basically been nothing but a bomb-thrower in the Senate.
He is a chameleon. People that know him, but aren't beholden to him, do not believe his positions. A lot of people think he latched onto the Tea Party to ride the popularity surge.
Plus he is a weasly, used car salesman type.
Cruz is an incredibly intelligent individual. However, I do not want him anywhere near the Oval Office because he has failed to show that he can work with his peers to accomplish anything. His intelligence appears to also be his weakness, because he repulses those who have to work with him due to his stubbornness and arrogance. The POTUS needs to be more than just intelligent. The POTUS needs to be able to listen to those around him/her and to work well with others. Nothing in Cruz's record shows a willingness or ability to do so.

Link: Everybody Hates Ted
He's a slimy, used car salesman type opportunist with no intention of responsibly governing who was more than willing to sacrifice the full faith and credit of the United States during his temper tantrum over raising the debt ceiling which would have been the responsible thing to do. He cares more about promoting Ted Cruz than he does about what's best for the United States of America. Throw in his loony religious views and willingness to abandon the US constitutional protections, and you have someone who's rightfully hated by anyone who knows him, including by his Republican colleagues in the Senate.
Yet you pefer a lying, race-baiting, sleazeball, possible criminal like Hillary who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...she's a democrat so none of that matters. Party over country.
This Dana Milbank column has the best characterization of Cruz that I've been able to find:

During the 2000 presidential campaign, I went to Austin to profile the whippersnappers on George W. Bush’s team. Bush headquarters was full of young talent, but one man surprised me with his blatant audition to be featured in my article.

This eager staffer told me about how at Princeton he was the nation’s top debater, about his Supreme Court clerkship and his time on the Harvard Law Review, and about his well-placed connections. When I mentioned this self-promotional effort to a senior Bush adviser, I received a knowing eye-roll in response, and I decided to focus my profile on somebody else.

Perhaps I should have listened to the ambitious fellow: His name was R. Ted Cruz, and he is now a shoo-in to be the next U.S. senator from Texas. He kept me informed of his progress as he worked his way up through the Bush Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission before heading home to be Texas’s solicitor general.

These days we’re hearing about a different Ted Cruz: darling of the Tea Party, choice of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. This Ted Cruz wants to abolish the Commerce, Education and Energy departments, the IRS and the Transportation Security Administration. This Ted Cruz was quoted by the Texas Tribune as saying of Obamacare: “I’ll throw my body in front of a train to stop anything short of its complete and total repeal.”

I don’t doubt that Cruz holds conservative views. But a lot of the excess in the ideas he expresses now are surely less about ideology than expediency. The ambitious Cruz recognized that aligning himself with the burgeoning Tea Party movement would help propel him past the favorite to win the Republican Senate primary, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst.

I reached out to Cruz’s campaign to see whether he would talk to me; I thought he should be portrayed as something more than a Tea Party caricature. But my requests were ignored; in his current incarnation, being promoted in the mainstream media is apparently no longer desirable. Still, I am comforted by the theory that Cruz is driven more by ambition than by Tea Party doctrine.

In this sense, I put Cruz in a category with the Republicans’ new vice presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, a product of the elite Miami University of Ohio and a reasonable man who hardened his views to keep up with the Republicans’ ascendant conservatism. These are intellectually curious, liberal-arts conservatives who, although far to the right, are not temperamentally as unreasonable as they must pretend. If I’m correct that these are ambitious men using the Tea Party to get what they want, this could be good news if they achieve power and the irrational passions of the moment fade.

When I met Cruz a dozen years ago, I recognized his breed of Ivy League conservative. In the Yale Political Union, where I debated a quarter-century ago, there was a group called the Party of the Right, a band of young men who read Ayn Rand and were forever trying to get the union to hold a moment of silence in memory of Britain’s Charles the Martyr. A few were off the deep end, but most were harmless: They enjoyed mixing it up in debates on esoteric topics, preferably over drinks in silver chalices at Mory’s Temple Bar. Their far-out positions were taken, mostly, with a twinkle in the eye, and they went off to careers on Wall Street or in law firms.

In Cruz, there is still evidence of this type of debating-society conservative. In a recent interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, Cruz demonstrated the mnemonic technique he used as a teenager to memorize the Constitution, describing Article I, Section 8 as “TCCNCCPCC pawn momma run: Taxes, credit, commerce, naturalization, coinage, counterfeiting, post office, copyright, courts, piracy, army, war, navy, militia . . .”

His law firm bio, still online, boasts that he “argued more cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than any other lawyer in Texas” and puts his win-loss record as 23-4. It also notes that the National Association of Attorneys General awarded him the “Best Brief Award” for five straight years.

So how to reconcile that conventionally ambitious Cruz with the one who gave a crazy victory speech on July 31 after winning the primary? There, he thanked, among others, Palin, Beck, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express.

Maybe I’m kidding myself, but I prefer to believe Cruz is playing the Tea Party for his own gain. The Senate can tolerate an operator more easily than another ideologue.
He's a slimy, used car salesman type opportunist with no intention of responsibly governing who was more than willing to sacrifice the full faith and credit of the United States during his temper tantrum over raising the debt ceiling which would have been the responsible thing to do. He cares more about promoting Ted Cruz than he does about what's best for the United States of America. Throw in his loony religious views and willingness to abandon the US constitutional protections, and you have someone who's rightfully hated by anyone who knows him, including by his Republican colleagues in the Senate.

Hillary Freaking Clinton. That's who you support. So your post coming from most people is actually a credible post. Coming from the biggest partisan hack here, not so much.
Yet you pefer a lying, race-baiting, sleazeball, possible criminal like Hillary who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...she's a democrat so none of that matters. Party over country.

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First off....I don't have a favorite among the Republicans at this point. I just haven't done the research.

I've noticed most people on this board (not counting the lefties...they aren't voting R no matter what) seem to hate Cruz. Why? From what I gather from the comments I've seen, it is because he is a Christian and/or they don't like the way he looks/sounds. He certainly (on my cursory examination) seems to be the only true conservative running. Seems to be the one who has stuck to his principles the most. He is not "establishment". So why the hate?

I certainly wouldn't say it is "because he is a Christian" considering all of the candidates minus the Bern are Christians and the majority of voters are Christians. He is by far the most conservative of the bunch and too far conservative for many conservatives.

More than that I think it is because he sounds like a smug asshole every time he talks (and looks like one as well). He does NOT seem like a guy you'd invite over for a beer.

His qualifications are, to me, quite impressive, it is his political ideologies that scare me.
How can you hate a Canadian trying to run for the US Presidency? Especially one as "intellectually colorful" as Theodore Cruz...

His Dad's a real charmer, too!

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Yet you prefer a lying, race-baiting, sleazeball, possible criminal like Hillary who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...she's a democrat so none of that matters. Party over country.

Yet you prefer a lying, fear mongering, sleazeball, possible Canadian like Cruz who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...he is a republican so none of that matters. Party over country.
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Yet you pefer a lying, race-baiting, sleazeball, possible criminal like Hillary who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...she's a democrat so none of that matters. Party over country.

In fairness, Ciggy does suffer from Republican Derangement Syndrome and got his talking points from the Liberal Echo Chamber.

Did I do that right?
I certainly wouldn't say it is "because he is a Christian" considering all of the candidates minus the Bern are Christians and the majority of voters are Christians. He is by far the most conservative of the bunch and too far conservative for many conservatives.

More than that I think it is because he sounds like a smug asshole every time he talks (and looks like one as well). He does NOT seem like a guy you'd invite over for a beer.

His qualifications are, to me, quite impressive, it is his political ideologies that scare me.
Fair enough!
Yet you prefer a lying, fear mongering, sleazeball, possible Canadian like Cruz who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...he is a republican so none of that matters. Party over country.
Who says I support Cruz? I specifically said I don't have a favorite at this point because I haven't done enough research into the candidates to make an informed opinion yet.

I have however, eliminated several candidates:

1. Bernie Sanders because many of his proposals are off the wall and his Socialistic ideals are opposite of my own.
2. Hillary..for reasons I have already listed.
3. Trump. I understand why he is popular with many people. And while I agree with *some* of what he wants to do (his health plan, immigration and trade reform), I also think he is too much of a hot head and poses a legitimate thread to this country's safety (the most likely president in my lifetime...going back to Eisenhower, to "push the button"). Dr. Jekyll Trump might do a good job. Mr. Hyde Trump would be a disaster.
Who says I support Cruz? I specifically said I don't have a favorite at this point because I haven't done enough research into the candidates to make an informed opinion yet.

I have however, eliminated several candidates:

1. Bernie Sanders because many of his proposals are off the wall and his Socialistic ideals are opposite of my own.
2. Hillary..for reasons I have already listed.
3. Trump. I understand why he is popular with many people. And while I agree with *some* of what he wants to do (his health plan, immigration and trade reform), I also think he is too much of a hot head and poses a legitimate thread to this country's safety (the most likely president in my lifetime...going back to Eisenhower, to "push the button"). Dr. Jekyll Trump might do a good job. Mr. Hyde Trump would be a disaster.

If cooler heads prevail carpet bombing Ted Cruz might not be for you.
First off....I don't have a favorite among the Republicans at this point. I just haven't done the research.

I've noticed most people on this board (not counting the lefties...they aren't voting R no matter what) seem to hate Cruz. Why? From what I gather from the comments I've seen, it is because he is a Christian and/or they don't like the way he looks/sounds. He certainly (on my cursory examination) seems to be the only true conservative running. Seems to be the one who has stuck to his principles the most. He is not "establishment". So why the hate?

He's the type of guy the people who first settled this country were fleeing England to escape. It's pretty obvious.
Who says I support Cruz? I specifically said I don't have a favorite at this point because I haven't done enough research into the candidates to make an informed opinion yet.

I have however, eliminated several candidates:

1. Bernie Sanders because many of his proposals are off the wall and his Socialistic ideals are opposite of my own.
2. Hillary..for reasons I have already listed.
3. Trump. I understand why he is popular with many people. And while I agree with *some* of what he wants to do (his health plan, immigration and trade reform), I also think he is too much of a hot head and poses a legitimate thread to this country's safety (the most likely president in my lifetime...going back to Eisenhower, to "push the button"). Dr. Jekyll Trump might do a good job. Mr. Hyde Trump would be a disaster.

See the problem for me is (a) I'm likely a strong liberal in most of your eyes, and (b) every time I pick specific issues it negates anybody the GOP ever throws in to the ring. Such as: Criminal reform, legalization of marijuana, immigration reform (reform, not deportation of every last one). As soon as I identify those only the Bern is left. And even I agree that too many of his stances are crazy.

I could vote for Kasich or even some of the other fellas who aren't throwing out unrealistic deportation ideas (Christie, Jeb!).
Ted Cruz is a member of a strict fundamentalist branch of the Southern Baptist Church with deep roots in Dominionist theology. His father is a noted Dominionist. Here are a sampling of references to read more about his desire to set up a national and eventually world-wide Christian theocratic government.
Here's his dad preaching. Imagine growing up with this man shaping your thoughts, telling you, as young Ted's dad told him, "You are the One."

If you are unsure what Christian Dominion Theology is, but would not wish to live in a modern theocracy complete with the death penalty for LGBT persons, stoning of heretics and witches and the like, then you need to read up on the belief system here: Dominion Theology.
This is truly scary stuff for all who value liberty and the separation of church and state our US Constitution guarantees, particularly when this guy wants to be President of the United States. I would vote for Donald Trump in a heartbeat if he and Ted Cruz were my only options.
It is fascinating to see the reasons listed in this thread. Everything from being to far the right on social issues, having a puncheable face, to implying he would be some sort of religious zealot who would bring back stoning and the burning of witches.
Cruz has a personality that rubs many the wrong way. But there is no doubt he's the most intellectually gifted of the candidates left in the race.
It's an easy answer really.

1. He makes people consider their heathen, sinful ways. Not living up to Christian standards.

2. He has a very douche tone of voice.

3. He has a face you just want to punch.
Yet you pefer a lying, race-baiting, sleazeball, possible criminal like Hillary who only cares about winning public office and cares nothing for the people. Oh I forgot...she's a democrat so none of that matters. Party over country.

Actually no, I don't since Hillary is none of those things. Your Clinton Derangement syndrome would be easily cured by a few weeks away from the wingnut echo chamber, but I realize that it's difficult to admit that you've been brainwashed by their lies and hatred of the Clintons over the last 25 years.
Actually no, I don't since Hillary is none of those things. Your Clinton Derangement syndrome would be easily cured by a few weeks away from the wingnut echo chamber, but I realize that it's difficult to admit that you've been brainwashed by their lies and hatred of the Clintons over the last 25 years.
Ha ha. Funny man. Bark bark!

All you have to do is look at her history and listen to what comes out of her mouth. No thanks.
If cooler heads prevail carpet bombing Ted Cruz might not be for you.
Ted's the type of guy who instead of admitting he shouldn't have said he'd carpet bomb the Middle East or that he didn't know what carpet bomb means, he just decides he'll change the definition of carpet bombing. Ted, you going to kill all kinds of civilians by carpet bombing? Ted: No, no, no. I'm going to have precision carpet bombing. Don't be stupid.

Everything he does is to further advance Ted Cruz. I think most people have know somebody like this. Ted would throw anybody under the bus if it helps him out one bit.

Plus he just looks like and sounds like a huge dbag any time he talks.
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Where do I start?

  1. Cruz tried shutting down the government all by himself
  2. But was unable to talk the entire time about why he was doing it. Instead he read Green Eggs and Ham. Bernie's filibuster was way better
  3. He's trying to turn this country into a Christian state and limit the opportunities of other religions
  4. He has no idea what he's doing with foreign policy. Carpet bombing ISIS is a dangerously ridiculous plan
  5. And on a personal note, he has run the slimiest campaign after Trump. Dude's campaign strategy is an embarrassment.
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It is fascinating to see the reasons listed in this thread. Everything from being to far the right on social issues, having a puncheable face, to implying he would be some sort of religious zealot who would bring back stoning and the burning of witches.
He's pretty crappy.