But, I thought we're fighting them over 'there', so we don't have to fight them 'here'? You know, so guys like Huey can say what they want for freedom sake. Then he does and you want to deport him. Are you okay with this only if everyone supports your view?
And since you brought up the freedoms we had issue, I have a couple of things I'd like to address. Before our Presidents (Bush 1 & 2) lied about sending our troops to war in Iraq, we had a Bill of Rights. Sadly, the 4th and 5th amendments have been tossed aside and they now claim the right to assasinate Americans by drone endorsed by a secret panel. Bring the troops home and defend us from our politicians. You reek of jingoism. Saudi Arabia lops off more heads, nor do they allow their women to drive, but, they're our best buds in the ME. And they bank ISIS.
To the OP, I would suggest everyone stop signing up to fight these illegal wars sold to the public when they knew they were lies. Maybe Jack Reacher was right when he said there were 4 reasons why people enlist. 1) it's the family trade 2) their job options suck 3) they're psychotics who enjoy killing and can get paid for it 4) I forget 4, it wasn't an endorsement.