Solar Panels help Hops grow for Beer

Dec 31, 2014


It's a shame how every single one of those solar panels will end up in a landfill one day.
It's a shame how every single one of those solar panels will end up in a landfill one day.

You sure about that? The problem I have with assertions like this is the ridiculous level of certainty behind it. Where is your curiosity?

Recycling Overview​

Crystalline-silicon solar technology represents most of the solar panel market share. This type of panel is constructed with an aluminum frame, glass, copper wire, polymer layers and a backsheet, silicon solar cells, and a plastic junction box. The polymer layers seal the panel from exposure to weather but can make recycling and panel disassembling difficult, as high temperatures are often required to loosen the adhesive.

Many of these components can be recycled. Glass composes most of the weight of a solar panel (about 75 percent), and glass recycling is already a well-established industry. Other materials that are easily recyclable include the aluminum frame, copper wire, and plastic junction box.

Graphic showing the various components of a solar panel.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Click the image to enlarge it.
So specific components can be recycled if the panels are completely deconstructed.. peak cope considering nobody is going to go through that hassle.