Some creepy ass stalking going on on this board right now

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There are many people who liked a post claiming im doing something I shouldnt and I would love to hear what it is that Ive doxxed him with. He asked how i would know people he worked with, I answered my position, years ago, in a giant company. How is that doxxing him?
There are many people who liked a post claiming im doing something I shouldnt and I would love to hear what it is that Ive doxxed him with. He asked how i would know people he worked with, I answered my position, years ago, in a giant company. How is that doxxing him?
I don't believe they are talking about you.
Regardless of everything, this place has become a shithole. It's too bad really. I have met some of you in real life. I need to meet some of you in real life and I'm honestly worried about encountering some of you in real life and prepared to defend myself if I ever do. That's the beauty of the internet. Some of you are legitimately insane and need mental help. Others of you I worry will act out your violent fantasies based on your political ideology. Others of you are cool dudes and dudettes and I need to kick a couple of people's asses in pickleball but been too busy.

I'm Wddt/whiskey.

I'll tell you what needs to stop around here is small dicks making accusations without evidence.
You have attacked and attempted to dox me many times claiming you talked to people who I've worked with and spread further lies. Claimed I was a processor and I wasn't a veteran. You aimlessly attack me and lie. All the time. You egged Fran on to find the way to my employer a month or so ago as well. These are all your doing.
Regardless of everything, this place has become a shithole. It's too bad really. I have met some of you in real life. I need to meet some of you in real life and I'm honestly worried about encountering some of you in real life and prepared to defend myself if I ever do. That's the beauty of the internet. Some of you are legitimately insane and need mental help. Others of you I worry will act out your violent fantasies based on your political ideology. Others of you are cool dudes and dudettes and I need to kick a couple of people's asses in pickleball but been too busy.
Yes but these pitiful people have gone pesonsal like true MAGA pukes do. I don't give into that.
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You have attacked and attempted to dox me many times
False. I have actually sent fran packing when he asked me for info.

claiming you talked to people who I've worked with and spread further lies.
Chis, I was that( the position i told you i was) , my BIL is still a mort guy who got me that job and worked there for years, he and all his buddies all knew you. My BIL and I are close Hawk fans, he is a lurker, he laughs at you, you have come up over beers. I'm probably going to hear about THIS conversation from him at some point.

Claimed I was a processor and I wasn't a veteran.
I may have a processor at one point not knowing your exact title but I have never questioned your veteran status, you may actually remember a post.of mine talking about how infuriating you are but yet how I still appreciated and respected what you did because I didn't make that choice.

You aimlessly attack me and lie.

All the time.

See above
You egged Fran on to find the way to my employer a month or so ago as well.
This is a bold face lie.

These are all your doing.
Stalking/doxxing etc. are not going to be allowed. People need to be able to enjoy themselves here without worrying about someone taking things too far. Just don’t do it.

TY. Thats the way it should be.

@GOHOX69 , I know you have wanted to meet up some time. I just don't get your way too often. You know damn well I'm not going to dox you. I want to see your labs/science. Now granted my Pharma PHD friend might be included. He uses "trips" to Iowa City as a free trip to come back from Colorado to see his friends.
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I urge people to use the ignore function if necessary. It’s unfortunate, but reacting to aggressive posts only seems to encourage more. Participating in the bickering is a choice.

Since this thread exists only to perpetuate an unhealthy disagreement, I’m going to lock it.
Please try to keep this board a positive and fun environment for everyone.
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