Songs about the railroad...

I remember when I transitioned to the railroad. I wasn't very far out of college and I had a lot of family history in banking. So, I gave it a shot. I was a teller for a little over a year. And I absolutely hated it. The standing still, the monotonous repetition, the lame greetings and goodbyes. The cold call sales. Just the bullshit of doing nothing. I got online and found an ad for a large railroad hiring trackmen. I applied and got hired. And got my ass kicked. For several years. It felt pure though. I felt like at the end of those long days that I'd really achieved something. And my body told me I had. I still feel that way. I don't have to work like that anymore, but that feeling is still there. Best job I ever had.
I remember when I transitioned to the railroad. I wasn't very far out of college and I had a lot of family history in banking. So, I gave it a shot. I was a teller for a little over a year. And I absolutely hated it. The standing still, the monotonous repetition, the lame greetings and goodbyes. The cold call sales. Just the bullshit of doing nothing. I got online and found an ad for a large railroad hiring trackmen. I applied and got hired. And got my ass kicked. For several years. It felt pure though. I felt like at the end of those long days that I'd really achieved something. And my body told me I had. I still feel that way. I don't have to work like that anymore, but that feeling is still there. Best job I ever had.

I hear ya. I worked for the Chicago Northwestern back in the mid 80's. Track labor from Norfolk to Valentine Ne. It was summer gig I worked while I was in college.

It was a damn good job with damn good pay. Hard work, but pretty satisfying. Great memories.

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