Speaker Johnson moves on foreign aid, possibly triggering vote to oust him

You would think there would have been some stronger efforts by Republicans to take down the members who are causing all the disfunction in the primaries.

The RNC does not operate like the political machine that is the DNC,.. very little coordination of efforts.
It would give them all someone/something to throw rocks at.

However, my bet is Jeffries wouldn't accept the job. No sane Democrat would without at the very least a majority.
He'd take it.

The boon for the D's would be pretty enormous.

R controlled house has to turn to a Democrat for the speakership.

Can't make that shit up.
On the "shit job" list....speaker of the Republican House has to rank up near the top.

IIRC the Speaker makes about 50,000 a year more than a “normal” congressman I guess it’s up to each individual to decide if it’s worth it. Guessing most have availability of side income related to their position, To me the job looks like being a well compensated day care worker. If you are wired to deal with screaming kids not a terrible gig, If not wired that way….
To me the job looks like being a well compensated day care worker. If you are wired to deal with screaming kids not a terrible gig, If not wired that way….
But kids can be cute and sweet.

In the R House you have to deal with this on the daily

Ronny is a drug addict, that seems to be a bad fit for that committee.
One of them fought mightily (and lost) the FBI seizing his phone after Jan 6th. And the other is an alcoholic, ignorant Trump lackey who ran the White House pill mill.
Ahh. **** em and it’s embarrassing they they’d get those appointments. To put it lightly.