Speaker Mike Johnson

You can see how desperate folks like Northern are. There's already a thread on the front page about this subject that he started, but the bots are driving the scary brown people hysteria. I like how during Johnson's rant he remembered to throw in that the man in question hasn't actually been charged with anything or been tied to violence.
Trump 2.0 is an absolute s**t show, and as the dysfunction grows it's going to be a lot of work for Northern to distract people.
You can see how desperate folks like Northern are. There's already a thread on the front page about this subject that he started, but the bots are driving the scary brown people hysteria. I like how during Johnson's rant he remembered to throw in that the man in question hasn't actually been charged with anything or been tied to violence.
Trump 2.0 is an absolute s**t show, and as the dysfunction grows it's going to be a lot of work for Northern to distract people.
Yeah, I was kinda wondering why he didn't just post this in the thread he started less than 48 hours ago about this exact topic.
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A live look into Northern Manor
If what they did is so bad why can't we charge them with any discernable crime?

Hilarious how the group who absolutely detests the idea of banning hate speech out of principle suddenly feels ok to deport people for using their speech in support of Hamas.

And for the record I don't support Hamas. In another thread I actually defended Trump telling HAMAS that there will be severe consequences for failure to release all of the hostages. But I do believe in free speech out of principle. So no I don't like what this guy said, but I believe he has the right to say it without fear of reprisal from the government.

The solution to his speech is more speech.
just so i'm straight on this. The op and maga want to deport someone that is here legally and following our constitutional rights?

Correct. They want to deport someone who is legally here, followed the law, and was granted permanent citizenship, all because he exercised his free speech rights - because they disagree with what he said. They admitted he has not committed a crime.

Putin would approve.
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Correct. They want to deport someone who is legally here, followed the law, and was granted permanent citizenship, all because he exercised his free speech rights - because they disagree with what he said. They admitted he has not committed a crime.

Putin would approve.

If we haven’t gone full Russia you’d think this guy is going to sue for a RIDICULOUS amount of money.

I’d also assume the free speech absolutists like Elon are gonna be on the front lines of this one.
The most Northern thing will be to post anti trans bigotry to change the subject, or post about how he pisses himself at the thought of entering a Hy-Vee after dark. Because, you know, the element in the neighborhoods after dark.
Is that code for “werewolves?”
"Meet your new boss...he's the same as your old boss(es).

WASHINGTON Even as it pulls back from harsh interrogations and other sharply debated aspects of George W. Bush’s “war on terrorism,” the Obama administration is quietly signaling continued support for other major elements of its predecessor’s approach to fighting Al Qaeda.

In little-noticed confirmation testimony recently, Obama nominees endorsed continuing the C.I.A.’s program of transferring prisoners to other countries without legal rights, and indefinitely detaining terrorism suspects without trials even if they were arrested far from a war zone.

The administration has also embraced the Bush legal team’s arguments that a lawsuit by former C.I.A. detainees should be shut down based on the “state secrets” doctrine. It has also left the door open to resuming military commission trials.

And earlier this month, after a British court cited pressure by the United States in declining to release information about the alleged torture of a detainee in American custody, the Obama administration issued a statement thanking the British government “for its continued commitment to protect sensitive national security information.”

So, again, it’s not participating in an illegal protest, they just don’t like his speech, yes?

If the SOS has complete discretion in this, as this guy claims, he will get deported.

But that’s not what other legal commentators are saying. And it would be inconsistent for the NY fed court to prevent deportation if Rubio has that alleged power.
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Correct. They want to deport someone who is legally here, followed the law, and was granted permanent citizenship, all because he exercised his free speech rights - because they disagree with what he said. They admitted he has not committed a crime.

Putin would approve.
Trump is starting small. He'll try and deport citizens if he wins this one. That would be illegal and bonkers, but, bonkers and authoritarian abuses of power are the new norm.
Correct. They want to deport someone who is legally here, followed the law, and was granted permanent citizenship, all because he exercised his free speech rights - because they disagree with what he said. They admitted he has not committed a crime.

Putin would approve.
Permanent citizenship? I’m not familiar with
“Granting” that. You are born with it or you earn it but I don’t believe it’s just granted.

Don’t you mean permanent residency? Does this person have a permanent green card?
Permanent citizenship? I’m not familiar with
“Granting” that. You are born with it or you earn it but I don’t believe it’s just granted.

Don’t you mean permanent residency? Does this person have a permanent green card?

I misspoke. Permanent resident. He is a green card holder.
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