Stanford SJW’s gonna SJW

FAUlty Gator

HR Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Ben Shapiro is set to speak tomorrow at Stanford University at the invitation of the Stanford College Republicans. And some of Stanford’s liberal students are welcoming the opportunity to hear a conservative’s point of view.

Just kidding! They’re holding a “silent rally” and likening him to an insect:

But crazy do you have to be to think an entire segment of a campus is “put at risk” because an orthodox Jewish person is coming to speak. At least it’s silent.
Ben Shapiro is set to speak tomorrow at Stanford University at the invitation of the Stanford College Republicans. And some of Stanford’s liberal students are welcoming the opportunity to hear a conservative’s point of view.

Just kidding! They’re holding a “silent rally” and likening him to an insect:

But crazy do you have to be to think an entire segment of a campus is “put at risk” because an orthodox Jewish person is coming to speak. At least it’s silent.

Free speech. This is how it’s supposed to work.
Menace Sockeyes would likely approve of such a flyer. He calls his political opponents “cockroaches”.
The guy has inspired multiple Mass-shooters I wouldn't roll out the red carpet for him either. As long as the protest is non-violent I don't have a problem with it.
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The guy has inspired multiple Mass-shooters...

Yeah...just like me calling them crazy idiots. It's working through me too. I never challenged their right to say it. Just called them crazy fools for being like that. Free speech.

As I said, I’m fine with that. Call them crazy. Nobody is stopping anybody from expressing their opinion peacefully.
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OP is the most triggered little bitch I've ever seen. Peaceful protests from some college students is "totally crazy!" yet an actual nutcase is POTUS and hired this crazy ass on the taxpayer dime, and crickets. LOL!... about triggered. Holy hell. So triggered you can't even read. What's crazy isn't that they are protesting. That's perfectly normal. What's crazy is that that the hyperbolic vapors these nutbags use in thinking that they're all in danger because a speaker is going to step foot on their campus. The definition of triggered.

What is little Ben Shapiro going to do that will put blacks, browns, Muslims "in danger"? Answer that. about triggered. Holy hell. So triggered you can't even read. What's crazy isn't that they are protesting. That's perfectly normal. What's crazy is that that the hyperbolic vapors these nutbags use in thinking that they're all in danger because a speaker is going to step foot on their campus. The definition of triggered.

What is little Ben Shapiro going to do that will put blacks, browns, Muslims "in danger"? Answer that.

Well, for starters FAUlty, he said Palestinians like to live in open sewage and that kids listening to someone in drag read to them at the library was child abuse. I'd say the students have completely valid concerns over this.
Well, for starters FAUlty, he said Palestinians like to live in open sewage and that kids listening to someone in drag read to them at the library was child abuse. I'd say the students have completely valid concerns over this.

And that puts blacks and gays in danger on the Stanford campus? Really? Good grief. You're not even trying anymore.
And that puts blacks and gays in danger on the Stanford campus? Really? Good grief. You're not even trying anymore.

First of all, I said "for starters". Second, we've now had multiple right wing terrorist mass shooters that targeted certain groups after getting radicalized by Shapiro, an angry demagogue.
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LOL...."getting radicalized by Shapiro".

Quebec mosque mass shooter Alexandre Bissonnette checked in on the Twitter account of Ben Shapiro, editor in chief of the conservative news site the Daily Wire, 93 times in the month leading up to the shooting.[42] Bissonnette was also a supporter of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen.[43][44]

As a famous person once said: Facts don't care about your feelings, FAUlty.
Quebec mosque mass shooter Alexandre Bissonnette checked in on the Twitter account of Ben Shapiro, editor in chief of the conservative news site the Daily Wire, 93 times in the month leading up to the shooting.[42] Bissonnette was also a supporter of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen.[43][44]

As a famous person once said: Facts don't care about your feelings, FAUlty.

Oh..."he checked in on a site" equates to "being radicalized by". You're pretty much saying that if he watched Loony Toons, Bugs Bunny is to blame for everything he did. Radicalized by Yosemite Sam. Brilliant.

It shouldn't be hard to point to Tweets by Shapiro that encourages people to shoot gays and brown people. Can you post a few of those?
Quebec mosque mass shooter Alexandre Bissonnette checked in on the Twitter account of Ben Shapiro, editor in chief of the conservative news site the Daily Wire, 93 times in the month leading up to the shooting.[42] Bissonnette was also a supporter of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen.[43][44]

As a famous person once said: Facts don't care about your feelings, FAUlty.

Charles Manson listened to Helter Skelter by the Beatles and went and killed people. Were the Beatles radicalizing people?
Oh..."he checked in on a site" equates to "being radicalized by". You're pretty much saying that if he watched Loony Toons, Bugs Bunny is to blame for everything he did. Radicalized by Yosemite Sam. Brilliant.

It shouldn't be hard to point to Tweets by Shapiro that encourages people to shoot gays and brown people. Can you post a few of those?

JFC, I just gave you some in post #21 and in that link. Yet why were you silent on the Trump nutcase in the White House I posted? Your fixation on peaceful protests of a hate inciter like Shapiro is ridiculously hollow next to that. We have actual nutcases in dangerous positions of power and you're desperate to make these peaceful kids out to be some dangerous problem.
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No, because The Beatles didn't refer to people as loving to "live in sewage" or as "child abusers" out of their own prejudice and hatred. Without false equivalencies, Cons would have no "logic".

The point is that people that "want" to be radicalized and do crazy ass shit could "blame anyone because of anything. It is the equivalent of blaming the gun for a murder.
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The point is that people that "want" to be radicalized and do crazy ass shit could "blame anyone because of anything. It is the equivalent of blaming the gun for a murder.

My argument would be a helluva lot more nuanced than that, but its part of the puzzle. Funny how Conservatives understand this concept with Radical Islamic terrorists, but for some reason can't see past their own biases to connect the dots here. I don't know how many more terrorist incidents where these guys are quoted that its going to take. Sadly, in the age of Trump, willful ignorance is all the rage these days.
The guy has inspired multiple Mass-shooters I wouldn't roll out the red carpet for him either. As long as the protest is non-violent I don't have a problem with it.
Another example of a leftist making a completely outlandish claim and it goes unchecked or even liked by other leftist posters. But again conservatives are the ignorant stupid ones.
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First of all, I said "for starters". Second, we've now had multiple right wing terrorist mass shooters that targeted certain groups after getting radicalized by Shapiro, an angry demagogue.
Another outlandish claim. My goodness leftist posters. Have some accountability for your nutbags. Talk about emotion @Rudolph. @Menace Sockeyes is more emotional than a 55 year old woman going through menopause.
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