because I think, from my research, and from watching zeitgeist, and from thinking for myself, and from coming to conclusions, that most of what he says has merit and has actual foundations in the writings and teaching of the bible. most of what he says, maybe not all. for instance: I dislike joel olstein, and many other megachurch preachers. but, I can also see in the movie zeitgeist, about how some or most religions and religious people are frauds in this country. and in Europe. I don't sit there in church and believe 100% of what hagee says all the time. I really went there at first for his teachings on the biblical prophecy and isreal. I also listen to patriots and what the patriot movement has to say and what alex jones has to say, but don't agree 100% all the time. lately alex has been talking about god more and more. I do believe the founders started this country with the blessing of god and they called him the creator. I believe god or the creator grants our rights, and man is to not mess with those rights through his silly laws. I also believe the creator could be an alien in the heavens, ufo stuff. Hagee mentions spirits and ufos and demons and spirits and all kinds of things in his sermons..