Statistics don’t lie

They do when cities and states stop reporting those stats. If you read the article it lists that as a limitation.
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The numbers released Monday were gathered from 13,719 of the just over 19,000 law enforcement agencies from across the country, according to the bureau.

The preliminary figures in the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report do come with important limitations. For one, the bureau relies upon data voluntarily submitted by policing agencies.

Crime analysts also say quarterly data are imprecise, as law enforcement agencies have the remainder of the year to audit and correct any reporting errors before final annual figures are published by the FBI.

“We have other data sources that point to the same trends, but the degree of those declines is probably being overstated due to the methodology being employed by the FBI,” said Asher.
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And let's not pretend that the police and prosecutors aren't near as proactive as they once were.
They do when cities and states stop reporting those stats. If you read the article it lists that as a limitation.

It also says other data is showing the same trends, it's just the degree to which it points.

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