Students at Games, not gonna happen

  • Thread starter anon_ddojbbh8q7xrt
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Apparently alot of universities are changing the fall calendar so that when kids go home for Thanksgiving they dont go back to campus until spring. The last few weeks and finals are online. I do recognize that Thanksgiving is like the last game of the season but I just think this is another indicator that students and possibly no one will in the stadium
Apparently alot of universities are changing the fall calendar so that when kids go home for Thanksgiving they dont go back to campus until spring. The last few weeks and finals are online. I do recognize that Thanksgiving is like the last game of the season but I just think this is another indicator that students and possibly no one will in the stadium
Apparently alot of universities are changing the fall calendar so that when kids go home for Thanksgiving they dont go back to campus until spring. The last few weeks and finals are online. I do recognize that Thanksgiving is like the last game of the season but I just think this is another indicator that students and possibly no one will in the stadium

Rutgers announced mostly virtual classes. The governor is allowing only 500 fans in the stadium (54,00 seats... Said the same for Jets/Giants with 85,000 seats) Rutgers has announced it will be family of players & coaches... No paying fans & no students.
Apparently alot of universities are changing the fall calendar so that when kids go home for Thanksgiving they dont go back to campus until spring. The last few weeks and finals are online. I do recognize that Thanksgiving is like the last game of the season but I just think this is another indicator that students and possibly no one will in the stadium

UNC and N.C. State will be starting classes next week and will finish by Thanksgiving. This includes exams. The NC State Marching Band is still planning playing at games, but it will be a scaled back show.
Rutgers announced mostly virtual classes. The governor is allowing only 500 fans in the stadium (54,00 seats... Said the same for Jets/Giants with 85,000 seats) Rutgers has announced it will be family of players & coaches... No paying fans & no students.
Seems like a reasonable person...I’m guessing Iowa’s gov will mandate the stadiums be full for each game....(kidding...maybe...)
The good news for Rutgers is that it will be business as usual--500 fans and tens of thousands empty seats.
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So I wonder how they will determine the lucky 500 at Rutgers. A lottery would be logical but the billionaire donors are probably not going accept fair odds as the deciding factor.

I bet it’s something like 1/4 players families, 1/4 rich people 1/4 lottery for regular people and then 1/4 lottery for students
The good news for Rutgers is that it will be business as usual--500 fans and tens of thousands empty seats.

I've said this elsewhere on this board...500 during the Ash error..I mean era...would be normal. But it's 2020 and Schiano is back. The seats were going to be filled this year.

So I wonder how they will determine the lucky 500 at Rutgers. A lottery would be logical but the billionaire donors are probably not going accept fair odds as the deciding factor.

I bet it’s something like 1/4 players families, 1/4 rich people 1/4 lottery for regular people and then 1/4 lottery for students

Allegedly it's
0 fans
0 students
all player/coach families
but I think the high end donors with their name on stuff get in too. Hard to tell the Rodkins who have donated $16M and the Towers who have donated $10 that they have to watch from home.

I know for sure that regular fans are not getting in because as a season ticket holder I've already been asked what I want to do with my fully paid for tickets:
have RU hold the $ until next season
request a refund
donate it
Apparently alot of universities are changing the fall calendar so that when kids go home for Thanksgiving they dont go back to campus until spring. The last few weeks and finals are online. I do recognize that Thanksgiving is like the last game of the season but I just think this is another indicator that students and possibly no one will in the stadium
yes, to make sure that if they have it, they give to as many people back home as possible before returning to school

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