Suspension Thoughts?

This is the difference between 3A Decorah and 4A WDM Valley or Ankeny. Small schools always need their best players playing.
Here is the life lesson to take away from this. If you are working for a guy that suspends you for going to a grandmothers funeral find a different job as soon as possible. Same for going to the rose bowl to see your brother play in the game.

Petty tyrants will always justify their actions. You won't change their minds so simply change your circumstances.

In the case of a coach that thinks this way? Get over yourself. What you do is not that important in the big picture
Best coaching line I ever picked up was from Mike K from Duke, Leading With the Heart. I don't treat all players equally, I treat all the players fairly.
If they were good enough, they wouldn't get suspended. Tough guy coach trying to make a point to his sheep without actually costing himself anything.

I would have to disagree with this, (maybe some coaches would do this) as I coach and my brother also coaches. When My daughter was in HS playing ball for him she had to sit out a game for missing practice because she was testing for her black belt in Tae Kwan Do, which if she hadn't tested that night she would have to wait another year before she could do it again. I disagreed with my brother big time on this one, but he explained to me everyone is treated the same and we all have to make choices in life and there can be consequences with what we choose. He also pointed out that it wouldn't be fair to the kids that do choose to come to practice everyday.

Didn't like the end result, but I did understand his point.
Also he did treat every kid on the team the same no matter how good you were.
Your brother is full of it. Not everyone is treated the same even under the situation you just described. The consequence might be the same but the people suffering through that type of lazy thinking most certainly are not treated the same as a result. I would say the same thing for the idiot that only lets people test once a year for their black belt. It is stupid and carries no real lesson into adult life. Adults do not get treated this way and yet somehow we expect kids to buy that type of bs.

The coaches and teachers most certainly do not hold each other let alone themselves to these lofty standards.
I would have to disagree with this, (maybe some coaches would do this) as I coach and my brother also coaches. When My daughter was in HS playing ball for him she had to sit out a game for missing practice because she was testing for her black belt in Tae Kwan Do, which if she hadn't tested that night she would have to wait another year before she could do it again. I disagreed with my brother big time on this one, but he explained to me everyone is treated the same and we all have to make choices in life and there can be consequences with what we choose. He also pointed out that it wouldn't be fair to the kids that do choose to come to practice everyday.

Didn't like the end result, but I did understand his point.
Also he did treat every kid on the team the same no matter how good you were.

The question is did your brother overreact because he didn't want anyone to perceive him from being nepotistic toward his niece?. Anyone who has spent enough dedication to achieve a black belt in Tae Kwan Do is someone I wouldn't want to punish. That proves dedication and commitment to a goal. That's the kind of person I want on my team. That's real leadership and coaching.
I would say not playing the first half as a reasonable suspension. What happens if the coach misses a practice due to another conflict, do they get suspended?? Just saying, you have to treat the players and the coaches the same.

I remember we had a coach in high school who was also our principal. Worst situation ever, he was always showing up late to practice or missing due to meetings. Our assistant coach was a parent of one of the players. Basically he was coaching the team and the principal was along for the ride. It was a joke of a situation. We sucked, but mainly because this parent wanted his son to touch the ball every time down the floor.

My experience, albeit anecdotal, is that administrators don't make as good of coaches. Too many conflicts, not as in-touch with the age group, and sometimes a sense of "importance."
Is there no room for the coach to differentiate between excused and unexcused absences? If not, then he is just setting himself up for this kind of conflict.
Ill do you one better.

My nephew plays on some local teams and then on a traveling team (age 12). Well we are planning a vacation this summer to go down south for a week (florida). His traveling team coach said that was an unexcused reason and that my nephew will have sit for 2 games or pay a fine to the coach. My sister in law about blew a gasket. This is small kid baseball and he gonna fine the parents for the kid missing??

I told her to just pull the kid off the team and tell that coach to go F*ck himself. That is just pathetic to punish a kid for missing for a family trip. In high school okay, they are a little older and can accept and understand the punishment I hope. But this coach is basically telling my nephew (12yrs old) that baseball should come before everything (family, education, and etc.).

We are going and I guess the coach isn't happy about it. I keep telling her to just walk away. He is not going to lose anything by not playing in 60+ games this summer. He can play his local stuff and if there is another team out there try to join it or just move on. FYI the kid isn't a superstar by any stretch, but he does enjoy baseball.
Ill do you one better.

My nephew plays on some local teams and then on a traveling team (age 12). Well we are planning a vacation this summer to go down south for a week (florida). His traveling team coach said that was an unexcused reason and that my nephew will have sit for 2 games or pay a fine to the coach. My sister in law about blew a gasket. This is small kid baseball and he gonna fine the parents for the kid missing??

I told her to just pull the kid off the team and tell that coach to go F*ck himself. That is just pathetic to punish a kid for missing for a family trip. In high school okay, they are a little older and can accept and understand the punishment I hope. But this coach is basically telling my nephew (12yrs old) that baseball should come before everything (family, education, and etc.).

We are going and I guess the coach isn't happy about it. I keep telling her to just walk away. He is not going to lose anything by not playing in 60+ games this summer. He can play his local stuff and if there is another team out there try to join it or just move on. FYI the kid isn't a superstar by any stretch, but he does enjoy baseball.
Pay a fine to the coach? I'm guessing that isn't in the handbook or policies. I can see missing out on playing time or not starting, but no way someone should have to pay a fine at that age (pros only). Sounds like a coach who you wouldn't want to play for.
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HS sports are becoming too much, hell even youth sports are becoming ridiculous in their demands of 2nd graders. So much more to life than your stats (but some parents are living through their kids and not with them).
Ill do you one better.

My nephew plays on some local teams and then on a traveling team (age 12). Well we are planning a vacation this summer to go down south for a week (florida). His traveling team coach said that was an unexcused reason and that my nephew will have sit for 2 games or pay a fine to the coach. My sister in law about blew a gasket. This is small kid baseball and he gonna fine the parents for the kid missing??

I told her to just pull the kid off the team and tell that coach to go F*ck himself. That is just pathetic to punish a kid for missing for a family trip. In high school okay, they are a little older and can accept and understand the punishment I hope. But this coach is basically telling my nephew (12yrs old) that baseball should come before everything (family, education, and etc.).

We are going and I guess the coach isn't happy about it. I keep telling her to just walk away. He is not going to lose anything by not playing in 60+ games this summer. He can play his local stuff and if there is another team out there try to join it or just move on. FYI the kid isn't a superstar by any stretch, but he does enjoy baseball.
That's exactly the kind of coach I am talking about, and they are not uncommon. The guy probably likes anonymously bullying people around on message boards too.
In high school I can see punishing a player for missing practices. I would say do a half or 1 game if its a long break. I realize that there are kids who are putting in the time to practice while your gone and they should be rewarded playing time in your absence.

But I have a hard time 8th grade and below punishing a kid because they missed due to a family trip. These kids can't stay at home by themselves and are most likely going to have to miss the practices. Older kids can understand why they are being punished and most can accept it. The lower level kids might not and I think it sends the wrong message.

Overall some coaches need to take a step back and look at whats best for the kids, not themselves. I mean I hear of kids playing 70-100 basketball/baseball/soccer games a year. That is way too many. Some of these club teams are traveling all over the place and its just insane.
Pay a fine to the coach? I'm guessing that isn't in the handbook or policies. I can see missing out on playing time or not starting, but no way someone should have to pay a fine at that age (pros only). Sounds like a coach who you wouldn't want to play for.

Come on man. If this coach has a great season this year the Yankees may come calling with a AAA gig.

To the original point I could see sitting the Rose bowl kids for a half.
I have a nephew that plays on the Hawkeye football team. Two of my nephews play high school basketball in Iowa. Only one plays varsity. They both made the bowl trip with my brother and sister in law. Due to expenses they drove out to California so the kids missed 5 Christmas basketball practices. They have a big conference game tonight and are both going to play in the game. I was tailgating with another parent of a Hawkeye and he said his sons missed two practices and will be suspended for the first game back. I feel bad for the parents and his sons as they missed out on all the family activities that were put on for parents/families throughout the week. Should a high school wrestling or basketball coach suspend players for attending their brothers Rose Bowl game? Thoughts? Would a high school coach not attend the game if his brother were playing in such a prestigious event?

North Korea just detonated it's first hydrogen weapon. The middle east has begun a nuclear arms race. Europe is flooded with the most refugees since WW2. Sharia law has doomed Afghanistan and Pakistan. Central America is such a disaster that most of their people are trying to sneak into the USA. South America is defaulting on their debt left and right. A 14th century caliphate is in process. China's economy is tanking. Russia is waging a war on two and possibly soon to be three fronts. The world banking system is on the precipice. The USA is broke and burning the last pages of the Constitution. A new global religion is about to turn the evolutionary clock back 5 thousand years.

But yeah, some kid getting suspended from a fricken high school basketball game is a major disaster in need of legislation. First-world problems are the best.

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The question is did your brother overreact because he didn't want anyone to perceive him from being nepotistic toward his niece?. Anyone who has spent enough dedication to achieve a black belt in Tae Kwan Do is someone I wouldn't want to punish. That proves dedication and commitment to a goal. That's the kind of person I want on my team. That's real leadership and coaching.

Thanks for asking but no that didn't have anything to do with it, that's kind of been the policy of that program for some time know. Like I pointed out before, he explained to me that kids have to make choices and if that was her choice she would have to sit.
Also said he was glad to see her accomplishing something like that but the rules for their program where set. Believe me when I said that we had some long hard discussions over this as I pointed out how long she had been competing in Tae Kwan Do and This was a big accomplishment in her life.

I am not trying to make my brother out to be a bad guy here, he is a really good guy and has had some nice success in coaching. He also said if you bend the rules for one you will end up bending it for a lot more of them..

He once sat one of his best players one year because she never had anything nice to say about her teammates. He gave her the choice of playing again by just complementing her teammates, she wouldn't so she kept sitting. Same thing here he said she had a choice to make and she choice not to play because she couldn't complement her teammates. I actually like this decision, because how many coaches will let a good player get away with crap or be a head case because they are really good. And no those parents where not happy.
I have a nephew that plays on the Hawkeye football team. Two of my nephews play high school basketball in Iowa. Only one plays varsity. They both made the bowl trip with my brother and sister in law. Due to expenses they drove out to California so the kids missed 5 Christmas basketball practices. They have a big conference game tonight and are both going to play in the game. I was tailgating with another parent of a Hawkeye and he said his sons missed two practices and will be suspended for the first game back. I feel bad for the parents and his sons as they missed out on all the family activities that were put on for parents/families throughout the week. Should a high school wrestling or basketball coach suspend players for attending their brothers Rose Bowl game? Thoughts? Would a high school coach not attend the game if his brother were playing in such a prestigious event?
Stop, whining
Valid point but that is a little different. Baseball is known to occur when school is out of session. I think the holidays are a bit different since it is generally considered a religious and family time. I also think America's passion about the importance of high school sports is overblown. It is important to health, creates character/work ethic, promotes team building, etc but it is still just high school sports.

This. So this. Have we really come to a point in this country where HS sports are so important that a kid can't take a family trip during the Christmas break because some self important High School coach scheduled a practice then?
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