Sweden To Offer Immigrants $34,000 To Leave Country

Why can’t they buy each of those Muslim men two or three goats instead? Problem solved?

I’m afraid the problem has become bigger than that.

This from

Sweden’s new normal: Bombs in the suburbs on a weeknight​

Gang members have begun bombing the homes of each other’s families — and everyone feels at risk.

STOCKHOLM — When the blast ran through the Stockholm suburb of Hässelby Villastad on a weekday night last week, I was sitting in my living room about to send a text.

The front windows rattled so hard I thought they might shatter and I broke off typing mid-word.

As I went upstairs to check if my daughter was OK, she came out of her bedroom looking confused.

“I’m pretty sure that was a bomb,” I said as the wail of sirens from emergency services vehicles filled the evening air.

I’m no expert on how bombs sound but we already have had two bomb attacks in this part of the city this year, so the odds were that this was number three.

The first bombing, in January, blew a football-sized hole in an apartment block near where I often cycle. Four arrests were made following the attack, local media reported at the time.

The second, in March, knocked a whole row of wooden terraced houses off their foundations behind my son’s secondary school. Six people were detained in the wake of that attack.

This bomb was even closer to home.

From the photos posted on Swedish news sites, I could see the building that had been targeted was an apartment block on my route to the local shop. There were no immediate reports of arrests in the case.

I could see residents walking over broken glass and evacuated to a nearby primary school. Three people were taken to hospital.

What started as internal conflict between rival drug gangs has spun into a spiral of revenge attacks as gang members — often frustrated in their attempts to kill each other — have begun bombing the homes of each other’s families.

The government has yet to bring to justice Sweden’s most high-profile gang leader, Rawa Majid, who continues to operate with seeming impunity from Turkey, where he was recently granted citizenship.

A clash between Majid and a former ally called Ismail Abdo is believed to be behind much of the recent violence in Stockholm
Why do you think the Swedish government is forgoing the economic benefit and strength through diversity these immigrants provide and instead is willing to pay these people to leave?
Because they’ve more than likely overdone it. I think Conservatives have this cartoon view that liberals don’t think there should be a limits to immigration. That’s simply not true. What we are against is demonizing and scapegoating migrants based on the actions of a few. White Iowans do horrible things that get on the news every day. Yet I don’t ever have to be labeled or demonized because of them.
Try asking them what they think the limit should be: @BelemNole
Or asking you to answer that question yourself. Crickets.

I've offered this:

Estimating Population Increase for 2% GDP Growth:

To achieve 2% GDP growth:

  • Population growth alone would need to significantly increase, especially if productivity growth remains low. A 1% annual increase in population, coupled with modest productivity growth, would typically be sufficient for 2% GDP growth.
  • Given current population growth of 0.35%, increasing population growth by approximately 0.65% annually (adding about 2.15 million people) could help achieve this, assuming productivity growth around 1%.
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Reactions: BelemNole
Try not answering questions while demanding others answer yours. And then if they do answer ignore it and keep ranting like a moron.

Oh wait, you already do that.

Ask him, @Menace Sockeyes , see if he can prove he isn't a 'cartoon'.

"I think Conservatives have this cartoon view that liberals don’t think there should be a limits to immigration."

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