Sweeping bill to overhaul Supreme Court would add six justices

or, embrace it.

"it's hard" really isn't much of an excuse, and usually reflects a design feature rather than a design flaw.

Hard isn't the right word. Pretty much impossible in our modern day.

Shoot the only way we were able to illegalize slavery is because the southern states were rebelling and we decided they didn't count.
Harry Reid (D) utilizing the nuclear option on judicial appointments was when it all started.
The party of personal responsibility engages in unprecedented partisan behavior and exclaims “It’s your fault! You started it!”

This for the love of God. It will never happen but my God why should anyone be given a lifetime appointment for anything? Fvcking stupid.

Instead of complaining about something you don’t understand.

Why not ask, why did they do this?

They did it so that SC decisions would not be subject to the whims of voters, or the popular party, or the populist notions of the day.

That minority and individual rights would be retained and asserted under the law.

To expressly prevent the “tyranny of the majority.” Look it up.

That they wouldn’t be making decisions based on retaining their own seat, but rather what was correct under the Law.
Good, tie it to the number of district courts.

While we're at it, tie the EC to the population of the smallest state
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If the courts weren't balanced in favor of the conservatives, would the Dems push this bill? Me thinks, NOPE! Just end the life-time term limits and the problem is solved.