Sweeping rules changes are coming at the EPA. Say goodbye to crystal, clean water.


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
This is what happens when the agency charged with protecting the environment is run by a coal guy.
It's a shame more people don't pay attention to things like this. If you know an independent or moderate female voter between the ages of 24-60 who voted for Trump, pass this along to her.
Clean air and water are a privilege, not a right.

If you want clean water, pay extra.

No doubt someone has a plan to monetize clean air, too.

How can anyone be OK with this administration on environment and health?
Yeah, this is bad.

More taxpayer money going to Superfunds for cleanups down the road; more people impacted by pollution.

The GOP of Nixon and Reagan is fully dead. Actual Conservatives aren't fans of these kinds of market imbalances which favor polluters and socialize/externalize the costs.
Meh, this poop show of an administration is in its death throes and will be gone soon. Let them have their little fun until 2021 and then the grownups can come in and reverse their idiocy.
We hope.

Unfortunately, after 4 years of going the wrong direction on so many things, just reversing course or restoring Obama's EOs and negotiated agreements (if possible) won't be enough. We need to to do much more just to get where we would have been without all this backsliding. And even that may not be enough on things like climate change.

It won't be enough to just rejoin the Paris agreement on climate change. We need to lead and drag the rest of the world along with us.

It won't be enough to rejoin the Iran Deal. It may not even be possible. And now we need to worry about Turkey's nuclear ambitions, too.

What's more, it's not entirely clear that all Dem candidates really want to do what's necessary. And we now have a couple more talking about jumping in - Bloomberg and Deval Patrick - who may not be aggressive enough, either.
Where is this crystal, (odd comma placement btw) and clean water you speak of? Bc it sure as eff isnt in the midwest until you get way way north or find a lake infested with zebra mussels.
What is your point?
That it's pretty difficult to say goodbye to something you don't have in the first place? Or should I drive over to Macbride next summer and stare longingly into the algae bloom cesspool and say goodbye to it?
My bigger point obviously is this is more bs from the left trying to pretend like everything is going to hell now that we have a gop potus when in reality, our water quality mostly sucks regardless of who's in the white house.
Clean air and water are a privilege, not a right.

If you want clean water, pay extra.

No doubt someone has a plan to monetize clean air, too.

How can anyone be OK with this administration on environment and health?
Al Gore Champion of monetizing all this carbon BS.
Clean air and water are a privilege, not a right.

If you want clean water, pay extra.

No doubt someone has a plan to monetize clean air, too.

How can anyone be OK with this administration on environment and health?
This sounds like what the workers wanted in the original Total Recall movie.
That it's pretty difficult to say goodbye to something you don't have in the first place? Or should I drive over to Macbride next summer and stare longingly into the algae bloom cesspool and say goodbye to it?
My bigger point obviously is this is more bs from the left trying to pretend like everything is going to hell now that we have a gop potus when in reality, our water quality mostly sucks regardless of who's in the white house.

Do you think this move helps or hinders the goal of clean water?
Where is this crystal, (odd comma placement btw) and clean water you speak of? Bc it sure as eff isnt in the midwest until you get way way north or find a lake infested with zebra mussels.
Your attempt at grammar correction concludes with your own grammatical error, Matt.
That it's pretty difficult to say goodbye to something you don't have in the first place? Or should I drive over to Macbride next summer and stare longingly into the algae bloom cesspool and say goodbye to it?
My bigger point obviously is this is more bs from the left trying to pretend like everything is going to hell now that we have a gop potus when in reality, our water quality mostly sucks regardless of who's in the white house.
What an odd defense of the Trump administration.
Do you think this move helps or hinders the goal of clean water?
Oh I freely admit it likely hinders it and don't defend this specific decision. Why not just post that though instead of pretending like its ruining something that is now great? Never mind we know that's been the left's playbook for decades.
Oh I freely admit it likely hinders it and don't defend this specific decision. Why not just post that though instead of pretending like its ruining something that is now great? Never mind we know that's been the left's playbook for decades.

I guess I don't understand why you think this is a point to argue. I am sorry there isn't a drop of clean water where you live but that doesn't mean we should stop working toward improving water quality standards.
I agree that it's not great in some places and likely worse in others... but i'm sure it's pretty good in some areas too. That said, the point is to clean things up and make it better everywhere and this move does the opposite. I'd much prefer the trying to make it better or slowly make it better option vs the it isn't good some places so let's let it all go to crap option.
This is a really weak argument.
Uh huh, and starting a thread titled say goodbye to crystal clean water isn't? Sorry if the throw granny from the cliff overdramatic arguments to everything dont bother you. Trash lines like these make me nauseous.
I guess I don't understand why you think this is a point to argue. I am sorry there isn't a drop of clean water where you live but that doesn't mean we should stop working toward improving water quality standards.
Well said. You should have started this thread with that point. I'd have given you a like.
Yeah, this is bad.

More taxpayer money going to Superfunds for cleanups down the road; more people impacted by pollution.

The GOP of Nixon and Reagan is fully dead. Actual Conservatives aren't fans of these kinds of market imbalances which favor polluters and socialize/externalize the costs.
With enhanced science there will be no more Superfund cleanups needed.
That it's pretty difficult to say goodbye to something you don't have in the first place? Or should I drive over to Macbride next summer and stare longingly into the algae bloom cesspool and say goodbye to it?
My bigger point obviously is this is more bs from the left trying to pretend like everything is going to hell now that we have a gop potus when in reality, our water quality mostly sucks regardless of who's in the white house.
No one on the left was saying things were all great before Trump. Some were dangerously bad.

But now they are worse in nearly all cases, and the GOP is eliminating what protections there were.

How can you defend that? Why would you try? Why would you misrepresent those who care about these things in an effort to defend Trump and the GOP?

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