

Jun 7, 2015
Just saw a clip from the MSU-Air Force game in which an MSU player, Bullough, I think, one of their top guys, was penalized 15 yards AND ejected for targeting late in the game. The hit wasn't even close to the shots on Beathard and some other Iowa players Saturday night. If the MSU officiating crew had been in Iowa City, Pitt would have lost 3 or 4 defensive players to ejections.

The targeting rule is pretty clear. The plays on which it applies are usually highly visible, as was the case in Iowa City Saturday night.

I hope Mr. Barta is sending video to the powers that be. The lack of calls against Pitt for targeting was egregious and should not be allowed to stand without comment...not to mention one of the worst no calls on pass interference I can ever recall. Iowa needs to stand up for the safety of its players.
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Just saw a clip from the MSU-Air Force game in which an MSU player, Bullough, I think, one of their top guys, was penalized 15 yards AND ejected for targeting late in the game. The hit wasn't even close to the shots on Beathard and some other Iowa players Saturday night. If the MSU officiating crew had been in Iowa City, Pitt would have lost 3 or 4 defensive players to ejections.

The targeting rule is pretty clear. The plays on which it applies are usually highly visible, as was the case in Iowa City Saturday night.

I hope Mr. Barta is sending video to the powers that be. The lack of calls against Pitt for targeting was egregious and should not be allowed to stand without comment...not to mention one of the worst no calls on pass interference I can ever recall. Iowa needs to stand up for the safety of its players.

I agree with your sentiment because I literally hate the way Narduzzi coaches defense. As a non-conference game against an opponent we won't see again in the near future I don't know how hard Barta will push the issue other than to avoid one-sided officiating like that at Kinnick in the future.

I hope that other ACC coaches start to take notice of the way Pitt plays. Coaches like Narduzzi put the game at risk with concussions altering so many players' careers and lives. The targeting at all levels in football simply has to stop.
I watched that and it was Bullough and he left to a standing ovation for targeting.
I believe the explanation on the targeting non-call on Beatherd is that he was not in a defenseless position. There is plenty of helmet to helmet stuff that is not called
How was it different than the first one that was called. Both went high, both hit him in the helmet. I actually think the one that was not called was worse.
I believe the explanation on the targeting non-call on Beatherd is that he was not in a defenseless position. There is plenty of helmet to helmet stuff that is not called

Yes, I heard/read that also.

CJB did not see that LB until he was about 2 yards away. The LB had about a 12 yd run up on the play and the closest p/o the LB to CJB prior to the hit was the crown of his helmet.

So it was questionable whether CJB was defenseless or not. It wasn't questionable whether the LB led w/ his helmet crown. The call was missed.

Below are the rules from 2015 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations.

Targeting and Making Forcible Contact With the Crown of the Helmet

ARTICLE 3. No player shall target and make forcible contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.

(Rule 9-6) (A.R. 9-1-3-I)

Targeting and Making Forcible Contact to Head or Neck Area of a Defenseless Player

ARTICLE 4. No player shall target and make forcible contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder. When in question, it is a foul (Rules 2-27-14 and 9-6). (A.R. 9-1-4-I-VI)
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Definitely applies to the hit on Beathard...

ARTICLE 3. No player shall target and make forcible contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.
Definitely applies to the hit on Beathard...

ARTICLE 3. No player shall target and make forcible contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.

Yeah, that is pretty cut-and-dried, and it describes that 1st hit on Beathard.
I believe the explanation on the targeting non-call on Beatherd is that he was not in a defenseless position. There is plenty of helmet to helmet stuff that is not called
I get that there are many helmet to helmet non calls, but how in the world do you miss that call on a QB with the ball in his hand....the back judges sole responsibility is to watch the QB....that was about as obvious of a call as there ever has been.....wasn't it ACC officiating in the infamous bowl game against Florida (Abdul Hodge got called for fantom helmet to helmet on Chris Leak)...not to mention the safety laying out Tavaun Smith on post route, there is to be no contact on a WR past 5 yards and their DB's are literally laying out our WR's on their routes
I would like to see Barta send video clips from Saturday night to the commissioner of the ACC. Let them know firsthand what to expect from Narduzzi and Pittsburgh and how poorly their officials handled the situation. For the life of me I don't know why you don't have officials from a neutral conference working a nonconference game like that that.

The comment about the Michigan State player receiving a standing ovation after getting ejected for targeting really struck me. I find it sad but don't mean to pick on Michigan State fans. That mentality will become a thing of the past for the game to evolve and move forward.
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