Here are a few team stats for Iowa, total season, compared to other conference teams.
FT% Iowa #3 (MD #1)
Steals Iowa #3 (IND #1)
3pt % Iowa #3 (IND #1)
3pt % defense Iowa #3 (MSU #1)
Rebounds Iowa #4 (PUR #1)
Scoring Iowa #2 (IND #1)
Assista Iowa #3 (MSU #1)
Blocks Iowa #1 *****
Asst/T/O ratio Iowa #2 (NW #1)
Rebound margin Iowa #10 (MSU #1)
Individual...Uthoff leading the league in scoring and shot blocks***
Comments...Iowa seems very balanced across the board to this point. I was surprised by Iowa's FT percentage. Also surprised by the three point stats. Iowa is shooting well and playing good defense against the three pointers.
Indiana is ranked pretty highly but this must be understood by their schedule in the conference to this point: Rutgers/Neb/Wisc.
Fran has the team humming along quite well in a balanced way. Seniors lead the way...great play off the bench has enhanced the team production.
FT% Iowa #3 (MD #1)
Steals Iowa #3 (IND #1)
3pt % Iowa #3 (IND #1)
3pt % defense Iowa #3 (MSU #1)
Rebounds Iowa #4 (PUR #1)
Scoring Iowa #2 (IND #1)
Assista Iowa #3 (MSU #1)
Blocks Iowa #1 *****
Asst/T/O ratio Iowa #2 (NW #1)
Rebound margin Iowa #10 (MSU #1)
Individual...Uthoff leading the league in scoring and shot blocks***
Comments...Iowa seems very balanced across the board to this point. I was surprised by Iowa's FT percentage. Also surprised by the three point stats. Iowa is shooting well and playing good defense against the three pointers.
Indiana is ranked pretty highly but this must be understood by their schedule in the conference to this point: Rutgers/Neb/Wisc.
Fran has the team humming along quite well in a balanced way. Seniors lead the way...great play off the bench has enhanced the team production.