Tell me more about these prisoners she kept for labor...

Mar 11, 2020
Idgaf about the weed charges and smoking herself, I don't give a shir how many dudes she's been with, what's the deal with this forced labor shit for prisoners though? That seems like something that should have been a big deal.
Idgaf about the weed charges and smoking herself, I don't give a shir how many dudes she's been with, what's the deal with this forced labor shit for prisoners though? That seems like something that should have been a big deal.
If you are basing your vote on the morality comparison of the two candidates, you will not find a reason to vote for Trump.
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Idgaf about the weed charges and smoking herself, I don't give a shir how many dudes she's been with, what's the deal with this forced labor shit for prisoners though? That seems like something that should have been a big deal.

Among the arguments to not release minimum security prison convicts early the state cited their contribution to raking the forests.

It’s really a nothingburger.
That is why I would like to know more.
Incredulous What Are You Doing GIF
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Probably should ask the people making the accusations for the evidence.

She argued that offering the 2:1 rule to everybody that qualified would collapse the prison work system. Some people got it, some people didn't, oddly enough it seemed to be disproportionately African Americans who did NOT get the 2:1 even though they met the requirements.

And again, her argument wasn't "they didn't meet this" it was "we need workers".
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Anyone find it interesting that in the last 24 hours Trump voters are suddenly such strong advocates for African Americans caught up in the criminal justice system?

I do.
It hasn't been thr last 24 hours. Thr black community is looking at Teump as one of their own for being prosecuted, you guys are just dealing with the fallout.

Anyway, seems a bit ****ed.
Here is the CBS News analysis of Tulsi Gabbard’s accusation in the July 2019 debate.

The 2014 incident to which this refers was a fight over the early release of prisoners not holding past their sentence.

After California was ordered to reduce the population of overcrowded prisons, the state was sued by plaintiffs who claimed it was slow-walking the release of prisoners. At the time, the state encouraged certain "minimum custody" prisoners to help fight wildfires by offering them two years credit for every year served (2-for-1 program).

Plaintiffs in the case, Plata v. Brown, wanted all minimum-custody inmates to be granted the 2-for-1 program, including people who performed less-dangerous, non-fire labor.

Attorneys for attorney general Harris argued, among other things, that expanding the 2-for-1 program would remove the incentive to join the fire teams: "Extending 2-for-1 credits to all minimum custody inmates at this time would severely impact fire camp participation -- a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought."

The AG's office also argued that granting 2-for-1 early release to the non-fire laborers "would result in higher turnover [of those workers] and an even greater demand for minimum-custody inmates [forcing the state] to draw down its fire camp population to fill these vital ... positions." [See PDF]

The L.A. Times reported on the arguments and Harris claimed to be "shocked" at the news.

Later she said, "The way that argument played out in court does not reflect my priorities."

The court ordered the parties to negotiate and, about a month after Harris was apparently made aware of her office's arguments, the state agreed to give 2-for-1 credits to all minimum-custody prisoners who have not committed a violent crime and do not have a "prior strike" enhancement.
Anyone find it interesting that in the last 24 hours Trump voters are suddenly such strong advocates for African Americans caught up in the criminal justice system?

I do.
And are very concerned with the feelings of the Democrat primary voters. It's all very reassuring.
Now look up Sheriff Joe in Arizona, he was beloved by the right and Trump had him at many events. The Right loves forced labor from prisoners.
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Idgaf about the weed charges and smoking herself, I don't give a shir how many dudes she's been with, what's the deal with this forced labor shit for prisoners though? That seems like something that should have been a big deal.
She's a clown in a dress.

She can't string 2 sentences together in order to make a point.

This is better than watching a train wreck, the Dem Convention in Chicago might win a Golden Globe for the year's best comedy show.

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